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  1. N

    Four police officers slain

    It seems fitting that this guy came to a violent end from the violence he dished out. Anyone know how the MSM has been treating this story? They usually like to bury these black crime/violence type of stories or not cover them at all. I am sure none of them mentioned that the four officers...
  2. N

    PA Court Bans CHRISTmas Carols

    We see more and more of this. Christmas in any form being banned from schools, but in the meantime left-wing "white guilt" brainwashing of our children, by liberal teachers, is welcome and encouraged by the schools.
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    Toby Gerhart

    This is the first time I have seen Toby play on TV and I am happy to say I was not disappointed. The things that I found most impressive about him, was his ability to get outside for a big man (he looked very fast), his vision and patience in allowing plays to develop, and of course his...
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    SI article on white RBs

    A part of me would like to see black sports writers replace white sports writers and for white sports writers to be racially discriminated against, with no one caring or mentioning it, and for white people justifying discrimination against them by making up false stereoeypes,such as they aren't...
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    Study Says Prejudice Fuels Opposition to Obama

    WA33, You are absolutely right it is propoganda. I remeber once I was on the internet, and was reading a blog about race from a guy who was mixed (half black/half white). He said he had been around both whites and blacks, and he said the blacks tended to be the one's who were racists. He said...