Orleans Parish Prison (New Orleans)

Jan 1, 2006
My friend got sent to jail for a week for missing drill for the Army. While in there of course he was grossly overwhelmed with negroes. There was a scroungy elderly white man half out of his right mind mumbling to himself yet not bothering a soul. For no reason a young able bodied negro savagely punched the poor old whiteman in the face. My friend was appauled at the senseless brutality and began a sentence to question the negro but before he could even get the whole sentence out he just saw many fists coming at him. It was as if on cue all these unconnected blacks just ganged up on him.

When the guards finally came in breaking it up of course my shaken up friend felt indignant as would be expected and started yelling to the guards pointing out which ones attacked him albiet using vulgarity. Well the violent hateful negroes were quiet and cool after the fact and it was the offended, my friend, who was in the eyes of the guards the problem now.

The guards hit my friend with billy clubs and hog tied him and put him into a small dark cell with an old negro hog tied the same way (legs tied together, arms tied together and the two ropes tied together behind the back). All of a sudden this old crazy negro man tells my friend he has aids and he's going to bit him and give him aids. So the negro is crawling trying to catch and bite my friend and my friend is crawling like a crab trying to get away while calling,"Guard, guard, I'm asmatic." A true nightmare of multiculturalism.