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    Last Surviving WWI Veterans

    Thank you for that update - as sombre as it is. To all of them, those remaining and those departed my eternal gratitude and respect; those who are gone, who either left on the battlefield so long ago now, or within the last year, rest in peace.
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    Racism Against White Athletes in S Africa

    "> (Graphic) The writing, in blood red, is on the wall.
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    2007 NFL Draft

    To quote Beavis, "Boinnnnng" On a more substantive level, your observation is spot-on; a dear friend of mine from Romania once correctly identified the anti-White and anti-male media bombardment as sheer Marxist propaganda. And you can see it's effect on all the sheep-like White fans who...
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    let a white player run the ball

    This entire post by Mr. Wassall is, to me, a litmus test. If a person accuses his words as being racist, then that person has demonstrated their own irrationality, imbecility, and unsuitability as a member of a so-called intellectual species. Only an anti-White piece of filth could say that...
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    Lovie Smith .... Great Job ...

    Rooney Rule still needed says first black Super Bowl coach From the article: "'I would like to think owners would hire the best coach but I'm here because of the Rooney Rule," Smith told reporters during a news conference on Monday. "I definitely think we have to keep it in place.'" So...
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    A harbinger of events worldwide?

    No need to apologize at all, in retrospect I can easily see how what I said could have been misinterpreted. (I'm actually a W.Va. native now living in PA - first generation American from a long line of Jugoslavs)
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    A harbinger of events worldwide?

    I was replying to Hockaday, John, he mentioned how blacks whine about being pulled over by police (a very minor thing) and I responded "as if that hasn't happened to me". I thought it was clear but it seems I was mistaken.
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    Pens to Houston?

    No no NO! The Houston Penguins? At least it snows in Pittsburgh. Before that tub of s**t Holmgren pissed away the Super Bowl to caste whore Cowher, the Pens were the most recent champions in the Steel City, and represented the region very well for a decade - including back to back Stanley...
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    A harbinger of events worldwide?

    Bravo, Earthman, bravo. And thank you for the link. The pictures at that site speak more than words ever could.
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    Let the propaganda orgasm begin!

    Tiki sayz to Spotle: Your invariant buffoonery obviously knows no satiety. Edited by: son of Radovan
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    Greatest Guitar player...

    Nice change-of-pace topic. Although I'm partial to heavy metal (but not just), as far as sheer ability goes, it is my opinion that Stevie Ray Vaughan was the master, blues or not. What a tremendous musician we lost...God rest his soul.Edited by: son of Radovan
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    A harbinger of events worldwide?

    I was pulled over once in West Virginia, it was late but I was not breaking any traffic rules. The officer asked me for my drivers liscence and registration, went to his car, talked on the radio for a bit, then came back with my papers and the incident was over. The other time was in...
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    A harbinger of events worldwide?

    I agree with your deduction, Labman (and thank you for the 'intelligent' compliment ). The Afrikaaners were esentially a very civilized people, regardless of what the anti-White media portrayed (how many death camps existed in South Africa?). I remember when they turned power over to the...
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    A harbinger of events worldwide?

    As if that's never happened to me...twice, actually. Both times without provocation. That this is an old (but continuing, and worsening) story makes it all the worse that no major news media will cover it. Their motives are made clear by that fact. I'd say when it begins here, the media...
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    A harbinger of events worldwide?

    South Africa
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    Russian attacks on immigrants

    I have spent quite some time in Europe, particularly the East, and I have observed that "education" (i.e. leftist indoctrination) preaches that the Indians were a nature-loving, noble society until evil Whitey (ALWAYS American, never European...which is interesting, as if the USA existed then)...
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    Phil Kessel

    Also in the case of Brian Piccolo, he had a very rare form of cancer (embryonal cell carcinoma) Now IIRC, this cancer can result from embryonal tissue that remains in the body (in Brian's case the lungs) and is highly aggressive (again, IIRC, he was treated, seemingly all trace of the cancer was...
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    Phil Kessel

    Now that is an EXCELLENT idea! That, the jersey you linked Ground Fighter, and this one (Kansas City Scouts) would be awesome throw-back jerseys for special games, a nod in appreciation of the hard-working past that built the great Devils dynasty (3-1 in the Stanley Cup - Bravo!!!)
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    Phil Kessel

    C Darwin, I couldn't figure out who he is by the number (didn't remember a no.1 goalie), so the old reliable source Goaltender Home Page set me straight: Glenn Allen "Chico" Resch I have to admit I didn't remember him playing for the Rockies (I was a very small fry then); I did remember...
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    Phil Kessel

    Well, at least you know what it's like to play what is in my opinion the greatest sport known to man. I have always been a Devils fan, when I was a child I always supported the Pens and (who can believe this)...the Colorado Rockies. So for sentemental reasons I've always been a Devils fan as well.
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    Phil Kessel

    I completely agree Ground Fighter. Tell me if you don't mind, are you a Devils fan? I have always liked that team almost as much as the Pens (just below them ) and the 1990s-early 2000s were great years for me as a hockey fan. Until, of course, hockey was banished from ESPN, so we could have...
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    Pittsburgh Steelers New Coach is reporting the Steelers will name Mike Tomlin new head coach. I was a Steeler fan most of my life. Looks like things are about to change. On Pro Football Talk is this quote: "The move is significant, since it shows that the guy after whom the "Rooney Rule" was named is truly...
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    Phil Kessel

    Mario beat Hodgkin's Disease and Koivu beat non-Hodgkin's lymphoma which is generally much more dangerous. I remember well when he was diagnosed, and the outpouring of support and prayer for him by fans of the sport from all over North America and Europe. It was quite touching. Let's pray...
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    Vick smuggling dope?

    And there was the middle-finger-to-the-fans incident. Can you imagine if a quarterback like (eternally underrated WVU graduate) Marc Bulger had done something similar? Do White fans have that little self esteem in this day and age? Vick should have been pilloried (and pelted) by the Falcons...
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    Vick smuggling dope?

    I agree with GWTJ; the Ron Mexico bandwagon is being pushed aside by the Wonderlic express.