Favorite Beer?


Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
It's about time we have something Happy in Happy Hour! I'm assuming most of you indulge in an adult beverage now and then, what's your beer or drink of choice? I'm a beer drinker who once and a while likes Whiskey or Bourbon. I enjoy trying new beers and most of the time I'm not disappointed.

Craft beer has really taken off in America with local breweries popping up all over the US. It's a cool way to try new beer and support small business in the process. Not to mention Beer is an important part of European Culture. Craft Beer and Beer in general is a White Man's thing. You're Welcome world.

Also a lot of the brewer's are able to express themselves artistically in a manly way. Whether it be experimenting with new flavors for brews or the artwork on the cans or bottles, its top notch.

This one is only available in Wisconsin


Here's one I've tried from an Indiana Brewer


These guys are out of Michigan

This post made me chuckle. Good one Bucky.

I'm assuming most of you indulge in an adult beverage now and then

Now and then? Hell I suck down a couple of beers every night. Studies have shown two drinks a day is good for men. I'll go with that!

Old Milwaukee right Bucky? Ha that stuff sucks the big willy. Miller is better but heavy as hell.

I have tried numerous craft beers over the years and have given up. I just want a real beer whether it be Heineken ( Holland) or Becks which is German and you can't go wrong with German beers.

What do I especially hate? Those fruity beers and female bitch crap like Corona or Blue Moon. To each his own I suppose.

Beware of those ales though. They can knock you on your ass.

I say stick with the ancient stuff. Grolsch beer goes back to 1615. Guinness stout ( beware don't touch that draught garbage) which is an Irish staple was founded in 1759. A bit of an acquired taste but I like it for cold weather months.

But I admit I am not a 100% macho man. I can't handle whiskey and such.
I respect people that can genuinely differentiate between beers but I’m not one of those guys. Bucky you are in a great zone to grow hops. I lived a stones throw away from Beloit ( not your shiniest apple) but really appreciated the love of brats, beer and cheese. A lot of non-pretentious happy go lucky people there as well.

For me its almost all interchangeable in taste for the big brew lite beers and the IPA’s don't sit well.
Hamm’s and PBR are my go to cheep heavy bar beers to both impress the ladies and improve pool, darts, shuffleboard or bowling performance.

Bud, Miller, Coors lite beer labels could be switched and I honestly wouldn't know. Theres a brew your own kit and a kegerator of mine somewhere in a storage unit collecting dust. Its a lost art, and good to see communities brewing again ( it would be huge in the midwest, Illinois especially if not for the crazy regulations against small breweries).
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Haha glad to make you laugh @Shadowlight. Thanks for the response and yes Old Milwaukee is crap! I do agree with you on German Beers! Haven't had one I don't like. Heineken, Beck's, and St Pauli Girl's are all good to me.

@DWF Upside nope it's a little dark in Beloit lol. Generally the further North you get The true Wisconsin comes to life. Brats, Beer, and Cheese are definitely the staples. You gotta boil the brats in beer before you grill em though! Hamm's are great if you're drinking with friends. 30pk run ya about $11. I usually drink PBR or High Life if I'm going cheap. You make a great point about growing my own hops, could be my new hobby. Get that kegarator up and running again buddy!
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I do agree with you on German Beers! Haven't had one I don't like. Heineken, Beck's, and St Pauli Girl's are all good to me.

You know your beers Bucky. Must be a Wisconsin thing ha. I totally forgot about St Pauli Girl because I rarely see it around these days but that is another good one.
You know your beers Bucky. Must be a Wisconsin thing ha. I totally forgot about St Pauli Girl because I rarely see it around these days but that is another good one.

Haha a blessing and a curse.
Great beer bottle cover too. Good job! As you suck them down that is the sort of thing that the mind drifts towards. :nusee:
When we were in high school and trying to get some cheap beer, it was usually Old German or some similar awful swill. Think it was like $5 or $6 a case back then lol

I drank Coors Light for a long time but switched to Bud somewhere along the way and am satisfied enough with it. I'm too lazy to try all the craft beers. There's hundreds of them now, where do you begin?? I thought of switching to Dos Equis at one time because of their funny "most interesting man in the world" commercials, but apparently the most interesting man in the world passed away as the ads stopped. For a while they ran some knockoffs with a younger guy, but they weren't nearly as good or funny. I do agree with Upside that beers tend to taste alike, at least after downing a few.
There were a few beers made in and around Pittsburgh, most notably Iron City, which was pretty bad.

Rolling Rock was another beer made locally, also bad tasting. Now there's mini-breweries and craft beers galore and a lot of them are doing great business.

Iron City also came out with tons of cans of Steelers teams and individual stars, same for the Pirates. I still have a can featuring the Super Bowl winning 1979 team, similar to this:

My mainstay is Miller Lite. I will occasionally drink Coors Lite if I am going for the near water experience. When I dine out, I usually go for the blonde IPAs.
My mainstay is Miller Lite. I will occasionally drink Coors Lite if I am going for the near water experience. When I dine out, I usually go for the blonde IPAs.
In fact, I am in process of killing 8 Miller Lites!!!
Miller Lite used to have some good commercials, at least compared to the noxious communist garbage of today's advertising:

Jack and Coke . When I want beer, it’s Michelob Ultra: I’ve bought into their “low carb” ad campaign, and it tastes fine. If I’m feeling cheap and not worried about carbs, it’s Miller High Life, the “champagne of beers”, at $10 for 12 bottles.
There were a few beers made in and around Pittsburgh, most notably Iron City, which was pretty bad.

Rolling Rock was another beer made locally, also bad tasting. Now there's mini-breweries and craft beers galore and a lot of them are doing great business.

Iron City also came out with tons of cans of Steelers teams and individual stars, same for the Pirates. I still have a can featuring the Super Bowl winning 1979 team, similar to this:

I actually remember a feature on this beer and other sports team beers on the ESPN website. I recall this yearly brew being sold on Ebay, I can't recall the price though.

As for beer I really don't drink beer beyond gentleman's clubs and sports bars, but if I do I drink Irish Ales or strong beers. I can drink Guinness all day and Kilkenny too. There is a strong beer in Canada called Molson XXX and that is something I drink too but stopped buying it beyond a king can as I remember once buying a case of it and drinking half of it at a work mates apartment and the two us nearly coming to blows over something trivial. I remember leaving the apartment and giving it to a random stranger leaving the subway while I was entering it and vowing to never drink the beer again. Fun times.....
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You are specifically referring to Molson Golden which has a very high alcohol content because of it's ale like qualities. Molsons were popular here in the US for a spell going back in time but not anymore. I like Guinness ( they drink it in England like it is going out of style) but because of it's "bread like" qualities it doesn't go well with carb heavy meals. And even though it is a bit heavy no matter how many you drink you only get a faint buzz. Then again you don't get a hangover either. Ha.

Conversely once I bought Natural Ice thinking it was some Bud/Busch offshoot. I learned the hard way as I almost got sick. Found out later it is the choice for college kids because it is cheap and will get you drunk real fast. Never again.

Then there is what used to be the choice for a lot of black folk, Colt 45 which is a malt liquor. More like gasoline. Do they still make it? Horrible.

I know some men drink these fruity beer things but really? Bud with a lemon or lime kind of thing? That reeks female oriented from head to toe to me.

Hard to believe but before my time the great Yankee announcer used to hawk this beer during Yankee broadcasts. It is called Ballantine Ale. Talk about nasty. If you ever wondered what skunk piss tasted like give it a try. A perfect choice for people trying to break the alcohol habit. Ha.
You are specifically referring to Molson Golden which has a very high alcohol content because of it's ale like qualities. Molsons were popular here in the US for a spell going back in time but not anymore. I like Guinness ( they drink it in England like it is going out of style) but because of it's "bread like" qualities it doesn't go well with carb heavy meals. And even though it is a bit heavy no matter how many you drink you only get a faint buzz. Then again you don't get a hangover either. Ha.

Conversely once I bought Natural Ice thinking it was some Bud/Busch offshoot. I learned the hard way as I almost got sick. Found out later it is the choice for college kids because it is cheap and will get you drunk real fast. Never again.

Then there is what used to be the choice for a lot of black folk, Colt 45 which is a malt liquor. More like gasoline. Do they still make it? Horrible.

I know some men drink these fruity beer things but really? Bud with a lemon or lime kind of thing? That reeks female oriented from head to toe to me.

Hard to believe but before my time the great Yankee announcer used to hawk this beer during Yankee broadcasts. It is called Ballantine Ale. Talk about nasty. If you ever wondered what skunk piss tasted like give it a try. A perfect choice for people trying to break the alcohol habit. Ha.
No this beer......https://www.meijer.com/shop/en/beer-wine-spirits/beer/lager/molson-xxx-12-pk-12-oz-bottle/p/6821311327

Molson Golden is this beer......https://www.newyorkbeverage.com/product/molson-golden/

It's been years since I drank Golden and didn't know they redesigned the beer, the last time I drank the beer I was high school age and bought it with fake ID forged by a guy who I knew that did it for a part time job. Back then age of majority cards didn't have pictures and I still don't know how the beer store employees believed the ID as I could only grow an Adam Morrison pencil moustache and was built like Lemaitre.

Canadian beer is viewed as a delicacy in border state areas with Canada but up in Canada many of these brands are viewed as swill by regular beer drinkers.

PS, I usually have a beer or two of XXX, Guinness or a craft beer in my fridge for when a friend comes by to watch a PPV boxing match or UFC, otherwise I won't crack it open beyond a 90 degree day in the late spring or summer and have it with a steak or pizza.
You are specifically referring to Molson Golden which has a very high alcohol content because of it's ale like qualities. Molsons were popular here in the US for a spell going back in time but not anymore. I like Guinness ( they drink it in England like it is going out of style) but because of it's "bread like" qualities it doesn't go well with carb heavy meals. And even though it is a bit heavy no matter how many you drink you only get a faint buzz. Then again you don't get a hangover either. Ha.

Conversely once I bought Natural Ice thinking it was some Bud/Busch offshoot. I learned the hard way as I almost got sick. Found out later it is the choice for college kids because it is cheap and will get you drunk real fast. Never again.

Then there is what used to be the choice for a lot of black folk, Colt 45 which is a malt liquor. More like gasoline. Do they still make it? Horrible.

I know some men drink these fruity beer things but really? Bud with a lemon or lime kind of thing? That reeks female oriented from head to toe to me.

Hard to believe but before my time the great Yankee announcer used to hawk this beer during Yankee broadcasts. It is called Ballantine Ale. Talk about nasty. If you ever wondered what skunk piss tasted like give it a try. A perfect choice for people trying to break the alcohol habit. Ha.
Another true story back 20 years ago I decided to try a shandy as this was all the rage and was in downtown Toronto so I bought a 6 pack and cracked one open and drank it while walking through the downtown core and it tasted like swill and gave the 5 other beers to a beggar who was begging in the front of the beer store that I originally bought the beer from.
No this beer......https://www.meijer.com/shop/en/beer-wine-spirits/beer/lager/molson-xxx-12-pk-12-oz-bottle/p/6821311327

Molson Golden is this beer......https://www.newyorkbeverage.com/product/molson-golden/

It's been years since I drank Golden and didn't know they redesigned the beer, the last time I drank the beer I was high school age and bought it with fake ID forged by a guy who I knew that did it for a part time job. Back then age of majority cards didn't have pictures and I still don't know how the beer store employees believed the ID as I could only grow an Adam Morrison pencil moustache and was built like Lemaitre.

Canadian beer is viewed as a delicacy in border state areas with Canada but up in Canada many of these brands are viewed as swill by regular beer drinkers.

PS, I usually have a beer or two of XXX, Guinness or a craft beer in my fridge for when a friend comes by to watch a PPV boxing match or UFC, otherwise I won't crack it open beyond a 90 degree day in the late spring or summer and have it with a steak or pizza.

You stumped me. I have never heard of Molson XXX. Regular Canadian Molson and Golden Molson yes. That XXX stuff looks like rocket fuel. Ha.

Back in the day they used to have catchy jingles accompany beer ads. They recently brought the classic Miller High Life song back. My favorite was Schaefer ( not sure they still make it?) which goes "Schaefer is the one beer to have when your having more than one." Which is not a good advertisement for alcoholics. But it was catchy. Too bad the beer sucked. Just like Billy Beer named after President's Carter 's brother.

At one time Pabst Blue Ribbon and Schlitz were big sellers. I don't think I have ever had a Schlitz which I think is now defunct. PBR though made a comeback after years of being in the wilderness. Anybody remember Lowenbrau? That was good stuff but I haven't seen it for years.
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I’ve got to admit that over the years I’ve become a bit of a beer snob with all the craft stuff so easily and readily available. I usually go with IPAs, pale ales or whatever is seasonal. It’s an acquired taste but Sour Ales can be particularly enjoyable if you’re in the mood for one. The brewing scene on Long Island keeps growing at a seemingly endless rate so there’s always something new to try.

Now if I’m slumming it ;), I like to go with Miller High Life or Miller Lite. Coors Lite used to be my go to in college but I’ve sort have out grown it except in a pinch.

In terms of PA beers, I agree with Don that Rolling Rock is awful. I’d instead buy some luengling. The owners were big Trump supporters so you know their heart is in the right place.
[QUOTE="Freethinker, post: 754740, member: 952"]I’ve got to admit that over the years I’ve become a bit of a beer snob with all the craft stuff so easily and readily available. I usually go with IPAs, pale ales or whatever is seasonal. It’s an acquired taste but Sour Ales can be particularly enjoyable if you’re in the mood for one. The brewing scene on Long Island keeps growing at a seemingly endless rate so there’s always something new to try.

Now if I’m slumming it ;), I like to go with Miller High Life or Miller Lite. Coors Lite used to be my go to in college but I’ve sort have out grown it except in a pinch.

In terms of PA beers, I agree with Don that Rolling Rock is awful. I’d instead buy some luengling. The owners were big Trump supporters so you know their heart is in the right place.[/QUOTE]

I'm with you buddy, I pretty much buy craft. They may cost a bit more, but are usually much stronger and better tasting. Less beers to get a buzz.

I recently tried a sour beer and it's definitely an acquired taste as you've mentioned but I can see how they would be refreshing come Summertime. A couple years ago was my first time trying Yuengling(America's Oldest Brewer) as its only available in East Coast. It's slowly making its way to Midwest.

Whenever I visit a different state or city I like to try local beers, itd be awesome to make it out to Long Island for a few!
Nice vintage can @Don Wassall ! Here's a Vintage 1973 Schlitz beer can @Shadowlight. I know Schlitz is still available at some liquor stores in Wisconsin, but even around here it's not nearly as popular as it once was.

We use to call that can of Schlitz aTall Boy. I'm strickly a Budweiser drinker.
Nice vintage can @Don Wassall ! Here's a Vintage 1973 Schlitz beer can @Shadowlight. I know Schlitz is still available at some liquor stores in Wisconsin, but even around here it's not nearly as popular as it once was.

View attachment 2713

How the hell do you drink it with that slit in the middle? Looks more like a piggy bank.

I'm old enough to remember when most cans of beverages were opened with hand-held can/bottle openers. Make a big triangular cut at one end and then a smaller one at the opposite end so that the liquid flowed smoothly. I just did a search of the pull-off tab and supposedly it was invented in 1959, but it didn't come into widespread use until well after that. And those early pull-offs could be nasty at times, resulting in deep finger cuts.

One of these did the trick. I still have a couple around, as some bottles still aren't twist offs.

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