Another Crazy Site


Mar 8, 2005
United States
I found another one of those crazy sites that is anti-white. I love this site it makes my sides split.
Man, what a bunch of doo! They are for wiping out the white race by breeding with enough whites that it takes the white skin away. I really like how they constructed their "readers" letters and used them as propaganda. What a bunch of racists! They are the ones who should be wiped off the earth, not our white skin.
Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity, Colonel_Reb. lol
Yep, BearArms, and don't I know it!
I came across that recently, too. They're even anti-Zionist. Really that guy- forget his name- is a traitor to the Jewish people, not white people per se. And of course he believes in that mumbo jumbo about "whiteness" being a "social construct", not a biological fact. Idiot.
that sites been around for a while, i think someone put it up just to see how many people they could piss off. its as much of a pipedream as the sites that dream of a racially "pure" society, just the other extreme.
It all reminds me of the end of one of William Faulkner's novels. I think it was Absalom, Absalom. It went:

"I think that in time the Jim Bonds are going to conquer the western hemisphere. Of course it wont quite be in our time and of course as they spread toward the poles they will bleach out again like the rabbits and the birds do, so they wont show up so sharp against the snow. But it will still be Jim Bond; and so in a few thousand years, I who regard you will also have sprung from the loins of African kings."

Even though that's fiction from the mind of a drunk Mississippian, I honestly believe the goal of many blacks is to do that very thing. To destroy whites by intermarriage/miscegenation. Call me crazy, but I've heard more than one person mention it in front of me.
Intermarriage/miscegenation won't make everyone the same color anyway. Most mixed folk look lighter rather than dark. Besides, there is always a few people who would never on there life intermarry with another race. Most of the articles I read on miscegenation were written by Jews. But, I think a lot of people would disagree with this. Eugenics is a dangerous weapon.
I think what Faulkner was getting at, and what the real point is, is that their blood would be in everyone. The existance of true, pure whites would have ended. Just look at college football team pictures if you don't think it's had an effect in the last 30 years. Better yet, go to a public school in the South. You'll see what I'm talking about. Even if the skin color is hardly different, there is still the existance of their genes in the blood.
The .01% difference theory,all kids believe this therefor more intermarriages. What we are taught to believe is that race does not exist. Yet every race has their own month to celebrate.

JD074 said:
I came across that recently, too. They're even
anti-Zionist. Really that guy- forget his name- is a traitor to the
Jewish people, not white people per se. And of course he believes in
that mumbo jumbo about "whiteness" being a "social construct", not a
biological fact. Idiot.

The sick devil's name is Noel Ignatiev.
American Freedom News