Astros too white?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Joe Morgan and Bud Selig aretroubled about the lack of blacks on the Astros and in baseball. GING_DIVERSITY?SITE=NCGRE&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFA ULT&CTIME=2005-10-25-18-24-54

HOUSTON (AP) -- Joe Morgan worries about the face of baseball. Watching the World Series, the Hall of Famer is troubled by what he sees.

His old team, the Houston Astros, is down 2-0 to the Chicago White Sox, but it's not their lineup that concerns Morgan. It's their makeup.

The Astros are the first World Series team in more than a half-century with a roster that doesn't include a single black player.

``We know that we have to work to do,'' Commissioner Bud Selig said Tuesday. ``We'll continue to intensify our efforts. I'm very aware, I'm extremely sensitive about it, and I feel badly about it. But we need to get to work to change things.''

Astros general manager Tim Purpura agrees.

``I think it's a huge, huge problem for baseball,'' he saidEdited by: Bart
Bud Selig (Good Irish name, huh?)</span> continues his efforts to trash Whites, as his people are wont to do.

Attendance is up across the board in baseball. You'd think that
the commissioner would be ecstatic about the rising attendance and he
would commit himself to putting a better product on the field.
The fact that he sees a "problem" with a smaller number of blacks on
the field is PROOF that his mission is not to improve baseball but
rather to promote blacks and other non-Whites. That's what
happens when people like Selig gain control over our institutions.
I would like to ask Joe Morgan whytheir is such a problem of Black under representation.Why is that such a problem, why dose it break his heart so much.They are over disproportionately represented in sports such as football and basketball so their is no shortage of opportunitys for young Blacks in sports.What dose he want Black dominance in Baseball aswell.He is basically saying that they are such fabolous,brilliant,gifted,exceptional ,magnificent athletes and so superier to everybody else that if the colleges and major teams dont reflect a Black demographic of 70% then its appalling racism.
Someone could ask Joe Morgan; "Joe, how many World Series did they Astros play in when you were on the team?"
I should have proofread my comment. I meant to write: "Joe, how many World Series did the Astros play in when you were on the team?"
Joe Morgan is a piece of crap. When blacks comprise only %12 of the population doesn't then make sense for statistical purposes that the MLB is only %9 black. It makes perfect sense. Do the math Morgan whats wrong here? Joe probably wants a %80 black league population similar to that of the NBA now that would be fair wouldn't Joe.
Joe Morgan would never have played in a World Series with the Reds if not for White men like Pete Rose and Johnny Bench! Morgan can only wish he could play 2nd Base like Ryan Sandberg. Morgan is a racist. His favorite player Willie Mays was good but not GREAT like Joe DiMaggio or Ted Williams!
Black Americans are still over-represented in MLB in proportion to the population. What is appalling is that NOBODY in the media can apparently do simple math and point this out. Black Americans (not counting black skinned latinos) make up 9% of MLB rosters while blacks make-up 12-18% depending on which numbers you believe. With those numbers you have to consider that MLB is now composed of about 40% Latinos or other foreigners (many of which are every bit as black as anybody). If you don't consider the 40% at all then the 9% of blacks becomes a much bigger percent (about 15%)when compared to baseball players from America only. (I don't know the exact number but I think they are close)
When Bud Selig tries to artificially inflate the number of Latinos in baseball (which he has done)and blacks in baseball (which he is trying to do) he is really saying we need to reduce the number of white baseball players. Social engineering at its best!
We've discussed this before, but how many of the so-called Hispanic players are black? The black representation in baseball is most assuredly much higher than suggested.

According to the article: The White Sox have three black players on their Series roster: Jermaine Dye, Carl Everett and Willie Harris, along with coaches Tim Raines and Harold Baines.

Is that really accurate?Take a look at White Sox pitcher Contreras, wouldn't he be considered black? Or how about Astacio who pitched for the supposedly blackless Astros?What percentage of Latinos, Hispanics and Caribbeans in the Major Leagues are essentially black? Who came up with the statistical breakdown?Has it been published? I would seriously like to know what Contreras is listed as by the league. Not to mention Ortiz and many others.

From the Joe Morgan article, concerning the Sox.They also have eight Hispanic players and Japanese second baseman Tadahito Iguchi.

Okay, they have eight Hispanic players. lets look at them. Timo Perez, Juan Uribe, Pablo Ozuna,Luis Viscaino, D'amaso Marte, Orlando Hernandez, Jose Comtreras and Freddie Garcia. Except for the Venezuelan Garcia, the others look more black than anything else.

I saw the article in the usa today and was outraged, how can a minority be a majority of everything, blacks wont be happy until the nfl,nba,mlb,nhl,nascar and golf, and every job that pays above minimum wage are 100% black. I cant believe a newspaper actually writes this garbage, I saw a show on espn 2 a week ago the guys name was steven smith he talked to a black high school coach and they talked about how blacks are discrimintated against and not allowed to play cf,ss, and pitcher and how black bench players are paid less then white bench players.
The reason there are few American blacks in baseball is pretty simple. How many black kids aspire to be Willie Mays? None, they all want to be the next Kobe or Lebron. Whereas the white kids want to be the next Clemens. In my neighborhood, I see batting cages in people's back yards and white kids playing Little League when they're 6 years old. Their parents are paying for offseason baseball camps and buying those Tom Zemanski baseball tutorial videos.
Amren poster on Latino Legendsshowcased at World Series.

Did you all see the "Latino Legends" part of the WORLD SERIES per game show yesterday?


Imagine if they had WHITE LEGENDS night? Oh, the howls of racism! Why is it that "Latino Pride" is ok, "Black Pride is ok", "Asian Pride" is ok, even "GAY PRIDE is ok", but just try and host a WHITE PRIDE event, say at your campus, and see what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Btw, mots of the so called "Latino Legends" from last nights pre game show looked BLACK to me!! Most of em were from the Carribean, but RACIALLY speaking, they are Spanish speaking AFRICANS.

Can some genius explain why AFRICANS, Mexican mestizos and INDIANS, are even called "LATINOS" in the first place? Weren't the LATINS a WHITE race of ppl from the ITALIAN peninsula??

We can thank Bud "Funny, you DO look jewish" Selig for the
pro-miscegeny orgy that was the "Latino Legends" spectacle, which was
really nothing more than a "celebration" of racial mixing.

While some of the Carribean players are jet-black, most are "blended"
in degrees differing from A-Rod's "light bronze" to Pedro Martinez's
"burnt umber."

Here's a question: Where the h*ll was Mark Texiera? Isn't he "Latino"? Or does his Caucasian-ness exclude him?
Let's just imagine for a second, if a retired ex-NBA player, say John Havlicek, or an ex-NFL player, maybe John Brodie came out and said that they were very troubled with the lack of whites on an NBA team, or and NFL team. I can see the headlines in the newspapers now, and hear every talking-head on television, and most all of our so-called political leaders decrying such "racist statements."

I wonder why I hear nothing similar said about what Morgan said? And I also heard that Henry Aaron was concerned about the "problem."
Bart said:
Joe Morgan and Bud Selig aretroubled about the lack of blacks on the Astros and in baseball.

<a href=";SECTION=HOME&amp;TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&amp;CTIME=2005-10-25-18-24-54" target="_blank" target="_blank">
ULT&amp;CTIME=2005-10-25-18-24-54 </a>

HOUSTON (AP) -- Joe Morgan worries about the face of baseball. Watching the World Series, the Hall of Famer is troubled by what he sees.

His old team, the Houston Astros, is down 2-0 to the Chicago White
Sox, but it's not their lineup that concerns Morgan. It's their makeup.

The Astros are the first World Series team in more than a half-century with a roster that doesn't include a single black player.

``We know that we have to work to do,'' Commissioner Bud Selig said
Tuesday. ``We'll continue to intensify our efforts. I'm very aware, I'm
extremely sensitive about it, and I feel badly about it. But we need to
get to work to change things.''

Astros general manager Tim Purpura agrees.

``I think it's a huge, huge problem for baseball,'' he said

If I know one thing,it's that the PC crowd always go after only the
successfull Whites -the ones that succeed without much,if

Don't think I didn't notice that he didn't say this sh*t,until the time
right after the Astros had won the LCS,and right before Game 1 of the

How were these overwhelmingly White Astros able to beat the more
racially mixed Braves and Cardinals?If they had lost to either of those
teams,there's no doubt he wouldn't be bitching this racist propaganda .

I believe if We look at this in the right ways,Whites everywhere should
believe that an all -White,or at least 99% White team,can beat racially
"diverse" teams,and be inspired to do so!Let's get to work!
Old Joe Morgan could Tick Off theGood Humor Man
Amazing how bitter a number of very successful black baseballers from the 1960s 1970s dayz, who were beneficiaries of lots of good will from whites, esp white fans. Willie Mays and Hank Aaron come to mind, they often have such angry things to say about white fans ... who ultimately paid their large checks through the years. Frank Robby can be that way, so can Dusty Baker and a half-dozen others. It's sad, goodwill is returned with mainly bitterbile
The Astros have signed OF Preston Wilson to a contract that will pay him $4.5 million for one season, or $28 million over four years. Wilson's a .264 lifetime hitter who had a big power season for the Rockies in '03 -- 36 HR 141 RBI. He's 31 years old. It's hard not to get the feeling, especially when the Astros' main offseason problem was fitting most or all of their present stars within their salary structure, that this signing was a capitulation to the whiningCaste System supporterswho couldn't stand the fact that the NL champs had no blacks on their roster last year.

The A's added some color to their roster, too.
Yeah the A's got hot head and flaming racist LF Milton Bradley. I just don't see Milton getting along with anyone in that clubhouse.
The A's have gotten blacker still with the addition of injury-prone Frank Thomas.Part-way through last season they had zero blacks then they brought in Jay Payton and now in the off-season they sign Bradley and Thomas.They were feeling the heat.
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