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  1. W

    Matt Jones to Jax

    Jacksonville's fan base is to stupid to recognize that they are the laughing stock of the NFL. They are the only team with 3 brotha's playing quarterback and all 3 really can't play the position very well. They have a black GM Shaq Harris that is hell bent on keeping that team made up of...
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    I think their is one flaw to Wassell's theory that being the owners want white head coaches because the majority of them don't really give a damn about the Rooney rule except to appease a few big mouth ****. The owners are going hire people they identify with white coaches will always be apart...
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    Brian Leonard 23

    This thinking that he won't be drafted as a running back is exactly what the brotha and all their adoring white idiot fans want you to beleive. Things happen in trends the black quarterback has been around after many said they would never be able to play the position me included. The idea that...
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    Brian Leonard 23

    Their is no reason to think Brian can't be a feature back in the NFL, However what I feel is pundits are so called experts are afraid of calling him a running back or they might be kicked out of the evaluation process all together. It is really a crime to think he can only play fullback. Some...
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    Brian Leonard 23

    On the fox's sports NFL draft prospect list of the top 400 players available Brian Lreonard is listed as a running back and the 48th best player on their draft board. Also they have him as a riser on their list pretty strong indication that Brian will be drafted as a running back. However they...
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    Kyle Eckel

    I have some of the latest news on Kyle Eckel first he was tendered by the dolphins meaning they plan to keep him, and also their other fullback Darian Barnes was told he would not be resigned. Barnes for those of you who do not know is very black and very untalented. Could it be the caste...
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    Brian Leonard 23

    Leonard has stayed on track and maybe even strenghthed his draft stock by proving he could compete with the brotha's all the while sounding more intellectual and logical to all the other running backs being interviewed you know some of the scouts had to find that very refreshing that here is...
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    Brian Leonard Update

    I'm telling anyone who will listen Leonard will be a star in the NFL why wouldn't this leauge want to promote him to be one of their cover guys ala Tom Brady or Peyton Manning I mean they know the majority of the fans that go to the games and support the teams AKA dollars are WHITES, and if they...
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    Brian Leonard 23

    I like the fact that Brian Leonard let his actions speak louder then all of those damn idiots who won't even ackowledge that he is a great freaking football player who got screwed his senior year by some half ass little piss ant running back who wont even make an NFL roster mark my words...
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    NFL Combine 2007

    Why didn't Catanese run the 40 yard dash or did he ,and if so what was his time.
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    don’t want to piss on your parade

    I firmly beleive in the american spirit of fairness. If you read chat boards of varous pro football teams many fans are very high on Brian Leonard. A team will draft Leonard to be in the mix at running back possibly the New England Patriots hell they let Heath Evans run the ball at the end of...