Recent content by Pollyanna

  1. P


    Here at the southern Oregon coast we have so many trails along with amazing views. Alternately, there are several trail heads leading to redwood forests withing a few miles, so you have a choice of coast or wooded/forest trails. The weather does get rainy, but a little water won't kill ya and...
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    Peyton Hillis

    I just can't think of a team that would give him a fair deal. Perhaps Cincinnati, but look at the scraps that Leonard gets there. Certainly not San Diego. The closest we get to a playing situation is the mulatto Fargas in Oakland and thats only because he is half black. This is sad for Hillis...
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    Week 10 2009

    Steve Young without a doubt. Highest quarterback rating and he could run.
  4. P

    Week 10 2009

    Here's to San Diego beating Denver when they meet next. I hope McRacist and the Brownhos don't win another game.
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    Pacquiao vs Cotto

    Mayflower will dodge Pacman, no way he gets in the ring with someone that actually can beat him.
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    Peyton Hillis

    Yes the Gruden /Jaws combo is more palatable than most NFL announcers.
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    Week 9 2009

    Rooting for teams to beat Denver gives me motivation to watch the NFL. I loved last nights game and reveled in Noshow's inability to run the ball. That little punk , Bill Billichik wannabe,sweatshirt wearing, prep rally, fist pumping, camera mongering rasist of a "coach" is getting what he and...
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    Peyton Hillis

    This sums the situation up perfectly. Spot on as usual Don.
  9. P

    Kelly Pavlik

    Jermain Taylor has never displayed good boxing mechanics, basic defense, stance or footwork. He has always swing/dropped his left, stood too far over his feet (terrible balance) and dare I say, lumbers about the ring . Yes, he is probably one of the biggest over-hyped fighters in the recent...
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    Kelly Pavlik

    Total ruination of Miranda that night by Pavlik. Edison got his "lights" turned out in the fight and has never been the same since!
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    Kelly Pavlik

    However this pans out, Kelly Pavlik will always hold a very spacial place with proud, white boxing fans. I feel fortunate to have watched him destroy Miranda and Sad Intentions Talyor while providing his fans around the world with golden memories. Here's to fighting on Kelly and to many more...
  12. P

    2009 Tennessee Titans

    Well then the Black Bucks quarterblacks should be referred to as " Stereo" cause they have one left, one right and one looser in the middle.
  13. P

    Brandon Wegher

    My sons and I enjoyed watching Brandon run the ball. It was a weird game and by all means, Iowa should probably have lost. However, some times a team is destined and Iowa appears to be on to something spacial!
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    2009 Tennessee Titans

    Sorry guys, but Radio will not win the game Sunday. This quarterblack super sucks and has the emotional stability of a box jellyfish.
  15. P

    20 yrs ago, Hit Changed Lives Foreve

    Tough J, the article relates that the coaches did not think Mullins was very talented, so I was simply going with that information and inferred the lack of fundamental tackling technique for the sake of argument having never witnessed his play (it's called embellishing). With that said, I will...