Recent content by ww

  1. W

    More media propaganda.

    But really, the anti-white boxiing agitprop from the Ministry ofTruth pales into insignificance. If you want to see media propaganda in all its glory just look at any one of the controlled media outlets and their breathless Osama bin Boogyman (who died in Dec. 2001) horse sh*t today,followinghot...
  2. W

    Wladimir Klitschko vs David Haye July 2011

    Haye might not even show up, and if he does I'm expecting some bizarre chicanery from him and his handlers - quitting on his stool and claiming Wlad is cheating or something. Because Haye has no legitimate chance of winning, assuming the fight isn't fixed (as was Valuev and Harrison)...
  3. W

    The Domination of British Fighters

    "The only major dissapointments was Hatton losing to Mayweather " Hatton lost to a tag team, Joe Cortez and Mayweather both, with a special ring custom made for the negro and house judges and announcers thrown in to the bargain. All those drunken English fans in attendance disappointed...
  4. W

    Conceal History: Rocky Marciano.

    Golota was a world class fighter and no way in hell he loses both to Brewster and Lewis in a round. A lot of second tier heavyweights would put up a better fight than that. _________________ The Lewis and Grant fights were suspicious as hell, but I think he got legitimately KO'd by...
  5. W

    Conceal History: Rocky Marciano.

    As for the OP, I'm sure some stupid coon's scrawled crayon letter wouldn't have caused Rocky any sleepless nights. He was another one mixed up with the Mafia. They reportedly once did try to get him to throw a fight. He refused and told the bum that he was a disgrace to the Italians.
  6. W

    Dana White supporting David Haye

    "Boxing needs a HW champ like you!" Yeah, right, just what boxing needs, yet another illiterate trash talking chest pounding simian. Edited by: ww
  7. W

    Conceal History: Rocky Marciano.

    Little doubt about it.
  8. W

    Conceal History: Rocky Marciano.

    I've been around a lot of junkies in my life and the minute Golota showed up for the Lewis fight - late and all by himself and in a cop car! - the first thing I said when I saw his glassy eyes was, he's been drugged. A lot of Andrew's fights were suspicious, to put it mildly. Unfortunately he's...
  9. W

    Wladimir Klitschko vs David Haye July 2011

    Dundee should have been banned from boxing for "fixing" Clay's gloves in the first Henry Cooper fight. And, by the way, why haven't the record books been corrected to show that Cooper rightfully won that first fight with Clay by TKO?
  10. W

    Wladimir Klitschko vs David Haye July 2011

    I think that Valuev and his handlers were told that if he couldn't KO Haye, Haye would get the decision. The boxing mob figured they could make a lot more money off the flamboyant Englishman by way of the Congo than they could off the staid and plodding Valuev, and they were right about that...
  11. W

    Teddy Atlas - Worst Boxing Trainer??

    That would have been written before Teddy took his gun and went to Donny Lalande's house with the admitted intent of murdering him, and the only reason he didn't was because Lalonde was not at home.
  12. W

    Has Teddy Atlas ruined Povetkin's career?

    There's a lot more to this than meets the eye. A nice Russian boy doesn't just choose a psychopathic Jewish mafia thug from New York City for his manager just by accident, and there ain't a n'r in the gym or the Golden Gloves or the house of detention who would turn down a million dollar...
  13. W

    The "Klitschko" movie trailer...

    Here's the Tribeca Film Festival schedule It's actually scheduled to open this Sunday, the 24th, at a theater on West 23rd Street. Too bad I'm not still in NYC. Well, not really.
  14. W

    The "Klitschko" movie trailer...

    IMDB says it opens up June 16. I guess they mean in the USA, but maybe that's just for the yuppies and metrosexuals in Tribeca. I doubt if it will be shown at local movie theaters. That wouldn't suit the Hollywood agenda, and I think everyone here (except Mister 2Stoopid) knows what that is...
  15. W

    Oleg Platov

    The Europeans, especially the eastern Europeans, need to stop the boxing mobsters from the USA and UK and South America from dominating and trashing the sport. They need to stop sh*t like having Valuev and his team stand there sucking on their thumbs while his belt was stolen away from him by...