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  1. Johnny_U

    Who could have seen something like this happening?

    Jaguars owner Shad Khan's Black News Channel shuts down, reportedly fails to meet payroll Black News Channel — a startup news network with majority financial backing...
  2. Johnny_U

    Great Football Videos

    Tell me I’m wrong
  3. Johnny_U

    Superb Owl

    Is there anything more cringeworthy than when DWF’s type “Superb Owl” instead of Super Bowl? I don’t think so.
  4. Johnny_U

    We Should Start Using to Archive Articles

    It is easy. You just copy the URL of the article, go to and paste the articles URL. They will give you a new archived URL of the article to post here. This way we can avoid giving advertising money by way of "clicks" to companies we despise e.g. Rotoworld. Here is an example of an...
  5. Johnny_U

    No TNF Thread Tonight?

    No one else is watching it? lol Wentz looks good tonight.
  6. Johnny_U

    Chip Kelly Fired in Philly

    Looks Philly will be back to black soon.
  7. Johnny_U

    Seahawks Player (Sherman) Lashes Out at #BLM Leader for Misappropriating His Image

    Sherman's response.... The pic... You think he'd feel the same if instead of a millionaire CB he was aN African-American studies Professor at some predominately black "college"?