Anti-White Baseball Articles

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Here's two more strongly anti-white articles on baseball I've read in just the past 48 hours.

The first one is about Pedro Martinez and is called "Transformer: Pedro changes face of franchise and its fans." It contains the usual slurs against the Red Sox as a bigoted organization that was too white and so were its fans. Pedro (a jerk) and Manny Ramierez (an even bigger jerk) are credited with "reviving the hispanic community" in Boston.

Not one negative word is said about Martinez or Ramierez. At one point there is a mention of the 1970s, "when the park was mostly filled with white faces." How awful. Funny, watching the Red Sox this year, Fenway Park still looks mostly filled with white faces, so where is the evidence of Pedro's "transformation" of the city of Boston? And of course the fact that a northeastern city like Boston even has a large hispanic population is seen as a wonderful thing by Paul Doyle of The Hartford Courant:,0 ,2081274.story?coll=hc-headlines-baseball

The other article is a big-time attack on Wally Backman, the 1986 Mets, Billy Martin, and basically any white player who ever played baseball and also drank. In the new Puritan Era, which corresponds quite neatly with the domestic police state that is being constructed, any drinking related offenses in one's past is now cause for refusing to be hired as a manager.

This particular article only mentions white names. The only black mentioned is big-time druggie Darryl Strawberry, who is quoted as calling Backman "that little redneck."

Any white man who ever got a DUI or got in a bar fight is now barred from becoming a manager. Will the same standard be used on blacks who want to coach or manage, an amazingly high percentage of whom have criminal backgrounds, and almost always based on far more serious charges than a DUI? We already know the answer to that one. Or better yet maybe we can ask Michael Irvin, he of the multiple drug-related and theft-related charges, who is now a highly touted ESPN announcer.

(it's the second article down)

These are just two routine examples of the entrenched anti-white, pro-minority basis that is found every day in the sports sections of every urban newspaper.

Edited by: Don Wassall