White advantage-catching/thowing


Apr 26, 2005
I tend to agree with the JB Cash Column on white male advantage in throwing and catching any ball/object.

We all tend to observe whites do especially well at tasks requiring a fine touch or hitting/catching a moving object etc.

Here is a description I took off La Griffe site discussing this Visuo-Spatial advantage of men V women. This same differential will exhibit itself in racial categories with low scoring ******* in Visuo-Spatial tasks which translates also to low level Abstract thinking capability. Abstract thinking is the primary building block in our intellectual capacity that has allowed European Caucasoids to excel in the creating capacity to create modern man's science, literature and art.

I suppose we could also deduce that Asians, while not being handicapped with low visual spatial abilities, could achieve this same ability in athletic endeavours. They are, however, partially handicapped by having lower testerone levels(less muscle mass) and smaller stature that European Caucasoids.

As far as lack of Asian(mongoloid) invention throughout man's history this probably can be expressed by less creativity than whites at same IQ level(behavioural characteristic lower levels of psychoticism perhaps?) and distribution at 2 or 3 std deviations from avg IQ level that Europeans caucasoids seem to produce that Asians don't. Anyway I am boring the hell out of myself and others at this point.

But here is the quote and article that you will enjoy. No wonder we have the best touch and hands when playing football!

"In early hominid societies women gathered and men hunted. The division of labor exerted distinctly different adaptive pressures on men and women, leaving them with different cognitive strengths. The legacy of the hunter is visuospatial proficiency including the ability to mentally rotate and invert objects in 3-space. This ability, useful for navigating across wide stretches in search of prey, is also valuable in mathematics. Women's better ability to identify objects and recall their location is the legacy of the forager."


You can differentiate between Europeans and Africans here because we had to plan and search out prey and food because of scarcity due to stress of climate, whereas food and game was plentiful in the tropics for the *******.