Alt-right and the Tribe


Apr 6, 2007
Iihan Omar, a rep from Minnesota, is catching hell from the alt-right for anti-semitic statements. When Bannon ran Breitbart he went on record stating the the site was the "voice for the alt-right??? Pandering in my opinion, but I'm curious as to what some of you here think.
Iihan Omar, a rep from Minnesota, is catching hell from the alt-right for anti-semitic statements. When Bannon ran Breitbart he went on record stating the the site was the "voice for the alt-right??? Pandering in my opinion, but I'm curious as to what some of you here think.

You have your basics mixed up. Bannon is a conservative and civic nationalist, not an alt-rightist. If he ever said Breitbart was "the voice for the alt-right" I'd like to see a link.

Breitbart has been accused of being alt-right by the usual suspects who like to lump everyone who isn't a member in good standing of Conservatism Inc. in with the alt-right, nazis, White supremacists, etc.

As far as Omar, she's been denounced by just about everyone except the alt-right -- liberals, conservatives, neo-conservatives, in other words almost all of Congress and the corporate media. Maybe a few alt-right types who will always side against her given her ethnic and religious background have joined in though I'm unaware of it, along with some hard-core leftist Democrats. That the Democrats are unable to condemn her quite one hundred percent the way the Republicans are is the best part of it, as if we're lucky that party, united only by its hatred of Whites, will continue to factionalize as its various "identity" components fight among themselves.

Anyway, the alt-right pretty has pretty much withered away post-Charlottesville and all the fallout from it.
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Omar is an example of why Muslim immigration to Western countries is not in the best interests of Jews.

Most of the so-called "Chosen" are more obsessed with destroying white gentiles than protecting their own interests.

They are supposed to be such smart people, and most of them are unable to look ahead to what will happen if and when Muslims take over Western countries. They forget the lessons of history: for example in Algeria, when the French left, all the Jews were kicked out. Similarly, when Sudan gained it's independence from the UK, they had to leave because they had no protection.

And during the past decade in Europe, the "Chosen" have become targets of Islamic extremists:

Brussels Jewish Museum murders: Mehdi Nemmouche guilty
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I don't have the time or interest to plow through a lengthy article from the New York Times as it's not a reliable source, in fact it's a perfect example of how the corporate media likes to falsely label so many people as more "extreme" than they are. Does the article specify when and where Bannon said that Breitbart is "the voice of the alt-right"?

The founder of Breitbart was the late Andrew Breitbart, a Jewish conservative and avid supporter of Israel. Bannon likewise pledges allegiance to Israel and the Breitbart site remains fanatically pro-Israel. What I wrote above is accurate. If you disagree then specify how.
I'm not disagreeing with anything you said. As for the NY Times being a unreliable source...that can be said about a lot of news sources. I just find it interesting that this congressperson is getting support from people who I never would have imagined. That's all.
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That's just it, she's not "catching hell from the alt-right," as you wrote in the original post. She's catching hell from just about everyone except for the alt-right, or racialist right, along with the anti-Zionist left. That's why I wrote that you have your basics mixed up.
David Duke Calls Ilhan Omar "Most Important Member of the US Congress"

David Duke is publicly defending Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in the wake of the freshman Democrat’s statements that have rankled the Democrat Party nationally.

Duke tweeted his praise of Omar on Thursday, calling her the “most important member of the US Congress” now that she has stood up to Democrat Party leadership after making comments about Israel's treatment of the Palestinians.
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