Africa seeks aid, not sympathy

If our corrupt leaders really want to stop the AIDS epidemic in Africa,
they will publicly urge Africans to stop raping children and even
infants in large numbers. Because of their primitive beliefs, Africans
think they can cure AIDS by having sex with a virgin. This, and not
lack of money or "education," is the primary reason for the situation
there. Don't expect any politicians, or any other prominent people, to
point out this unpleasant truth to the American people. Giving "aid" to
that area of the world is like trying to cure obesity through more
If our "leaders" or anyone really wants to cure Aids in Africa, hang 'em. HIV, talk about a great white hope.

Hell, with our own homelands sinking under a brown tide, maybe it's destiny that another continent empties out for us. Be bizarre if the races essentially reverse the positions of their homelans latitudinally won't it?

Of course, as soon as whites turned Africa into a paradise, and everybody else turns N. America and Europe into hellholes (provided they can even survive one winter), there will be a Jared Diamond-type historian popping up to say, no folks, race has nothing to do with it, it was only the luck of LOCATION that made some people develop and civillization and some people not get beyond the pointy-stick level for 100,000 years.
It would be strange if that population reversal happens, but I'd rather live in America. I don't care so much for dangerous game all around me and all the other associated problems. AIDS is sloughing off a huge chunk of many African countries' populations. If it continues, there is no telling what will happen there.
Since 1964, the US has spent $568 Billion on aid to Africa, and what has it done, nothing but take money away from things that need doing here in the States. Helk, we could have built a wall on our Southern border for that much!
Africa has all the makings of a paradise. Varied climates, fertile soil, natural resources, and all the big game would just encourage white boys to live the robust outdoors life, and to go armed at all times, not a bad thing. That the people who lived there have not made it so says all you need to know. Of course, that WHITES were well on their way to making it into a paradise and pissed it all away on liberal pipe-dreams doesn't exactly speak well of us, either.
True enough White_Savage. Seems as though disease is a problem in many places over there. At least that's what the media feeds me. No doubt, some parts of it are a paradise. I would definitely like to take a cape buffalo, as long as I didn't get eaten by a huge snake first.
I think their belief that having sex with a virgin is just an excuse to justify rape. These people think nothing of having sex with infants.
It's some sick stuff.
I don't even like to think about it.
Colonel_Reb said:
Since 1964, the US has spent $568 Billion on aid to Africa, and what has it done, nothing but take money away from things that need doing here in the States. Helk, we could have built a wall on our Southern border for that much!

$568 Billion!!!!!!!!! I never would have guessed that....That's freakin' ridiculous....
A lot of it has to do with the nations auctioning
themselves off to the US or USSR. The nation that gave the
African country the most aid would be promoted in that
country. The US gave a lot of aid out of fear that the Russians
would take them over.

Of course, with more aid, there seems to be more
AIDS. The US funds nations now for unknown reasons. The
money never goes to starving African children or war refugees.
The money goes to some Idi Amin like dictator who is a nut job.
If some of these dictators want aid, they should start running their
country with morality and get less AIDS.

The amazing thing is that these countries still hate
Americans. No matter what the US does for them they are still
I remember back in the 80's when everyone was giving food and money to Africa, sort of like now, anyway they used to show the food sitting in storage rotting, because it didn't get distributed to people and they wouldn't kill the rats in them because they think of them as gods or as members of the family who have died. Crazy!
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