ABC TV celebrates homosexual boxer Orlando Cruz

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
A few years ago, a mediocre Jewish boxer, Yuri Foreman, was featured on Good Morning America. Otherwise, except for Floyd Mayweather and Mike Tyson, there have been no boxers profiled on mainstream TV programs during the past 5 or 6 years, at least not that I'm aware of.

However, Orlando Cruz, a mediocre homosexual boxer, was profiled Thursday evening on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer. It is scheduled to air again today on both Good Morning America, and in an expanded version, on Nightline.

Don't get me wrong: I have no problem with gays, unless they're pedophiles. But I don't think homosexuality should be celebrated by the media and given preference over heterosexuality.

The all-time great heavyweight Wladimir Klitschko has never been profiled on ABC, CBS, NBC or CNN. There's never been a special feature on him on the big American networks.

Orlando Cruz, a featherweight contender and boxing’s first openly gay fighter, was profiled Thursday evening on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer. It is scheduled to air again today on both Good Morning America, and in an expanded version, on Nightline.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
A few years ago, a mediocre Jewish boxer, Yuri Foreman, was featured on Good Morning America. Otherwise, except for Floyd Mayweather and Mike Tyson, there have been no boxers profiled on mainstream TV programs during the past 5 or 6 years, at least not that I'm aware of.

However, Orlando Cruz, a mediocre homosexual boxer, was profiled Thursday evening on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer. It is scheduled to air again today on both Good Morning America, and in an expanded version, on Nightline.

Don't get me wrong: I have no problem with gays, unless they're pedophiles. But I don't think homosexuality should be celebrated by the media and given preference over heterosexuality.

The all-time great heavyweight Wladimir Klitschko has never been profiled on ABC, CBS, NBC or CNN. There's never been a special feature on him on the big American networks.

Orlando Cruz, a featherweight contender and boxing’s first openly gay fighter, was profiled Thursday evening on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer. It is scheduled to air again today on both Good Morning America, and in an expanded version, on Nightline.
The boxing media used to insinuate that Emile Griffith was a homosexual. He never truly came out of the closet(even after being bashed after leaving a known gay bar). His story about killing Benny Paret was made into a documentary. He was an all time great, but this guy is a fringe contender at best. Hopefully this guy loses and slowly fades away, his story will blow up if he does win and the left wing crowd will make him a cause celebre.


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
I always figured "Chop Chop" Corley was gay, but maybe that is just my heterosexual prejudice against wearing lace underwear from Victoria's Secret.

I pay little attention to what is said but it is personal between Sharmba and I because he's talked about my underwear preference. He says I'm gay because I like Victoria Secret underwear. Women wear them so why can't men wear them? Sharmba made it personal when he made those comments.

I also have this disturbing mental image of De la Hoya seared into my hindbrain of a photo that one of his prostitutes used to blackmail him. That made a splash in the tabloids, but he still kind of got a pass on that little episode in my opinion. Why no public sob stories about conflicted gender identity, Oscar?

This new gay boxer gets to check two boxes on his talk show application because he is also a member of the mestizo minority. I watched a few moments of the video clip and it was clearly focused on this twink's gayness. A weird spin on the pugilism dynamic to award high status to such an aggrieved victim, but very common to American journalism.

In pro wrestling terms, this is what you'd call "bad booking". Everyone loves the underdog, and it's fun to watch the little guy overcome the odds. Journalism frequently gets this formula wrong, as they portray the victimized minority also to be the Strong Giant. Duh, you're supposed to stack the odds against your good guy, not constantly prop him up at all costs. At this point, it's like we're watching Billie Jean King beat a paraplegic man at tennis to prove that women are equal to men at sports. I would not believe that "bigotry" would be a sufficient obstacle to keep her from winning.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
A few years ago, a mediocre Jewish boxer, Yuri Foreman, was featured on Good Morning America. Otherwise, except for Floyd Mayweather and Mike Tyson, there have been no boxers profiled on mainstream TV programs during the past 5 or 6 years, at least not that I'm aware of.

However, Orlando Cruz, a mediocre homosexual boxer, was profiled Thursday evening on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer. It is scheduled to air again today on both Good Morning America, and in an expanded version, on Nightline.

Don't get me wrong: I have no problem with gays, unless they're pedophiles. But I don't think homosexuality should be celebrated by the media and given preference over heterosexuality.

The all-time great heavyweight Wladimir Klitschko has never been profiled on ABC, CBS, NBC or CNN. There's never been a special feature on him on the big American networks.

Orlando Cruz, a featherweight contender and boxing’s first openly gay fighter, was profiled Thursday evening on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer. It is scheduled to air again today on both Good Morning America, and in an expanded version, on Nightline.

Sorry brother, you might have been kidding, but I do have a problem with gays. It's an abomination and sick.

Interesting you brought up pedophiles. If Jerry Sandusky wasn't gay, he wouldn't have raped a 10 year-old boy at Penn State.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"Cruz is engaged to boyfriend Jose Manuel and the two will wed in November."

If I was a boxer or a conscientious boxing manager I would refuse to arrange a fight with Señorita Cruz because boxing is a sport with a lot of blood and perverts' blood has a vastly higher chance of containing the deadly AIDS virus than does the blood of normal people.


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
"Cruz is engaged to boyfriend Jose Manuel and the two will wed in November."

If I was a boxer or a conscientious boxing manager I would refuse to arrange a fight with Señorita Cruz because boxing is a sport with a lot of blood and perverts' blood has a vastly higher chance of containing the deadly AIDS virus than does the blood of normal people.

This is a very important and correct point. I completely forgot about it because of ABC's dainty treatment of its gay hispanic saint du jour, which managed to distract me from my instinctual disdain for the butt-sex demographic. Magic Johnson retired from basketball because of a very low risk of transmitting his serious disease to other players during play, since open cuts are quite rare (and how many NBA players even emit from their sweat glands these days? lol, off topic). Boxers and MMA fighters have a serious risk of transmitting diseases because of the frequent exposure to fresh blood. Not that it's some looming thundercloud that this homo boxer is absolutely going to transmit Super-AiDS during his next fight... but if you were managing/coaching a fighter, would you want him going up against a publicly-declared disease vector just for a slightly higher pay-day, at the expense of possibly making him Pro Sports' first Arthur Ashe?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
How long can the double standards last? In an ultra macho sport like boxing being a *** has got to be the lowest of the low. We know that to be true because when one fighter wants to insult another fighter he insinuates that the guy is a homo. But the gay agenda grinds on and on like a steamroller crushing any opposition before it.

These gay hating fighters and the rest of the fight crowd and fans have to hide their true feelings and say the "right" things and praise the homos and the whole queer program.

I was talking to someone recently and expressed my disdain for gays and their agenda and they told me that the gays can't help themselves, that's the way they are, that's the way they feel, and for them it's natural so we should all accept them because you should support a person and their true feelings.

So I told them "what about my true feeling's" and the millions of others that feel like I do? What about all of the people that are 'naturally' disgusted at the idea of what those perverts are doing? If expressing your natural feelings is the right thing to do then how come since a larger percentage of the population is disgusted by gays then the percentage of people that actually are gay, why isn't that viewpoint supported as natural and legitimate? (Like it was for the first 50 thousand years of human history) Instead there is a phoney propaganda program that tries to insinuate that being disgusted to the point of wanting to vomit at the thought of what **** do is some how wrong. Why? It's the way people feel.

They can't help it? Neither can I.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
If this dude wants to be a ******, why is he even talking about it?

Just go in there and fight your fight, and STFU.

He's making an issue of his queerness because, just like so many *******, he's an attention whore and loves playing the game of, "oh look at MEEEEEEEE, admire MEEEEEEE, I'm a victim, I'm a grown man and I wear makeup and women's jeans, WAAAAAA..."

Oh, brother.

My deal is, I dislike gays but I know they're going to exist whether I like it or not. Having said that, I don't need them throwing their gayness in my face. What I mean is that the *** couples, if they really need to, ought to be able to hold hands or show moderate signs of affection in public—just like normal, heterosexual couples do. I think it's inappropriate, but what can you do? Straight people do it—I hold my wife's hand and kiss her in public—so whatever.

Fair is fair, and that's what **** want, right?


**** want to be treated special, because they think that taking it up the ass or eating rug is special. And by rugmuchers, I don't mean the decent-looking ones on TV or in some porn who play homo for the titillation of straight men or for the propaganda-purpose of "proving" that lesbos don't always look gross.

I mean the big, fat, flannel shirt trucker dykes that NO ONE needs to see (and that's 99.9999999999% of them).

"I'm SPECIAL! Deal with ME! Stop being racissssss against ME!"

That's why the homos have their disgusting parades "standing up" to OUR "intolerance." These are truly sick, demented people. These *** rights parades are even worse than other "minority pride" parades because they are absolutely, unbelievably inappropriate places for children; they're no more than degenerate gay porn, with a bunch of filthy, disease-ridden queers running around in effeminate costumes and spreading HIV everywhere.

The gaylords aren't celebrating ANY "pride" or fighting against intolerance. No one is telling them to not be proud of themselves as individuals who exist outside of their sexual preferences, as sick as they are. NO ONE is telling all the ******* in the world to cram themselves into an AIDS-infested space ship, to thereafter rocket away forever to some intergalactic Planet of the Fudgepackers.

Nope, the **** have their parades because they're a bunch of self-loving, Narcissistic, pre-teen girls with a warped sense of entitlement. This description is pretty much apt for most minorities and feminists, though to the *** parades one must add the description that they're all probably trolling for their next nauseating hook up. Gays behave in this way because their whole raison d'être is the satisfaction of their disgusting sexual urges. Doctors have understood this for YEARS, but it is not fashionable to accept these facts in today's "Barrack Obama is legitimately Black and legitimately a Harvard graduate" America.

So if you're a stupid-assed liberal parent and you want to teach your kid to show tolerance or celebration for gays, taking them to a gay rights parade is a tacit invitation to these sick f*ckers to make lewd remarks to your kid, warp your kid, maybe even kidnap and rape your kid.

Gays are SICK human beings.

There's a REASON faggotry was considered a mental illness and mutation for centuries. Because it IS.

Celebrating these people's dementia is just one more reason why society's problems can't be fixed or even improved slightly. As a people we refuse to see problems for what they are, and think that by CLAIMING something isn't a problem, or refusing to acknowledge it, it's the same as progress or actually fixing the problem.

Ostrich, anyone?

That's why we don't put certain children in remedial reading classes so that they ACTUALLY learn to read better. Instead, we pretend they're "honors" students and put them in the advanced classes, dumbing down the standards, instilling in them a philosophy of pseudo-achievement and the idea that we achieve things because we whine for them, not because we EARN them with our backs and our brains.

—Then they actually go head to head against people with REAL educations and or skills, and they get slaughtered. Have you ever seen American high school kids in academic competition against Scandanavians, Germans, Russians or Japs?

It's PAINFUL the way the "cool" Americans get Washington General-ed by Globetrotting Swedish nerds. And by painful, I mean hilarious and satisfying.

However, rather than learn anything from better [cough, White, cough] people, Americans come up with excuses.

"They're a homogenous society! They're rich! They're Nazis! We really won but they cheated!"

So we learn nothing, and rather than correct Black or Mexican or White trash stupidity, we comfort ourselves that our weaknesses are our strengths. And, in the case of the vastly unqualified Tyrones and Joses, they are affirmative-actioned into positions of authority and this suicide is called a triumph.

More "problem solving" in today's America.

Oh, and this ****** boxer puts his opponents in a terrible position.

If his opponent beats his ass (most likely), is his opponent kicking his ass because he hates gays?

And if this queer buttboy wins, then his opponent has to get clowned as the guy who lost to a sissy.

So, basically, this polesmoker just needs to keep his disgusting personal life to himself. You know, just like ALL boxers and all people should keep their sex lives private. But no, he has to go and be like nearly every *** in the world and make the fact that he sucks d*ck the focal point of his whole existence.

Last edited:
Sep 19, 2013
Personally I think its great that homosexuals are celebrated on TV.

It makes it that much easier to identify the Jews. There isn't as much cover for the Jews to hide behind as most Americans dont support the gay agenda.

It will also create alot of opposition which will help people wake up and realize something is wrong. Even if they can't figure out the Jews are behind it.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Personally I think its great that homosexuals are celebrated on TV.

It makes it that much easier to identify the Jews. There isn't as much cover for the Jews to hide behind as most Americans dont support the gay agenda.

It will also create alot of opposition which will help people wake up and realize something is wrong. Even if they can't figure out the Jews are behind it.

What opposition? Ever since Ellen Degenerate made her famous lesbian kiss on national T.V., there's been no real opposition. If you opposed lesbians and *******, you'll get into trouble, YOU will be seen as the weirdo with a problem or you will be fired from your job!
Sep 19, 2013
What opposition?

This homosexual agenda has been pushed down on non-Whites too. Hispanics and Blacks voted against gay marriage in California. Black and Latino athletes in sports have also gotten in trouble for making statements against gays.

I think its a weak point of our enemy as everyone from Whites to non-Whites are strongly against it.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
This homosexual agenda has been pushed down on non-Whites too. Hispanics and Blacks voted against gay marriage in California. Black and Latino athletes in sports have also gotten in trouble for making statements against gays.

I think its a weak point of our enemy as everyone from Whites to non-Whites are strongly against it.

Yet blacks and latinos continue to vote to put pro-gay judges and pro-gay politicians in office!

It's insane to vote against gay marriage, but yet put pro-gay politicians in office. Tell me what sense does that make. It's BuJJ$h!tt, wake up?

Someone in California correct me if I'm wrong, but the vote on traditional marriage barely passed 51%-49% in California, but a pro-gay judge/Court tried to reverse what the people of California voted for.

Here in North Carolina, blacks overwhelmingly voted 2-1 in defense of traditional marriage, but went Barry Obama for president as well as other pro-gay/pro-abortion politicians and will always vote for their pocketbook, what they can get for free. They, ( most blacks and latinos care nothing for any sense or morality)!

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
This homosexual agenda has been pushed down on non-Whites too. Hispanics and Blacks voted against gay marriage in California. Black and Latino athletes in sports have also gotten in trouble for making statements against gays.

I think its a weak point of our enemy as everyone from Whites to non-Whites are strongly against it.
Most negroes don't like homosexuals. Jamaica has the harshest laws against gays in the western hemisphere.

In in some parts of sub-Saharan Africa, gay rights activists are beaten to death:

And in some African countries, homosexuals are burned alive:

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Most negroes don't like homosexuals. Jamaica has the harshest laws against gays in the western hemisphere.

In in some parts of sub-Saharan Africa, gay rights activists are beaten to death:

And in some African countries, homosexuals are burned alive:
The tinker bell came out to Merengue music. I will never want to listen to that music again.....

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Max Kellerman was discrediting Vasyl Lomachenko, but he has nothing but good to say about Orlando Cruz.

Interestingly, Jim Lederman who is also Jewish was fair in his comments about Lomachenko.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
The gay boxer gets KOed by Orlando Salido.

Kellerman had much kinder words to say about Cruz after he lost by KO, than he had about Lomachenko after he won by KO.
Sep 19, 2013
I am sorry about my earlier post supporting gay agenda.

I was using the worse is better philosophy. I am just sick of Whites being pushed around and not fighting back.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Most negroes don't like homosexuals. Jamaica has the harshest laws against gays in the western hemisphere.

In in some parts of sub-Saharan Africa, gay rights activists are beaten to death:

And in some African countries, homosexuals are burned alive:

Negroes accounted for 44% of all new aids infections, despite being only 12-14% of the population. Negro men accounted for 70% of all new aids infections among black adults.

At some point 1 in 16 black men will be diagnosed with HIV.

Personally, I think these numbers are higher, but these are only reported cases!

For what it's worth, where I used to work out, it was common to here black guys talking about how they enjoyed anal sex.

I think it's safe to say there are a lot if not most negroes are homosexual.