Affirmative Action

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
And I'm not talking about promoting minorities.

I'm talking about actions we can take to try and change things. Other than supporting this site financially, what can we do? Any suggestions?

Others have pointed out that we can hand out or leave available CF business cards. The same with the report on the Color of Crime. Any other ideas?

Perhaps voting for any and every resolution that limits immigration, limits affirmative action, protects private property rights, the 2nd Amendment. What else?

Let's hear some ideas.
I think a political party similar to the BNP in the UK would be helpful in forming group solidarity and may even win a few seats in state elections ,but its main function would be to heighten awareness and give racially aware whites a public voice.
White Shogun said:
I'm talking about actions we can take to try and change things. Other than supporting this site financially, what can we do? Any suggestions?

When e-mailing to friends or family why not add a link to Caste Football? Turn em on to a particular JB Cashcolumn.You'd be surprised how many agree but have been too timid in voicing their opinions.If they know they're not alone they'll jump on the bandwagon. It doesn't cost a red cent and is effective.
KG2422 said:
I think a political party similar to the BNP in the UK would be helpful in forming group solidarity and may even win a few seats in state elections ,but its main function would be to heighten awareness and give racially aware whites a public voice.
Though I would support a political party, that's not going to help. First, the system is set up so that third party efforts cannot succeed. The media won't even bother to report on them and any party that has a pro-white agenda will simply be ridiculed and margialized.

What we can do is what we can do on a small scale, at work, in the neighborhood, in church, school, etc. etc. We don't need grand schemes. If we would all make some effort on our own in our somewhat narrow spheres of life, that would be sufficient.

First, support white people wherever and whenever you can. I mean that's what people are supposed to do, right, help their own? Blacks are told to do it, jews practice it, why not us? If there is a white kid around your neighborhood whose father is absent or seems aimless, take him under your wing, guide him/her.

My sons' friends like to come over to our house because I get out with them and show them how to play ball. a long time ago I bought one of those big hand held blocking bags and several tackling dummies and let them go at it. They LOVE that stuff. I critiqued their style and showed them how to tackle, block, run with the ball, get into a proper stance, etc. In the case of my older son and his buddies, they are in high school now and all those guys are starting. Some of them are starting in front of black/mestizo guys. Now, I don't take credit for their success, they did the work, but to have some extra instruction and words of encouragement can't hurt.

What can we do? We can do WHAT we can do and let it move from the bottom upward.

Promote your agenda, but do not reveal your agenda, except to people who are already pro-White, but believe the Caste system about black athletic superiority.

(Oddly though, I have found staunch White racialists to often be more opposed to my arguments in favor of the White athlete than more neutral parties. Stuuuuuuuu-pid...)

For instance, I have been promoting Fedor Emelianenko as the world's greatest athlete to people. I do not nessecarily mention my interest in Fedor's race. Naturally, there are many who have not heard of him, and many doubting contrarians. But through clever questioning, such as , why isn't the world's greatest NHB fighter the best athletes, what other sport combines strength, speed, endurance, coordination, ruggedness, and intelligence, so well, etc, I break down their protestations. Without mentioning black and white, I bring up, well hey, wasn't Ali considered the "greatest athlete" of this time when he was on top of the fight game? Without ever openly identifying myself as a "racist", which would turn their brains off, I slowly lead them into realizing the only reason they won't call Fedor at least one of the greatest is because he's White.

And when they realize that, I've planted the seed of a different kind of thinking that will hopefully grow.
Savage, is it lying or being subtle by approaching the subject from a different/unique angle?
All good ideas so far.

I've already added my dad to the list of Caste Football readers. I speak openly about the lack of white cornerbacks and running backs in the NFL. I break out the stats and stories of guys like Lumsden and Brock Forsey. I'm practically a Matt Jones nuthugger, the way I've been promoting this guy and talking about him around the other football fans I know. I've even engaged a few people in discussions about why the media considers Mike Vick so great, but that one has cause more than one guy to raise a quizzical eyebrow at me.

The same with boxing matches that I attend. My friends know that I favor white fighters because, well, they're white, not to mention how much I am into the UFC.

I think we have to be cautious though about supporting white people, just because they're white, in the political arena. Many whites are worse than the best non-white candidates in many areas, especially those of socialist bent.

I hadn't thought of what I have been doing as much help, so I appreciate you pointing out that these things help too, at least in some small way.
White Shogun said:
I think we have to be cautious though about supporting white people, just because they're white, in the political arena.
Well, I didn't mean in the political arena, I meant in our everyday lives and even then I would be selective. As we all know, there are a lot of whites who aren't worth a plugged nickel.
Wade Phillips is one of the best defensive coordinators in the game. He was instrumental in the Broncos winning the Super Bowl.

So what do the Broncos do? They let Phillips go and replace him with AA hire Joe Woods. Now they're a bad team. Their defense ranks 31st in points against.

Meanwhile, the Rams hired Phillips and he's done a good job for them. They're headed for the playoffs.

It was more important to the Broncos to replace a white man who was doing a good job with a black than it was to win.
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Wade Phillips is one of the best defensive coordinators in the game. He was instrumental in the Broncos winning the Super Bowl.

So what do the Broncos do? They let Phillips go and replace him with AA hire Joe Woods. Now they're a bad team. Their defense ranks 31st in points against.

Meanwhile, the Rams hired Phillips and he's done a good job for them. They're headed for the playoffs.

It was more important to the Broncos to replace a white man who was doing a good job with a black than it was to win.

Guys, these things are legislated. The NFL is bound by statue to hire "minorities". If the team's don't do some of this they can be fined or lose their particular financial privileges which they enjoy being a protected industry. The F.C.C. media is legislated in much the same way.
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