Another MI-5/6 Black Op in England?


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Given the Globalist Elite's drive to implement their Orwellian police state, it wouldn't suprise me if this was another attempted false-flag OR staged "save" by the heroic government authorities (aka - our "saviors"). It's very suspicious either way.

British MI5 Had Hand In Previous Car Bombings

Security services played role in similar previous attacks, massive car bomb discovered in London

Prison Planet | June 29, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson

Intelligence sources are refusing to rule out an Irish connection to a massive car bomb that was discovered in the heart of London this morning. Though at this early stage the facts are sketchy, any link to the IRA or its offshoots would re-open a can of worms concerning the MI5's role in past terror attacks, and specifically car bombings, over the last few decades in Britain and Northern Ireland.

The timing of the attempted attack coincides with new Prime Minister Gordon Brown taking over from Tony Blair just yesterday.

"The threat of terror returned to London today after a large car bomb was found in the heart of the capital," reports the Daily Mail .
"Bomb squad officers defused the 'massive' device after police investigated reports of a suspicious vehicle in the early hours."

"According to an eyewitness the door staff at the nightclub Tiger, Tiger alerted police after the car, believed to be a silver Mercedes, was driven into bins last night and the driver ran off."
"The witness said the car was being driven 'erratically' before the minor crash. The driver was not stopped."

In any criminal investigation and in particular terrorism inquiry, it is paramount to look at who has the motive and history to carry out such an attack.

It is important to stress that not every terror attack is necessarily part of some elaborate scheme or conspiracy - indeed it is usually small scale incidents such as this that are the work of lone extremists or Islamic fundamentalists who hate the west, of which Britain is inundated with.

But as the facts emerge we would be foolish to overlook the fact that the British security services were intimately involved in numerous terror attacks in Britain over the past few decades, namely car bombings, that were blamed on the IRA or its offshoots. This is particularly relevant considering that officials have refused to rule out an Irish connection in this case.

The sliver car was left outside the Tiger Tiger nightclub on Haymarket. A gas canister can be seen in the bottom left-hand corner of this picture.

Every major IRA bombing in England and Northern Ireland has had the fingerprints of the British government and the FRU all over it.

Starting from at least the 1980's, SAS and British military intelligence agents were routinely ordered to embed themselves within violent branches of the IRA and aid terrorists in carrying out attacks. How do we know this happened? Because one of the individuals who was ordered to do so, Kevin Fulton, blew the whistle on the fact that he was told he had the Prime Minister's blessing to aid terrorists in bomb making and political assassinations.

In addition, mirroring the backdrop of the infiltration of the alleged liquid bomb plot , the August 15th 1998 Omagh bombing was allowed to proceed despite the fact that MI5 had fully infiltrated the Real IRA terror cell, knew the date of the bombing, and had tracked the terrorists' vehicle as it was driven to the bomb site. Again, in this case MI5 had one of their own agents within the bomb squad itself . In this instance, the car bombing went forward and 29 people, including two babies and nine children, were ripped apart as they shopped in a quiet market street.

Documents , lodged as part of a court action being taken against the British government by a disgruntled military intelligence agent, also revealed that an FRU (Force Research Unit) major was the officer who was the handler of the British army's most infamous agent inside the IRA -- a man code named Stakeknife.

Stakeknife is one of Belfast's leading Provisionals. His military handlers allowed him to carry out large numbers of terrorist murders in order to protect his cover within the IRA.

The London Observer further revealed some of the methods employed by the FRU in Northern Ireland, including the "human bomb" technique, which involved "forcing civilians to drive vehicles laden with explosives into army checkpoints".

Former MI5 counter-terrorism officer David Shayler also saw documents indicating that the Israeli's bombed their own embassy in London in 1994 after a car bomb exploded outside the building in Kensington.

He also presented evidence that MI5 had foreknowledge of the 1993 Bishopsgate car bombing that was blamed on the IRA, and could have apprehended the bomb squad but let the attack go ahead.

To forget the proven history of the security service's involvement in car bombings and other terror attacks in Britain and Northern Ireland in light of this latest incident would be very naive, and as more information about the culprits behind this morning's attempted attack is released, that history is likely to become more prescient.

***Reference article/link...

[url] hand_in_previous_car_bomb.htm[/url] Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Possibly another false flag to use "terror" as a pretext for the Globalist's police state. Watch the obliviot sheeple gladly surrender what little rights they have left to Big Brother...

Brown Sweeps In On Staged Terror

Car Bomb Attacks Herald New Wave Of Strategy of Tension
Prison Planet | June 30, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson

The discovery of two unexploded car bombs in London and a bizarre incident today in which a flaming jeep was crashed at high speed into a terminal building at Glasgow Airport could herald a new wave of staged terror carefully timed to coincide with Prime Minister Gordon Brown's installation at Number 10.

The hysteria reached new heights this afternoon when a Jeep Cherokee ploughed into a terminal building at Glasgow Airport before two Asian men on fire exited and were tackled by holidaymakers and police.

Despite the fact that in both this incident and yesterday's events the cars involved were filled with nothing more deadly than gasoline, which is hardly a carnage-inducing explosive, the British government and the media have embarked upon a fresh assault of fearmongering and are hyping the inevitability that more attacks are imminent.

Gordon Brown has swept into Downing Street with the aid of a new injection of the strategy of tension.

In yesterday's article, we underscored the history of car bombings in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and how the fingerprints of the security services and MI5 were all over them in every case.

Whether recent events represent another round of staged terror attacks or are the sole work of Muslim extremists, the true culprits are the the government.

Under the active stewardship of Tony Blair, Britain has left itself wide open to the ravages of rampant and unchecked immigration and is now inundated with an army of radicalized and hate-filled Muslims that are routinely prodded and provoked as a result of Britain's blind support for America's military adventures.

If we were really at war with Islamic terrorists then the British government would impose stringent controls on letting Muslims into the country in the first place and would deport others en masse - but instead the opposite has happened, while everybody's rights are violated and abused in the name of security.

Interesting details are already starting to emerge concerning what authorities might have known before this new wave of attempted attacks.

Despite the use of car bombs being labeled a surprise development, intelligence was obtained and published days before yesterday's incident concerning the likely use of car bombs in Britain.

"Contingency plans have been revised following a review last week and in light of intelligence that extremists might adopt tactics used by insurgents in Iraq," reported the London Telegraph .

Security sources feared that the Wimbledon tennis event would be vulnerable to a car bomb attack. It was also reported that nightclubs may be a target for car bombs. The first vehicle discovered on Friday morning was parked outside a night club.

It is important to stress that there are several kinds of "staged" terror attacks and we have made this distinction on numerous previous occasions and presented the evidence to back it up on a case by case basis.

The first kind is where the operation is wholly planned and executed by rogue units of intelligence agencies after which patsies are framed. The second is where a group is infiltrated and radicalized by a government informant and provocateured into attempting terror attacks. The third is where government policy stirs resentment amongst groups which are essentially prodded into committing acts of violence.

Whatever category these latest events fall into, they will be overhyped, massaged and exploited by the state to achieve its political agenda, thereby defining the state as the true terrorists.

The new hysteria is already being exploited to push the 90 day detention without trial law that the government had previously failed in passing along with a raft of other measures to eviscerate whatever rights Brits had left.

Stay tuned for more reports as events unfold.

***Reference article...

[url] eeps_in_on_staged_terror.htm[/url]


Brown: 'Be United, Resolute And Strong'

Updated: 00:00, Sunday July 01, 2007

The Government has warned of "imminent" terrorist attacks after a Jeep was rammed into Glasgow airport and burst into flames.

The jeep burst into flamesThe UK is now on "critical" alert - its highest terror threat level.

Police say the attack is linked to the two car bombs that were found in the heart of London.

It has also been revealed that one of the two suspects arrested in Scotland was wearing a "suspicious device". Officers would not say whether it was a suicide belt.

Gordon Brown has warned the British people to be vigilant and told them to remain "united, resolute and strong".

The PM made a short statement after emerging from a Cobra emergency meeting, where ministers discussed deploying troops at UK airports.

Mr Brown - who was born in Glasgow - said: "The first duty of the Government is the security and safety of all the British people. So it's right to raise the levels of security at airports and crowded places.

"I want all British people to be vigilant and support the police. I know the British people will stand together united, resolute and strong."

Liverpool's John Lennon airport and Blackpool airport have been closed and security tightened at other UK airports. The US has also installed extra security at its airports.

The Jeep Cherokee was rammed into the terminal at 3.11pm on Saturday afternoon.

Witnesses reported hearing a series of loud "bangs" and saw two men - one of whom was on fire - emerge from the vehicle.

As holidaymakers ran screaming from the terminal, one member of the public managed to floor the man who was in flames.

The suspect was then arrested by police and taken to Paisley's Royal Alexandra Hospital, where he remains in a critical condition with severe burns.

It swerved to ram buildingWillie Rae, chief constable of Strathclyde Police, said part of the hospital was evacuated after the suspect was found wearing a suspicious device. It was then re-opened after the device was removed.

A member of the public was also treated in hospital for a leg injury, he said.

The second man was arrested and taken to Govan high security police station. Police sources said officers subdued one of the suspects with mace spray.

Some witnesses told Sky News they saw three men in the Jeep, and they were all wearing boiler suits. Police said they do not know if there was anyone else in the vehicle.

It comes just a day after two car bombs were found in London. It is also the same week that Gordon Brown became Britain's new Prime Minister, and it is exactly seven days before the second anniversary of the 7/7 attacks in London.

There was chaos at the sceneThe Jeep was being driven at around 30mph when it smashed into a glass door at Terminal One of Glasgow airport.

Hundreds of shocked holidaymakers were in the area at the time, and witnesses said some of them removed gas cylinders from the jeep.

There are reports the occupants - described as Asian males -were trying to pour petrol on the flames.

Holidaymaker Stephen Clarkson said he knocked one of the men to the floor before police intervened.

He said: "I managed to knock the Asian fellow to the ground and four police officers got on top of him."

He added: "His whole body was on fire. He was quite a big fellow and was disorientated otherwise I wouldn't have been able to knock him down."

The airport remains closed and is not expected to open until Sunday morning at the earliest.

Holidaymakers are being sheltered at nearby buildings. Passengers on 12 jets that landed at Glasgow airport are still on board their planes.

***Reference article...,,30100-1273090,00.html Edited by: DixieDestroyer