Analysis of the NWO Hierarchy


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Although a tad long-winded, here's a good breakdown of the Globalist Elite...

Establishment Organization

Members of the establishment, and their collaborators, occupy leadership positions and positions of strategic significance in the following six power structure categories:

Academia, institutions of ideology (including foundations and major traditional religions), the news and entertainment media (including ``watchdog'' organizations), and the advertising industry

Banking, finance, and insurance

The intelligence community and militaries

Manufacturing, construction, resource extraction and processing, waste processing, agriculture, transportation, utilities, computer software, and supporting services and industries

Elected office, government bureaucracy, judiciaries, the law enforcement community, prison staffs, law firms, accounting firms, professional organizations, and medical and psychiatric facilities and institutes

Shipping and retail distribution, organized labor, organized crime, citizen militias, and cults

These categories are arranged in a control hierarchy that is intrinsic to the sociological status quo. The architecture and operating system is mostly the product of those in category 1, who in the final analysis are the most powerful. They exert a great influence over the whole of society, including every other category. Those in category 2 control those in category 3 and 4 according to the advice and manipulations of those in category 1. Categories 3 and 4 work hand in hand on tightly integrated manufacturing and technology development projects. They have a thoroughly symbiotic relationship, known as the "military-industrial complex." Those in category 5 and 6 are directed principally by those in category 4, but often directly by those in category 2. The intelligence community portion of category 3 and the law enforcement portion of category 5 also routinely handle coordination of the organized crime and cult portions of category 6 directly. Categories 5 and 6 engage in turf wars with each other when left to their own devices, because they are at the same level of the control hierarchy and have conflicting interests. Those in category 5 are interposed between the public and categories 2-4. In other words, much of the purpose of the visible government (excepting the military) is obstruction of justice.

An individual becomes part of the dominant center of this apparatus through deliberate induction - e.g., by invitation to Skull & Bones or the Bilderberg group. Candidates for induction exhibit acumen for interpersonal manipulation, flexibility of conviction, obedience and dominance, the capacity to studiously sustain elaborate façades and schemes of compartmentalization, susceptibility to bribery and blackmail, lust for and attraction to power, and a predisposition to refrain from forming a conscious, integrated and consistent model of reality. The establishment works to shape society so that this basic personality profile is the norm rather than the exception, and it is naturally prevalent in any case. Often, and more crucially the greater his age, a candidate is in a position of influence or privileged access in one of the power structure categories. Bill Clinton appears to be a case of extreme suitability to the purposes of the establishment, with a very full house of candidate characteristics. George W. Bush appears to be far less suitable from their point of view, as noted for example by Fred Barnes (c.f. "Bush the Insurgent", below).

An interesting example of someone who is probably not a typical member of the establishment is Alan Greenspan. As Fed Chairman Greenspan was in a position of immense influence. He exhibits the capacity to studiously sustain elaborate façades and schemes of compartmentalization. However, he has very little flexibility of conviction, very little lust for power, and no discernible susceptibility to bribery or blackmail. Thus, despite his position and skills, he is thoroughly unsuited to the usual purposes of the establishment leadership. He could not, however, have occupied his position without their assent. Thus, clearly the leadership deems it advantageous to have an individual of true competence and principle in that position, to expertly hold together an economic house of cards until further notice, as it were (In 1999 he had announced his intention to retire in 2000, and while obviously he did not follow through on this threat, he did retire in 2005). Greenspan can be viewed as an unwitting abettor of their schemes. He is aware of the establishment's program in its pecuniary essence, if not its baroque totality as largely illuminated in this compilation. (See his essay on the subject.) His public support for the Financial Services Act of 1998, which permits and facilitates mergers between banks, securities trading firms, and insurance companies, underscores his alignment with trust-permissive infrastructure in general and the establishment leadership in particular.

Those in academia, institutions of ideology (including foundations and major traditional religions), the news and entertainment media (including ``watchdog'' organizations), and the advertising industry include the thinktankers, the Kissingers and Brzezinskis, the spinmeisters, those who gave birth to Mutually Assured Destruction, and those who purvey the blight of communism as a moral imperative. In this category are those who whisper in the ears of hapless figurehead leaders, leaders who are not equipped to recognize, comprehend, or challenge the subtleties, motivations, or indeed, flaws, of the words their so-called advisors deliver to them. This category houses the super-smart super-evil, the social engineers and eugenicists, the architects of slavery and ruin, those who design the curricula which sabotage the youth. It also houses the architects of faith, the cloistered psychological warriors, who adjust the convictions of the flock through the conduit of the church hierarchy, in pursuit of their agenda of control. This category includes the systematicians who, alone in the establishment, have a broad understanding of their endeavor, and of the totality of their evil - though often not recognizing it as such. It is good to realize that the free market system is seen by academics as putting a bunch of amateurs in the driver's seat; thus the superiority of the free market is considered by most academics to be heresy. The academics and ideologues believe they can architect and control a tyrannical world government, because diabolical designs and control are their domain and their aim.

Those in banking, finance, and insurance are concerned with the performance of the transnational industrialists, and also directly with the operation and regulation of currency systems, stock markets, commodity markets (particularly precious metals), and government bonds, and laws and regulations that affect loan performance. The insurers are also concerned with laws that directly affect them (laws mandating liability and health insurance, for example), and with the ability to enforce the terms of their policies wherever the claim originates (requiring a transnational regulatory body). A world government that mandates various types of insurance is, obviously, an appealing prospect for insurers. Insurers are intrinsically interested in heavily instrumented and regulated economies, because this provides the information and regularity needed to precisely set their rates to guarantee profit. A heavily instrumented and regulated world economy is such a complex system that accurate statistical models thereof are not feasible except for large existing corporations, so world government inherently perpetuates an existing oligarchy of insurers. Insurance, it is good to note, is inherently socialist, in that it constitutes a system of wealth redistribution from the healthy and successful to the sick and failed. H.R. 10, the Financial Services Act of 1998 (already passed by the full House - download all 293 pages here as PDF or plaintext), eliminates legacy barriers to consolidation of the industries in this category "To enhance competition in the financial services industry by providing a prudential framework for the affiliation of banks, securities firms, and other financial service providers, and for other purposes."

Since transnational banks routinely make large loans to governments across national boundaries, the bankers have a self-evident direct interest in a supreme world government capable of enforcing the terms of the loan. Another obvious example of interest in globalism is currency market activity, since in these markets one is essentially trading in shares of distinct nations. A world government could enforce prohibitions on fiat devaluation actions, for example. In its role as enforcer of so-called austerity measures, a world government often gains substantial control over the internal decision-making process of a nation's economy, and exercises that control as it sees fit. The IMF and World Bank are undiluted incarnations of this theme. The global bankers, financiers, and insurers believe they can influence a world government so that it implements policies favorable to them. This is not an unreasonable expectation at all, especially when one considers that the world's major intelligence organizations are little more than private eyes and foot soldiers for the international banker clique.

The intelligence community and militaries are a power structure category with a special perspective, who command distinguished assets. Of all the people in the world, those working at the highest level of intelligence synthesis in the Fort Meade, Maryland headquarters of the US National Security Agency have the most complete and accurate picture of the state of the human world, and those working at the highest levels of command in the Pentagon and the Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado headquarters of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, command the most awful military arsenal in existence. This raw knowledge and power informs and intoxicates those who wield it. In fact, the megalomaniacal and apocalyptic vagaries of one of NORAD's early Commanders in Chief are legendary, and ostensibly brushed perilously close to provoking the Soviets to strike first.

Imagine an organization that watches nearly every TV channel in the world, listens to nearly every radio signal in the world, registers and can monitor nearly any long distance phone call in the world, reads nearly every newspaper and magazine in the world, reads nearly every unencrypted email it wants to, and tracks nearly every WWW query and download including the one you made to retrieve what you're reading right now. Imagine it has eyes and ears - human or machine - in nearly every conference room of nearly every major corporation, and in the chambers of nearly every legislative committee. Imagine it has its own state of the art microchip fabrication facility, and a collection of covert surveillance devices qualitatively more advanced than anyone else's. Imagine it speaks nearly every language in the world, and knows many of the important secrets of history. Imagine it could look at nearly any patch of the planet's surface, in millimeter band radar, polarized optical, raster spectrometer, or thermal infrared, nearly any time it wants to, and pick out (though not identify from a cold start) individual people in the pictures. Imagine it is given the details every time anyone writes a check, uses a credit or ATM card, starts or stops service with a utility, registers to vote, or lodges forms with the DMV or a change of address with the post office. Imagine this is only half of its spectrum of intelligence sources. And imagine it has a farm of supercomputers that are the largest agglomeration of computing power in the world, and all those intelligence sources are automatically digested, and those events, locations, and individuals of interest are automatically and promptly presented. The above, and not one gram less, is the staggering extent of the National Security Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and their collaborating Canadian, British, Australian, Israeli, and (to lesser degrees) European and Pacific counterparts.

A complex as powerful as that described above is going to consider itself to be peerless. It can blackmail any politician or lawman, and indeed any businessman who isn't positioned favorably inside the total apparatus, because of its vault of secrets, its cloak of secrecy, and its closet of assassins. In its role as supplier of intelligence product to the rest of the government, its filtrations, distortions, and outright fabrications of reality are pronounced with authority. In pursuit of its agenda, it essentially wages psychological war on the rest of the government, thereby waging often not-so-psychological war on the rest of the world. The NSA is not trusted by the Pentagon - in fact, the relationship is acrimonious. Nonetheless, the Intelligence Axis - to coin a term - needs those in the other categories, and those in the conventional military hierarchy, to transduce their agenda into action. Thus there is a massive collaboration. The Axis is also intensely interested in delocalization and globalization, because geographically sprawling empires rely on electronic messaging for the details of daily operations, allowing monitoring by a surveillance apparatus. The Axis, under the control of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, probably now constitutes the real seat of power on the planet, distinguished and above all others, and the inability of an elite cadre of transnational corporations to get outrageous cryptography regulations relaxed is a demonstration of the imbalance of power. Crucially, there is no boundary between the elite inner core of the Intelligence Axis and the elite inner core of the international banker clique, so the power of the Intelligence Axis and the power of the international bankers is essentially the same power.

Those in manufacturing, construction, resource extraction and processing, waste processing, agriculture, transportation, utilities, computer software, and supporting services and industries are interested primarily in the uniforming of laws that affect their operations and those of potential competitors, though they are also interested in the performance of the transnational banking and insurance concerns. Primary among the laws of concern are commerce and trade regulations (regarding working conditions, wages, benefits, intellectual property, real property, radio spectrum allocation and usage, utilities (intrinsic monopolies, including telephone, cable television, and electricity), contracts, tort exposure, import/export tariffs, taxation, etc.), environmental regulations (regarding atmospheric and aquatic discharge, landfilling and toxic storage, harvesting of natural resources, zoning and sound/light/odor/aesthetic nuisances, etc.), and political process regulations (regarding campaign finance, campaign advertising, balloting and census procedures, political parties, etc.). These industrialists prefer a uniformity of regulation, and of course, prefer that the regulations favor them and hamper actual or potential competitors. In particular, they want to be able to challenge any national law or constitutional tenet, and appeal any judicial decision, to world legislative and judicial bodies with global supremacy. Moreover, they want their sprawling transnational corporate empires to be protected by police and military bodies that are loyal to those world bodies, and not to any particular nation. The World Trade Organization and World Court are nascent incarnations of the policy-making and judicial dimensions of this world government; it is planned that these bodies will evolve so that corporations can bring suits, rather than only nations. Accreditation for a corporation to bring suits in this future world court would be very hard to obtain. Globalization is also intrinsically technology-intensive, and the means of producing this technology are exotic and exclusive (witness the exponentiation of the cost of a competitive microchip fabrication facility). Thus industrialists recognize that globalization intrinsically encourages the perpetuation of monopolies by intrinsic barriers to entry. The global industrialists believe they can influence a world government so that it implements policies favorable to them. This is not an unreasonable expectation.

Shipping and retail distribution, organized labor, organized crime, citizen militias, and cults, the final category, is also a subordinate category. They serve those in the first four power structure categories, and occasionally, those in the fifth. The less unsavory components of the category - shipping and retail distribution and organized labor - are used as mechanisms of economic censorship, and in the case of media retail distribution (newspapers, magazines, books, etc.), are mechanisms of informational censorship. With some evident overlap, the more unsavory remainder of the category is recruited to do the dirtiest of the dirty work - directly sabotaging economic segments, supplying votes and campaign donations, executing assassinations, framing targets, strategic robberies, commerce in contraband, mass brainwashing, major domestic terrorism, recruitment of operatives, etc. In special operations, there is a technique known as sterilization, which amounts to the removal of any item of clothing or equipment revealing the affiliations of the personnel. Organized crime, citizen militias, and cults, serve as standing, sterilized special operations forces. A curious parallel to the military/intelligence category crops up here: organized labor is fully represented in the Council on Foreign Relations, like the conventional military hierarchy, but organized crime, citizen militias, and cults, are of course absent, as are the NSA, NRO, and most other black bag Intelligence Axis components.

Cults come in many flavors; the most notable mass cults are the Church of Scientology and the Unification Church. Cults often serve to field-test and bootstrap mechanisms of socio-political control. Generally, each cult targets a particular demographic: Scientology is a pseudotech UFO religion that targets credulous and troubled Hollywood stars and others in the "New Age" crowd; International Churches of Christ is a neo-Catholic religion that targets desperate college students; the Unification Church targets ordinary adults who seek the comfort of traditional moral rigor as a reaction to social and moral disintegration. Some of the cults, such as Skull and Bones at Yale and the All Souls group at Oxford, are breeding grounds for those destined to be leading establishment operatives, and target college students who are seen to be suited to that role. Some of the cults are actually internal to major state institutions; the Night Stalkers (160th Spec. Ops Aviation Rgmt Airborne) and Delta Force ("Combat Applications Group") are killer cults internal to the US Army, and target those soldiers who have demonstrated (while assigned to mainstream special operations units) an unflinching, unreasoning, absolute loyalty to their commanders, and a capacity to subdue and kill enemies of arbitrary designation in close quarters with extreme competence - and with emotional indifference or enjoyment. Some citizen militias are actually cults, complete with rudimentary brainwashing and religious and political mythologies (often involving strange ancestral and racial theories and elaborate conspiracy theories).

The interest of organized criminals in world government is mostly a consequence of the interest of the power elite, and not an actual direct interest. Organized crime routinely operates over national boundaries, but they don't much care about regulatory harmonization, though they do rely on certain regulatory systems - for example, the drug laws - for the survival of their business. Also, organized crime may recognize the magnified corruptability of the huge world government bureaucracy. Organized labor is, as always, interested in the communism that is a salient component of the tyrannical world government being architected in back rooms.

In each of the above categories, those who are establishment collaborators, and a large proportion of those who are not, are people driven by power lust - by greed for the minds of others, a kind of metaphysical headhunting, a signature attitude of the second hander. Though this is obvious, it is good to be explicit. Not everyone in a significant position in one of these categories is aligned with the establishment, of course. One can be a leader in one of the categories, but in fact be working somewhat against the establishment, as does WorldNetDaily to a certain degree. In fact, if the moniker of establishment collaborator is constrained to those with some explicit knowledge of and participation in plans to subvert the law in pursuit of the goal of tyrannical world government, then only a small proportion of those in each of the power structure categories qualifies. Most of the rest unwittingly or by capitulation aid the relatively few at the core of the establishment. Another key is that the establishment is itself a meme-complex, and most members are infected by it as though Bilderberger model world government were a religious prophecy. This provides another ray of hope for the opposition, since people who collaborate only by dint of consumption by a meme-complex are often not determinedly evil, but only haplessly so, fooled to believe they act in the service of good.

Notice also who is missing in the six categories: one does not find any laborers (construction workers, factory workers, sanitation workers, etc.), shopkeepers, farmers, transportation workers (truckers, etc.), repairmen and technicians, engineers, artists (including musicians and composers, and except when they are working in advertising), structural architects, or physical scientists (as opposed to economists and psychologists, who are very strongly represented in power structure category one, of course). All of these belong in category four, but only managerial positions in category four are represented in the establishment. Precisely those people who have no representation in the establishment are precisely those people who actually make the world work (these are the prime movers), and precisely those people who are represented in the establishment are precisely those people who live and thrive as parasites on the prime movers (and hence are known as second handers). Moreover, observe that Marxism purports to benefit the above prime movers, while populating the corridors of power exclusively with second handers not accountable to the prime movers (the establishment loves communism - in a previous generations they invented it). If you believe Marx's assertion, then I assure you my name is John Roebling and I have a bridge to sell you.

**Reference article...AMPP - Establish Organization


Dec 15, 2005
Shipping is key. Whoever controls shipping controls trade.
Few people are familiar with the very violent circumstances in which the Skull and Bones came to be.
Oct 24, 2005
Freedom said:
Shipping is key. Whoever controls shipping controls trade.
Few people are familiar with the very violent circumstances in which the Skull and Bones came to be.

Tell us.