AT&T CEO Shuns American Workers


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
More outright betrayal by these Globalist Corporations. Sellout scumbags like Stephenson fill top tier positions on most large "American" Corporations. I see this first hand every (work)day with the vast number of Indian (H-1B) Developers in the IT company I work for. It's disgusting to see these American based companies continue to give the collective middle finger to American workers!

AT&T CEO says hard to find skilled U.S. workers

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Reuters) - The head of the top U.S. phone company AT&T Inc (T.N) said on Wednesday it was having trouble finding enough skilled workers to fill all the 5,000 customer service jobs it promised to return to the United States from India.

"We're having trouble finding the numbers that we need with the skills that are required to do these jobs," AT&T Chief Executive Randall Stephenson told a business group in San Antonio, where the company's headquarters is located.

So far, only around 1,400 jobs have been returned to the United States of 5,000, a target it set in 2006, the company said, adding that it maintains the target.

Stephenson said he is especially distressed that in some U.S. communities and among certain groups, the high school dropout rate is as high as 50 percent.

"If I had a business that half the product we turned out was defective or you couldn't put into the marketplace, I would shut that business down," he said.

Gone are the days when AT&T and other U.S. companies had to hire locally, he said.

"We're able to do new product engineering in Bangalore as easily as we're able to do it in Austin, Texas," he said, referring to the Indian city where many international companies have "outsourced" technical and customer support workers.

"I know you don't like hearing that, but that's the way it is," he said.

Stephenson said neither he nor most Americans liked the situation, and the solution was a stronger U.S. focus on education and keeping jobs. Business needed to help, such as AT&T's repatriation of service positions and education grants, he added.

***Reference article...

AT&T Craps On American Workers Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Dixieland's a good opinion-piece on the non-stop selling out of American workers by Globalist Elite controlled Corporations (as they're cheered on by Central Bankers like Greenspan)...

Opposing view: A corporate 'feeding frenzy'

Tue Mar 25, 12:21 AM ET

By Dan Stein

Today we are watching an amazing spectacle: Many in Congress â€â€￾ including allegedly labor-friendly Democrats â€â€￾ are pushing to increase the importation of foreign labor just as the USA slips into what may be its worst recession in decades.

Why? Because the greed of a handful of multinationals is demanding more and more access to "skilled" foreign labor.

Sure, we hear bogus "studies" that claim garden-variety foreign programmers will save the U.S. economy. But former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan recently admitted the real agenda: "Significantly opening up immigration to skilled workers ... would compete with high-income people, driving more income equality." In 2007, he further opined that, "Our skilled wages are higher than anywhere in the world. If we open up a significant window for skilled (foreign) workers, that would suppress the skilled-wage level and end the concentration of income."

Thanks, Alan! Having shipped so many good jobs overseas, we now find that U.S. workers who acquire job skills are overpaid!

Since 1990, Congress has allowed U.S. and multinational businesses to use foreign "nonimmigrant" visa programs to drive down wages and displace American workers. What began as a short-term fix for a supposed "short-term" shortage of programmers has turned into another elitist feeding frenzy for greedy people at the top of the food chain.

The use of foreign workers has exploded at a time of rising economic insecurity. Since 1985, the number of foreign worker admissions has increased by 426%, while the U.S. civilian workforce has only increased by about 29%. This is a "temporary" shortage? The main culprits are the H-1B and L-1B visa programs with meaningless labor protections now filling more than a million jobs.

Sens. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, and Richard Durbin, D-Ill., are making a valiant effort to curb the excesses. But as with most other bloated immigration programs that become oversubscribed, Congress' first reaction is not to eliminate the loopholes. It's to just raise the numbers.

Don't get me wrong. My organization supports competing to attract the world's best and brightest. Jacking up the level of H-1Bs won't get us there.

***Reference article...
A Coporate Feeding Frenzy
Oct 24, 2005
Is ATT&T going to shun american customers?
Dick Durbin is not trying to curb excesses. He is the the sponser of the DREAM act. This would pay the college tuition for illegal imigrants.