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  1. P

    Upcoming Super Middleweight Fights

    Sugar Ray Leonard who worked with Manfredo on the Contender has claimed that Manfredo is going to pull an upset. I think Joe C. is too talented and too fast for Manfredo, but we will see.
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    chase budinger

    Durant is a great player and Oden is a man among boys, but Budinger should have also been mentioned as a high impact freshman in that article.
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    DJ Dead!

    I too am saddened by this news. That 86 Celtic team with Bird, McHale, Parrish, Ainge and DJ (and Walton coming off the bench) may be the greatest team ever.
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    Chris Mullin

    I believe they factor in college and olympic experience as well, which should help Mullin's chances. Truly an unselfish player who made everyone else around him better by constantly moving without the ball to create open shots.
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    Chris Mullin

    Chris Mullin is a finalist for the Hall of Fame. What do you think of his chances? Although his career was marred by injuries, for a period of five years or so in the early 90's, he was one of the top ten players in the league. He is also a two time gold medal winner and a member of the...
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    Tiki Gets a Job

    Not sure I understand that comparison at all. Tiki is dangerous because he is popular with the public and his teammmates like OJ was?
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    Sir Charles and the winning edge!

    Jaxvid wrote ----------------------------------------------------- Yeah Rose and Barkely another good comparison. Barkely: media darling, star of superbowl commercials, HOF'er Rose: despised by the media, invisible as a person, and banned from the Hall. Racial unfairness in black...
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    Sir Charles and the winning edge!

    Pete Rose?
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    Irish John Duddy

    Who said that he does not listen to his trainer. Doubt that Duddy will lose this fight.
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    Samardzija to be Fulltime Baseball Player

    Thanks, GLS. Do you think that with those kinds of numbers and natural ability Gibson would have been an even better football player than a baseball player?
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    Samardzija to be Fulltime Baseball Player

    Does seem like the smart choice but I would have liked to see him in the NFL. He was a bit before my time, but does anyone remember how good Kurt Gibson was as a wide receiver in college? He certainly had a very good career as a baseball player, but I remember reading that he was an All...
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    Vick smuggling dope?

    If this is indeed true, this has to be one of the stupidest moves by a high profile athlete in recent memory. Vick is no longer a kid. He has been in the league for what, 6 or 7 years? In addition to his NFL career, he has risked millions of dollars in endorsements since he has been promoted as...
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    An old boxing axiom.

    Cooney almost took off Norton's head. The only reason that Norton did not fall was that he was sitting on the ropes taking shots and could not fall. View the video below if you do not believe me. No one is claiming Cooney was a great fighter, only that he was indeed a hard puncher with...
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    An old boxing axiom.

    What's this guy's obsession with Gerry Cooney? Here is a link for you, since you seem to be fixated so much on Cooney....enjoy... ch=
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    Steve Nash

    FYI.....Here is an article quoting Scott Skiles (himself a former point guard) calling Steve Nash the greatest player in the world.... -------------------------------------------------- Bulls' Skiles part of Nash fan club Bulls' coach says no other player close to NBA's 2-time MVP By...
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    They’ve won.

    ToughJ.Riggins wrote: Interesting post, but I don't entirely agree...Yes, Young is helping the Titans to win games, but as usual being overhyped by the media because of his race. He has only recently began to have a decent completion percentage even for a rookie starter. A first year starting...
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    List of traitors

    As far as I know, Larry Bird is not an announcer.
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    They’ve won.

    Vince young is playing well. His team is winning and when that happens, rightly or wrongly, the QB gets the lion's share of the credit or blame (unless you are Rex Grossman, in which you only get the blame.:)). Let's give Young credit and also point out that there are a lot of quality QB's...
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    Educating on Caste System Bias.

    Very interesting articles. I can state from experience that there is a definite ingrained perception that a black player should be superior at the "speed positions" in football, from both black and white players and coaches. I played wide receiver in an inner city HS and whenever I beat...
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    Steve Nash

    I agree with Riggins. Although Nash may be having even a better year this year than his MVP seasons, there is no way he will join Wilt, Bird and Jordan as a member of the 3 in a row MVP club. As someone who played point guard in D1 ball (albeit as a walk-on...and not many minutes at that) he is...
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    Larry Bird

    Larry Bird was the greatest small forward who ever played and so far above any other forward as far as his passing goes, it is not even close. Jimmy Chitwood is correct...when Bird was young, before he injured his back and heels, etc, he was also a very good athlete. Bird was one of the rare...
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    Vitaly Tsypko/ Jeff Lacy

    I'm wondering how soon it will be before this fight is used as a tool to knock Joe Calzaghe. You know, as in Jeff Lacy was over rated, so Calzalghe beating him so soundly was no big deal.......