Anti-White Brainwashing Or Intimidation


Feb 23, 2013
New York
It is high time a thread was started where we post evidence of anti-white brainwashing or intimidation. It is much easier to report evidence of intimidation, but less so of the subtle anti-white brainwashing that abounds. Let visitors of this site see and take with them knowledge that is from most sources here of America cloistered, but here expounded.


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The above is our Dorothy, from Kansas City, who, has not been taken away from her home to the land of OZ by a tornado, rather, has been brought there slowly, dragged there, by a slow cruel creep of tempestuous, raging, and violent ideas embedded in the minds of those around her.
British theatre is 'hideously white' and will not survive unless it hires more black and Asian performers warns Andrew Lloyd Webber

Andrew Lloyd Webber has today blasted the 'hideously white' British theatre whose directors regularly 'downgrade' black or Asian actors to 'hoods and hookers'.

The star composer, 68, who created Cats, Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar and The Phantom of the Opera, has said that unless plays and musicals better reflect UK diversity its survival is at risk.

He made the stark warnings in a diversity report published for the first time today, and reveals black and Asian performers are ignored or sidelined.

It says that ethnic actors who were classically trained and perfect for Shakespeare roles were told by agents to 'develop a London accent' if they are to get work.

Other actors said that they were encouraged to follow a different career because British theatre is considered 'racist' and just wants black or Asian stars if they willing to take stereotypical roles.


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This is a hideous comment from a dull, generic producer. Webber is no "star" from what I have seen of his work. This man is the manufacture of wealthy Jewish money. He doesn't mind making his money off the backs of white theater customers. Another attack on a mostly white endeavor. He may also say there are too many white scientists, too many white investors, too many white judges, lawyers, engineers, doctors, designers, architects, etc. There is something wrong when too many whites collectively form endeavors and succeed at it. Of, course, that is really what is being said here.
British theatre is 'hideously white' and will not survive unless it hires more black and Asian performers warns Andrew Lloyd Webber

Andrew Lloyd Webber has today blasted the 'hideously white' British theatre whose directors regularly 'downgrade' black or Asian actors to 'hoods and hookers'.

The star composer, 68, who created Cats, Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar and The Phantom of the Opera, has said that unless plays and musicals better reflect UK diversity its survival is at risk.

He made the stark warnings in a diversity report published for the first time today, and reveals black and Asian performers are ignored or sidelined.

It says that ethnic actors who were classically trained and perfect for Shakespeare roles were told by agents to 'develop a London accent' if they are to get work.

Other actors said that they were encouraged to follow a different career because British theatre is considered 'racist' and just wants black or Asian stars if they willing to take stereotypical roles.


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This is a hideous comment from a dull, generic producer. Webber is no "star" from what I have seen of his work. This man is the manufacture of wealthy Jewish money. He doesn't mind making his money off the backs of white theater customers. Another attack on a mostly white endeavor. He may also say there are too many white scientists, too many white investors, too many white judges, lawyers, engineers, doctors, designers, architects, etc. There is something wrong when too many whites collectively form endeavors and succeed at it. Of, course, that is really what is being said here.

That candy@$$ is certainly no real man. What kind of cream puff creates "musicals" for a living? A bunch of namby pamby fairies prancing around the stage singing some sissy song. That type of mess probably goes over real well in San F@gs1ssyco. :rolleyes:
"It says that ethnic actors who were classically trained and perfect for Shakespeare roles were told by agents to 'develop a London accent' if they are to get work."

Andrew Lloyd Webber should stop promoting cultural appropriation and admit that the people that Shakespeare wrote about and to were also "hideously white". Non-whites should be excluded from roles written by the author as white.

I can think of a couple other things that are hideously white, the neighborhood that Andrew Lloyd Webber lives in and the only people interested in paying $100 to see his overblown productions.

Many years ago I went to see "Cats", it's still 2 1/2 hrs. of my life I wish I could get back.
Reginald Denny Syndrome:

What is Wrong with White People? White U.S. Military Veteran Shot and Paralyzed by Black Male Buys Christmas Gifts for Would-be Murderers Family

Black people are the suspects in almost crime, fatal/nonfatal shooting in St. Louis.
This is a fact, supported by a careful examination of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department's "Annual Report to the Community."
What is also a fact is this: Chris Sanna, a white U.S. Military Veteran,was shot by a black male as he left a St. Louis Cardinals game and had his spine severed by the bullet.

His life, ruined.

But his pathological altruism sees him giving the family of the black man who tried to kill him Christmas gifts...[Veteran who was shot, paralyzed after Cardinals game buys presents for shooter's family,, 12-14-16]:

A veteran shot and paralyzed after a Cardinals game last year made a moving show of generosity towards the family of the man who shot him.Chris Sanna was shot during an armed robbery near the Old Cathedral in downtown St. Louis in September, 2015.Wednesday, Sanna talked about reaching out to the family of the man who shot him, Kilwa Jones.“We're supposed to get together, I got them gift cards and stuff for Christmas, we're just trying to get the trial and stuff out of the way,” Sanna said.Jones has already been sentenced to 35 years in a federal prison for the armed robbery that left Sanna paralyzed.“They're going to have to go visit him in jail, and he probably wishes that night never happened just like I do," Sanna said.A judge gave him until this Friday to make a plea decision on state charges stemming from the case.What... what... what is wrong with white people?
One More Hate Crime Hoax To End The Year

A Houston man was left shaken after his home and vehicle were defaced with racist hate speech.

The Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office said the 51-year-old resident, who wished to remain anonymous, woke up Friday morning to his burned out SUV that had ‘N****r LEAVE’ and ‘GET Out’ painted in red on the car doors, according to KPRC.

He told the station that he was when he saw flashing lights just after 5am and noticed his car was on fire.

‘I walked to the front and looked out the window and seen my car out there all burned up,’ the man, who lives at the home alone, told the station.

‘It’s disturbing. It’s sick thoughts that makes people do these crazy things,’ he said.

The same racist speech was also found on the man’s home in the 300 block of San Jacinto Street.

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Yeah, it’s disturbing alright, that people keep committing these hate crime hoaxes. When are these fools gonna learn that you never get away with it?

Here’s one telling comment from the article:

I live in this area, and it is almost entirely black. Racism is pretty much non-existent here and it is inner city so no one really cares. That this man has only been in this house for 8 months makes me suspicious. Most likely he is new to Houston and from a northern city were he can get a rise out of people by playing the racist card. Good luck with that here. If I were a betting man I would bet that this will turn out to be a hoax with the goal of getting an insurance payment on the car which the owner is likely no longer able to afford.

I’m pretty sure the local police aren’t fooled one bit and are already investigating the “victim.” Don’t be surprised if they find an empty can of red spray paint in his garbage can with his fingerprints on it.

BTW: Judging from the pic above, I see he couldn’t wait to post this to his Facebook page, because that’s what a shocked victim of racism would do. Better get your 15 minutes of Facebook fame before the cops haul your ass to jail for arson and insurance fraud.

Oh and for those who insist such cases of fraud are isolated incidents, The Lid blog has a list of 30 fake hate crimes that have occurred since Obama was elected.

Looks like a house from an all-black ghetto. No whites live around there, and why would a "white racist" want a black to leave a black ghetto anyway? Poor attempt by a feeble mind.
This one is WTF/Ridiculous/Funny: black women think science is just a "Western construct" and should be scrapped. Good to watch about 10 seconds of....

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This one is WTF/Ridiculous/Funny: black women think science is just a "Western construct" and should be scrapped. Good to watch about 10 seconds of....

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Silly is for us Whites! ;-)
But they sure will go to a modern hospital that practices "White" science, will use cars, computers, cell phones, televisons, etc., all scientific inventions of da white man. Stupid sheboons.
Soviet defector and former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov talks about how the Communists used brainwashing to subvert countries.

Great article this week by Gregory Hood. It has a handle on the writing on the wall. The Commie Dems take power in the House this week and are out for blood, probably more literally than we think. If they get the WH in 2020, given the demographics they are shoving down our throats, there'll be likely no turning back:

Just remember the Republicans with few exceptions have been the Democrats' eager partners in crime going back to the fateful 1965 Immigration Act, which history will likely record sealed this country's fate.

Dems love non-Whites who overwhelmingly become reliable Democrat voters; Republicans love the cheap labor aspect. Being anti-White Democrat commies and socialists doesn't excuse what the Republicans and Conservatism Inc. have done over the half-century plus to bring about the current state of The Great Replacement. Even now, Trump has few reliable GOP supporters in Congress. Most can't wait until he's gone.
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Just remember the Republicans with few exceptions have been the Democrats' eager partners in crime going back to the fateful 1965 Immigration Act, which history will likely record sealed this country's fate.

Dems love non-Whites who overwhelmingly become reliable Democrat voters; Republicans love the cheap labor aspect. Being anti-White Democrat commies and socialists doesn't excuse what the Republicans and Conservatism Inc. have done over the half-century plus to bring about the current state of The Great Replacement. Even now, Trump has few reliable GOP supporters in Congress. Most can't wait until he's gone.

Oh, I agree 100,000 percent. I wasn't meaning to imply that it was a Dem only affair as far as the traitorous actions against our people. My harshest disdain is for the Rinos, by far. It took me until about 2000 and certainly by 2006 to realize they were partners with Dems and the most abominable. At least we know what the Dems are.

As you said, very few that even Trump has in his Cabinet are really in his corner. And then we still have the problem of him doing all he can to appease and please the Tribe. It'll never be enough. I hope he sees that before it's too late.
It's interesting; I was interviewed the other day on a radio show and the topic of Trump came up. I gave my opinion (that he's basically an enigma we'll never fully understand) and then asked the host what his thoughts are about our prez. He believes Trump was somewhat naive about the "swamp" and right after taking the oath of office he was informed what the consequences will be, both to his family and his business empire, should his actions begin to resemble his rhetoric. I don't think we'll ever know, but it's a plausible scenario.

I have strongly opposed the ongoing Mueller witch hunt against Trump from the beginning (again, Trump should be counterpunching by "locking her up" among many other obvious tactics that should be pursued), but I do find it curious that Trump has never revealed (voluntarily or involuntarily) his tax returns. Is he even a billionaire as he claims? Has he engaged in tax avoidance schemes that he shouldn't have? Why hide all his tax returns?
I'm to the point to where I don't believe anyone gets to any high public office, especially President, unless the powers that be have some kind of dirt on them to use as serious leverage.

Take Romney for ecample. The guy was basically a saint. Bland, boring, ok sure, but a guy with no dirt and with the morals of Christians/Mormons of America 1.0. His Campaign Advisor was a an obvious joke. No strategy. None. Just jobs, jobs, jobs and a nice face and family. Never challenged Obummer on anything. He wasn't going to be allowed to win. Period.

The PTB have a stranglehold on most everything and now they want our minds. Not promising times ahead without a change in mindsets.
Change in Amerika will never come from the top down. Hope I'm wrong about Trump, but if it doesn't happen with him it never will.

In the meantime, aware Americans, few in number to begin with, continue to exist in a dream world where they think hoping and praying will bring about change. . .
Correct. As you said, few Americans are "aware" but I believe we are growing. And even normies are becoming aware bit by bit. Many are seeing the Govt and high profile long-standing institutions as the culprits of problems instead of the answer. That's a start at least. Whites are the biggest "problem" to ourselves and I don't mean that disparagingly. I just mean we are an altruistic people far beyond other peoples. We are very trusting as well. It has been a two-edged sword for us. Christ Himself was selfless and loving but was amazingly shrewd. He told His followers to be "wise as serpents but harmless as doves". Right now Whites need about 20 "serpents" to every "dove" in the times we are in.
I'm to the point to where I don't believe anyone gets to any high public office, especially President, unless the powers that be have some kind of dirt on them to use as serious leverage.

Take Romney for ecample. The guy was basically a saint. Bland, boring, ok sure, but a guy with no dirt and with the morals of Christians/Mormons of America 1.0. His Campaign Advisor was a an obvious joke. No strategy. None. Just jobs, jobs, jobs and a nice face and family. Never challenged Obummer on anything. He wasn't going to be allowed to win. Period.

The PTB have a stranglehold on most everything and now they want our minds. Not promising times ahead without a change in mindsets.
That's because he was on the same team as the Kenyan; team "Deep State", along with McCain (along with the Bushes and Clintons)...and he was hardly a "saint". Romney stopped campaigning the final month before the election. He was a pawn. The PTB would've gotten their man in with either of them winning.

0bama recently admitted he was born in Kenya (why not?'s not like the Fake News media would ever cover it, and if they did they'd call us "racist" if we objected).
Anytime millions of straight white men support who still support today's Democrat Party who are overtly demonized by its media talking heads and surrogates, the brainwashing has succeeded. Its truly amazing what started in 1968 has succeeded to this level. Hopefully, with the epic clown show of the Democrat presidential candidate line up of socialist, leftists, idiots, lying White billionaires and scumbags about to begin in a couple of months, these White men will WTF up.
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