"American Hiroshima"


Oct 19, 2004
This is one of the scariest articles I've ever read. I hope it's not true, but that's probably just wishful thinking. I can't even fathom what this would be like. Disturbing.


Also interesting point about how Bush has refused to secure the US-Mexican border despite the concern of Al Qaeda terrorists/ nukes being smuggled into the country via that border.
sooner or late a nuke is going to go off somewhere, and yes it will change our world.

i don't believe the story though. arab terroists couldn't handle a nuke, they're too stupid. it takes a ton of support to handle such a high tech weapon no one coming across the mexican border is going to be able to do that. i think "suitcase" bombs are a myth. starting a nuclear reaction takes a LOT of work.
If it happens, we should turn the "Holy Land" into fused glass. Almost every sort of un-reason troubling us can be traced there, even leftist universalism "all men are brothers" and what not.
Joseph Farah, the force behind theWorld Net Daily website,is an extremeChristian Zionist propagandist, though he does run some articles that are in line with traditional conservative values. He is of Arabic non-Jewish origin but worships Israel and Zionists as God's Chosen Master Race. If Israel decided to nuke the Arabs out of existence Farah and the other neo-cons would most likely be cheering it on.
If Israel and the Arabs nuked each other out of existence I would be cheering it on!
Don, if all the Jews in theAmerica made -Aliyah- back to Israel and they decided to nuke us, Farah would be cheering them on. He never goes against God's chosen people.
America was plagued for much of the 20th century by a fifth column of communists and pro-communists who placed the interests of the Soviet Union over that of America. Nowwe havethe same problem again -- except this time it's Zionists and "conservative" Christian Zionists who are more loyal to Israel than they are to America.
I have to say I second jaxvid's last post!
Eh, we should probably keep the Jews who don't believe a word of their "Holy Books" and aren't anti-white. I want the Einsteins in my country, the ones who aren't dumb enough to fight over some desert real estate in the turd world anyway.
A few dozen is about all those people you'll find, W_S.
American Freedom News