Anonymous Conservative


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Here's a good explanation of why the world is so screwed up. It's from the "Anonymous Conservative". Worth a read.

Welcome to the homepage of Anonymous Conservative. I know why you’re here. The world is getting weird. People betray their own and call it intellectual. Morality is now a mark of stupidity, and backward thinking. Strength of character is evil, while weakness and patheity are noble traits to aspire towards. Women are beginning to look like men, and men are becoming more like women. And people who wouldn’t last two seconds in a state of nature are telling us all that we need to destroy our society in a myriad of creative ways, yet nobody seems to notice. I see it too.

Something has gone bizarrely wrong, and you want to find out what it is. This site is dedicated to a simple theory in Evolutionary Biology which explains why all of this is happening in our society. Called r/K Selection Theory, this concept explains why we have two political ideologies, why productive societies will inevitably decay into immoral cesspools of failure and then collapse, and why we will inevitably rise again.

The basic idea behind the theory is that the environment offered by nature comes in two forms, from an evolutionary perspective, and each form of environment is best navigated using a specific psychology. These two forms of environment are differentiated by resource availability, and over the eons, these two environments have culled our populations to exhibit two distinct psychologies, which in turn, manifest as two distinct political ideologies, two distinct cultures, and even, two distinct models of humans.

Sometimes resources are freely available, whether due to a sudden bloom of fruit producing a glut of food, or a predator culling a population down, to the point that there is far more grass than the rabbits can eat. In both cases, food is everywhere. In this environment, everyone who can eat and mate will survive and reproduce. There is a very low standard for offspring to be successes, from a Darwinian perspective. So here, the competition between individuals is to simply produce as many offspring as possible, as fast as possible, without concern for their fitness or ability, so as to out-reproduce your peers.

The fitness of offspring doesn’t matter, since everyone who can eat and mate will carry your genes forward, no matter how weak, stupid, or otherwise unfit they might be.

In Evolutionary Biology the psychology which is best employed in this environment is called an r-selected Reproductive Strategy, and it entails five traits. First, you avoid aggression and competition, since it is an unnecessary risk. Food is everywhere, so those who flee to a new area when confronted, will get free food with no risk, while those who stay and fight risk getting culled, over food which is everywhere, anyway. Second, you mate promiscuously with as many mates as possible to produce as many offspring as possible. Third, fathers abandon offspring to do this, producing a low-investment, single parenting rearing style. The fourth trait is that you mate as early as possible, so the earlier sexualization of young is normal to you. Finally, since there is no competition, there is no need to function or compete as a group. As a result, loyalty to in-group will be a foreign concept, as will the very notion of an in-group.

Obviously, from avoiding conflict and competition, to single parenting, to low-loyalty to in-group, this r-selected Reproductive Strategy is the psychomotive origin of the Political Left, or as it is known in America, Political Liberalism. It produces a model of human which is cowardly, competition averse, promiscuous, supportive of single parenting, supportive of earlier sexualization of young, and which has no real embrace of loyalty, honor, decency, or any other pro-social trait designed to foster group cohesion and functionality, or success in group competition. Females will become manly, to provision and protect their young, which they raise alone, while men become effete castrati, designed for fleeing and fornication, and capable of little else of meaning.

As we see in any society which begins to produce resources freely and copiously, it will gradually begin to trend "r" as time goes on, further highlighting this relationship of resource availability to political psychology, and reproductive strategy.

The opposite environment of the r-environment is the K-selected environment. In K-selection, there are not enough resources to go around, and someone will end up being culled due to an inability to acquire them. Here, instead of favoring those who produce as many offspring as possible, this will favor those who produce the fittest, most capable offspring. As a result, parents focus their efforts on a few offspring, seeking to produce a small number of offspring which are as fit as possible.

The K-selected Reproductive Strategy will also favor five traits, all exactly opposite those of the r-selected srategy. First, you will be aggressive and competitive, since if you don’t compete, you will not get resources. Second, you will carefully select the fittest mate available, and then monopolize that mate’s fitness through monogamy, so nobody else can have as fit an offspring as you will, with your fit mate. Third, you and your mate will raise your children together, using high-investment, two-parent child rearing, so your child will be as capable as possible at maturity. Fourth, mating will begin later in life, so such individuals are maximally mature and able, and able to attract the fittest mate possible for a monogamous relationship. Finally, since K-selection will often evolve into groups fighting other groups for limited resources, you will become in-group-oriented. You will be loyal to in-group, and favoring of things which promote group cohesion like loyalty, decency, cultural traditions and monoculturalism. Out-group will be synonymous with enemy.

Clearly, K-selection is the origin of the Political Right, or as it is known in America, Political Conservatism. It produces a model of human which is competitive, aggressive, protective, monogamous, prone to favor high-investment family values, prone to try and delay sexual activity in the young, and prone to exhibit honor, loyalty, decency, respect for tradition, and other pro-social traits designed to help the group function better, so it might defeat other groups in competitions for limited resources. In this model, females are designed to nurture young, and guide them away from the dangers and threats which the male is programmed to want to deal with - violently and swiftly, for the good of the family, and the group.

Among the many things r/K will explain is the cycles societies seem to go through, be they political or productive. It will also explain the increasingly masculine females, and the increasingly effete males in our society, as well as the origins of homosexuality and its relation to Liberalism, as seen in this blog post, and this blog post. It can also offer insight into how ideologues may see the world differently, as well as why. It even offers insights into how to debate with ideologues, as we began discussing here, and continue to discuss at length in our blog. Combined with an analysis of current conditions, it may even allow us to speculate more accurately on how future events may play out, and where our civilization may be headed, centuries hence.
Dec 10, 2012
thanks for sharin' this.. I dig this kind of information.
I used to really be into Nietzsche.. Obviously he wasn't privy to the modern science of genetics, but he had a lot of instinctual insights into how our innate personality types shape our political & cultural choices when confronting our environment.
I accept that a lot of what I am, is psychologically innate.. even things like politics, which seem learned.. but one short-coming in a purely genetic explanation for society's success & failure, is the ommission of human religion. How a culture's belief, which can transcend personality type, will save or doom it. I believe our rising God-lessness is part of our doom.. and both type As & Bs are buying into a lot of the liberals' Godless existentialism, which sabotages morality & cultural purpose and optimism.
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Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Here's a good explanation of why the world is so screwed up. It's from the "Anonymous Conservative". Worth a read.

Welcome to the homepage of Anonymous Conservative. I know why you’re here. The world is getting weird. People betray their own and call it intellectual...

Something has gone bizarrely wrong, and you want to find out what it is. This site is dedicated to a simple theory in Evolutionary Biology which explains why all of this is happening in our society. Called r/K Selection Theory, this concept explains why we have two political ideologies, ...

The writer has read some of J. P.Rushton's studies, no doubt.