A MUST Read!!!



I know I'll probably get banned and blackballed and kicked out for asking this simple question.

But why does anyone who comes on this website with a slightly different view get labelled a "troll" and kicked out? Why not try to convince the naysayers instead of removing them.

Really, if a student in a class was yelled at and expelled simply for calmly and respectfully questioning the teacher or suggesting a different way to solve a problem, would it be justified?

Consider yourself one of the fortunate ones if you manage to read this before the moderator gives me the ax. I'll get banned , just like what happens to all the other "trolls".

But moderator, I beg you, please just respond to this honest-hearted, sincere question without accusing me of polluting the atmosphere and considering me a poison. I just want to know why no one can have a differing viewpoint. Do you know what they call countries that don't allow people to speak their minds? Do you know what a country is called if the powers-that-be do not let the peoplehave an opposing view point?

Notice that I haven't made any statement here. I've only asked a question. I urge all members who read this to kindly respond. And question the moderator(s) when you see that my name shows up as "Guest" instead of AVoiceOfReason2. This post probably won't be here long enough for you to go away and come back, so save it, and think about it.

I urge you.

Thanks for listening.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
So far I haven't seen any thing you've written that makes you AVoiceOfReason. So far you seem like just another person who comes here and makes the same arguments based on the same stereotypes over and over. That's not reason, it's imitation.

If you read enough of the threads on this site, you'll find that trolls who have a point to make are debated thoughtfully, and generally without ad hominem attacks.

If your only point is to stop by and tell us all how wrong we are, then why should you be allowed to post? I can see your point of view anywhere, I don't need to see it here.

Keep trying.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
You think you're original or something? What an ego to come on here with only the most superficial understanding of the Caste System and think you're special.

Here's the answer to your question: If opponents were allowed to post here, this board would be overflowing with them, including people like you who continue to sign up with name after name after you've already been banned.

The dominant point of view on every other sports discussion board is similar to yours -- and the point of view of ESPN and Sports Illustrated and the rest of the corporate media. Interesting howmanyof our detractors believe the media is full of it -- except when it comes to race, politics and sports, where the glassy-eyed view of sports somehow being a bastion of purity immune from the corruption that characterizes all other institutions is fully accepted.

Very few if any oftheblacks-as-superior-athletesboards allow "dissenters" when it comes to bringing up and supporting the reality that there is a racial caste system in sports in the U.S. So don't feed me your crap that this should be some free speech zonewhere every troll andhis cousin canpost all they want.

This site is for those of us who understand the Caste System and who want to support white athletes. Disagreement is often found here, but trolls aren't. It's that simple. You're not wanted here.


Sep 4, 2005
Nobody can say better that you Don


I don't know what to say, kid...I've been a (moderately) dissenting troll on this board for a couple years now, I think, but the (anecdotal) evidence does seem to point to profiling and channeling of athletes from pop-warner well into the collegiate level. This much seems sort of indisputable even to a liberal, contrarian jerk like me.

I think the point is, if you don't add something, even in dissent, you don't really contribute much to the dialogue.

But, I'd say the same goes for the handful of troglodytes on here that just want a forum to spout epithets about whatever minority group.

Seriously, those guys do at least as much harm as this kid.