white running backs in the 2008 Draft

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
there are a quartet of white running backs in this year's draft class who've managed to shine despite the barriers the Caste System has placed in their way. however, their struggles are certainly not over. this thread is to keep an eye on these backs (and any others i'm unaware of) in this year's Draft.

for the first post i'll comment on Danny Woodhead, since "for some reason" he wasn't invited to the NFL Combine despite being the all-time rushing leader in NCAA history and possessing blazing speed.

as this video demonstrates, the alleged reason behind Woodhead's shunning from the "real" football world is his lack of size. he's listed anywhere from 5-7 to 5-9 and from 195-pounds to 205-pounds. so, since these physical measurements are so "obviously" lacking that he's not even considered a legitimate NFL running back candidate, i thought i'd compare his size with that of several of the "real" talents who were invited to the Combine.

so, keep this in mind: Danny Woodhead; Chadron State: about 5-8, 195 pounds.

now, here's the measurables of some "vastly superior" athletes who possess "legitimate" size so much more impressive that it is "obviously" more suited for success at the next level (these measurements are provided by NFL.com's own Combine listings)...

Thomas Brown; Georgia: 5-9, 198 pounds.
Justin Forsett; California: 5-8, 190 pounds.
Mike Hart; Michigan: 5-9, 195 pounds.
Chris Johnson; East Carolina: 5-11, 195 pounds.
Rafael Little; Kentucky: 5-9, 194 pounds.
Ray Rice; Rutgers: 5-9, 195 pounds.
Dantrell Savage; Oklahoma State: 5-8, 187 pounds. that's not a typo!
Steve Slaton; West Virginia: 5-10, 195 pounds.

please take note of how many are virtually identical in size to the "diminutive" Woodhead...

then there are a few who are only marginally larger than him...

Jamaal Charles; Texas: 6-1, 200 pounds.
Felix Jones; Arkansas: 6-0, 200 pounds. those numbers may be "official," but i can tell you that he is NOT that tall or heavy.
Kalvin McRae; Ohio: 5-9, 208 pounds.

so, the evidence is readily apparent and completely obvious.

the argument that Woodhead is far too small, first to get recruited to Division I, and now to be a "real" NFL tailback is complete nonsense.

i'm sure more dis-information will surface regarding what Woodhead (and Hester, Hillis, and Schmitt) has to overcome. and this thread is the place to refute it.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Even more frustrating when you consider the last two years two diminutive white players have excelled at receiver, Mike Furrey and Wes Welker. Obviously the small white guys got game and it should apply to the RB position too.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
The best receivers in history of football have typically been about 5'10" to 6'. It's only a recent trend for them being 6'2"+ and 220+. As for tailbacks pre-steroids a back of Woodhead's size would have had enough size to make a roster and contribute. I even recall Joe Morris being smaller at 5'6" and about 190ish.Edited by: white is right


Hey WIS there is blk running back for the Chargers who looks like he is about 507 and weighs about 170 lbs. I forget his name but he had some great playoff games this year. So the argument of the caste system against white running backs, in this case Danny Woodhead is in plain view. If I'm Danny and I don't get an invite, I scream racism against the NFL!

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Kukulcan, you are probably thinking of Darren Sproles, though the Chargers don't have a tailback on their roster over 5-10.

Sproles is officially listed at 5-6, 181-pounds on the Chargers' own website. so after three years in the NFL to physically mature even more, he is still smaller than Woodhead. yet, he was a fourth-round pick.

interestingly enough, Sproles was playing for Kansas State (as the starting tailback and one of the pre-season favorites to win the Heisman) when the KSU coaching staff told Danny Woodhead he was too small to play Division I football and chose not to offer him a scholarship.

you can see the obvious double standard quite clearly.


Will Parker, undrafted but signed by the Steelers, is another small player. He was 190 pounds when he started. Last season he led the league in rushing until he got hurt in game 15. He is still only about 205 pounds.


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
The Buffalo Bills gave another Chadron State alum, Don Beebe, a chance and he became a standout NFL player for many years, so let`s hope a team like the BIlls is as wise again and gives Danny Woodhead a legitimate chance to prove whether he can play in the NFL or not. Considering the NFL`s track record with regard to white RBs for many years now, this is probably too much to wish for, though.


If there was ever an instance to fight for, then Woodhead would be it. Thanks Jimmy for the info on Sporles. However, its incumbent for Danny to fight for a his own opportunity at the combines. If he is not invited, he should protest and bring national attention to this injustice and expose the caste system once and for all!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Kukulcan said:
If there was ever an instance to fight for, then Woodhead would be it. Thanks Jimmy for the info on Sporles. However, its incumbent for Danny to fight for a his own opportunity at the combines. If he is not invited, he should protest and bring national attention to this injustice and expose the caste system once and for all!

If only it was that easy. The media would either ignore him or demonize him after having loads of fun at his expense. White athletes need some institutional backing (friendly media) and a lot of white athletes and fans backing them up before this becomes any more than a quickly dismissed and forgotten kamikaze tactic.


Don I never said it would be easy, but if this caste system is to be broken in this era, why can't he be our "Jackie Robinson"? If he has the skills and numbers, 40 yard time, vertical leap etc., why not. Don, I'm surprised by your statement, it sounds somewhat defeatist.

I sounds like a person saying to a fighter your good, but don't even try to fight at the elite level, just be happy you won a couple fights at the amatuer level and club level. In a way it sounds like the main stream media and how it views white athelets. All the movement needs is one qualified person and the rest jump on board and support him.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005

your hypothesis is only possible if a fair and balanced media would present his case with logic and fact.

quite the opposite exists in America today, especially when the mere presence of black skin creates "electric" athleticism in all who possess it. the perception of black skin equalling "phenomenal talent" is so solidly written in stone for today's so-called sports reporters, that it might as well replace the Ten Commandments.

conversely, white skin is equated with a marginally talented over-acheiver regardless of the abundance of factual evidence to contradict such nonsensical labels.

keep that in mind while you try to understand where Don is coming from.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
You need to understand how the media works and what the agenda is. The entire system wanted a Jackie Robinson, wanted black heroes and "pioneers" and still does. That should be obvious. When was the last time a white person engendered sympathy and support from the media because of a racial injustice done to him? Not in your lifetime. Whites cannot be oppressed for racial reasons in the current system, in fact they have no race at all except to be vilified and made to feel guilty. If you think Danny Woodhead calling a press conference and claiming he's being discriminated against because he's a white running back will "break the Caste System," or even result in a single sympathetic portrayal in the corporate media, well all I can say is that we strongly disagree on that one.

Some ten thousand whites a year are killed by blacks in this country. Several million non-whites enter the U.S. legally and illegally every year. Whites are being replaced demographically, and mocked and demonized the entire time the process is taking place. The Caste System is but one part of a much greater whole. When whites become a numerical minority rather than just a psychologically defeated group as they are now, the Caste System will become irrelevant. White athletes in any number in most sports will be a forgotten anachronism, brought up only as examples of the evil days of "white supremacy."

It will take a large, well-organized resistance movement to change the direction of things, including the Caste System. Ron Paul has shown that the spirit of resistance still exists among a portion of Americans, but the "Ron Paul Revolution" is still in its infant stages; it must be organized throughout the country and at all levels and pursued fanatically for however long it takes to succeed. Simply calling a press conference and announcing "The two party system is a sham" changes nothing.

Same with the Caste System. It will take loud, continual and organized opposition for a sustained period of time to defeat it. Are white people capable of that? The verdict is still out, but time is running out and the atmosphere is getting darker by the hour. As I remarked in the Boxing forum, the disppearance of a number of regular posters in recent months indicates that even knowledgeable and articulate opponents of the Caste System aren't capable of or interested in sustained effort on behalf of the cause, much less making truly painful sacrifices.

Sorry, but nothing Danny Woodhead says or does will change a thing, and why should he throw away what little chance he has at a pro career by doing something that only a handful of us here at Caste Football will applaud? There are a number of MSM articles that have been posted here that openly admit the discrimination against whites in football. Did that "break" the Caste System? The institutions of power themselves must be challenged and replaced if anything is to change.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Van_Slyke_CF said:
The Buffalo Bills gave another Chadron State alum, Don Beebe, a chance and he became a standout NFL player for many years, so let`s hope a team like the BIlls is as wise again and gives Danny Woodhead a legitimate chance to prove whether he can play in the NFL or not. Considering the NFL`s track record with regard to white RBs for many years now, this is probably too much to wish for, though.
The Bills signed a small white back from Levy's old college back in the late 90's. He was even smaller than Danny, but he was probably given the benefit of the doubt because of those ties. I recall him getting activated to the roster but just doing suicide squad work. His name finally came to it was Carey Bender.Edited by: white is right


Don with all due respect I disagree with you. The movement has to start somewhere, why not him. If he has the skills and ability he should be the chosen one. So what if he fails to bring attention to the injustices, it is better to try than to be 'happy' being a scout/scrub player on a pro team so he can wear a f..king jeresy. I could do that every weekend and not get my body abused. If that is his destiny, I say screw that and become an officer in the military or doctor or professional and not get your body wrecked!

What is the real purpose of this site. Being arm chair football players and wine and moan about the double standard that black affelets get. I am confused about the purpose of this site!

By the way I am a grown man and well aware of the double standards that exist in our society. And to all of you who think there is no difference in political parties let me state this, sure the republican party has its problems but its so much better that the enabling democrats. I always tell people the dems are a tool for the minorities and a weapon against whites.

Go McCain and f..k Hillory or Obama. If they win, I will love motherf..king them every day of the week! As you can tell I am fired up.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Kukulcan said:
The movement has to start somewhere, why not him.

The "movement" has started -- it's called Caste Football.

What do you think would happen if Woodhead called his press conference or whatever you want him to do? Would the media publicize him and side with him? Would he become a white Jackie Robinson, universally beloved and seen as a symbol courageously standing up against discrimination against whites in football? Would white football players everywhere wear his number on their helmets as a sign of racial solidarity? Would college coaches immediately begin to recruit fairly? Would the NFL beg forgiveness and offer reparations to all the white players it's screwed over?

The only thing that might change-- assuming that anyone from the MSM even showed up --is that the media would add Woodhead to its already sizeable collection of white scalps -- Campanis, Jimmy the Greek, Marge Shott, Rocker, Imus, Tilghman, ad infinitum. If Woodhead went to the building in New York where the NFL headquarters is located and set himself ablaze it still wouldn't result in any sympathetic coverage by the media other than perhaps from an obscure local writer here or there and a few bloggers. Again, I think you're naive about how the system works and what the overall agenda is.

To the extent there is awareness of the Caste System it's because of this site. And to the extent that the Caste System is changed or eliminated, it will spring from this site as the spearhead of the movement. There's no shortcuts or magical curealls.

And I disagree with you completely about the Republican Party, too. But that's okay, I'm glad you're stating what you believe. We're not "dittoheads" here contrary to what some of our opponents might think.Edited by: Don Wassall


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
Don says:

To the extent there is awareness of the Caste System it's because of this site. And to the extent that the Caste System is changed or eliminated, it will spring from this site as the spearhead of the movement.

I agree completely. I found this site a couple of years ago while doing searches for white CBs playing D1 football.At the time I was thinking, "There must be other white guys out there thinking like I do; desperately hoping for fair treatment of white athletes in so many sports."

Some of you older guys were lucky enough to see the days before the CasteSystem becameentrenched.Being in my 30s, all I saw while I was growing up and playing/watching sports was a firmly entrenched Caste System already in place, the emasculation of white men etc.

On a positive note, I`ve noticed increasinglyover the past year or so that "Caste System" is gradually becoming more commonplace in Internet discussion about racial discrimination against whites in sports andother aspects of life.

I would also say, though, that I think it takes time for people to find their voice and say what theywant on a board such as this. I thought fora longtime before joining here, andthere must beothers because we see them lurking as "guests"-which included me through a lot of 2006/7.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I'm sure a lot of people lurk and are afraid to get too involved, we know the repurcussions of people finding out about non-PC views. Another thing is when you recognize the caste system it spoils a lot of sports for you. I personally no longer care much about the UM football team, have not watched the Pistons in years, and absolutely H A T E the hispanic Detroit El Tigres.


Don I am intoxicated with beer and the eurphoria with Pavlik's great and hard earned win tonight against Jermain Taylor. I will get back to you on defeatist mode I suspect you are taking on Woodhead. I respect you for moderating his site but I will never be a pacifist against the MSM or this thing called the Caste System. I am a Jason Sehorn in spirit and will support any qualified white running back who draws the line in the sand. Like I said, I would rather be a learned professional rather that a scrub/scout player who wears the team jersey except on Sundays! I hope you see my point..As always I give you much respect!


Don, the last point for tonight, I am not NAIVE! I know the injustices and the double standards out there, I have lived them for christ sake!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I am hardly a "pacifist" or a "defeatist" when it comes to exposing and ending the Caste System. If I was either this site wouldn't exist.We'll just have toagree to disagree on how much effect Woodhead can have in your scenario, especially consideringthat he is not well known among college football fans, and on how muchone single white athlete no matter who he is, is going to change the status quo. IMOthe Caste System will be changed through much wider awareness, tenacity-- and righteous anger about what's going on, mixed with a few well thought out legal actions when the resources are available. When the time is ripe the outspokenness from white athletes will follow, not the other way around. But who knows how things will unfold.

At any rate here's to The Man, Kelly Pavlik!

Edited by: Don Wassall


Aug 16, 2006
Thanks for spoiling the Pavlik-Taylor fight results jerks. Nah j/k but I agree with Jaxvid, there are lots of lurkers here. I was one for quite some time, not really sure what I was afraid of. Guys are hesitant to associate themselves with the more extreme members of the site. They need to realize it's a message board like any other, there's a fair mix of people. I think we're generally accepting of people that share our basic interests.


Apr 14, 2005
I mean look at the wall of "experts" that marginalize white football players all the time. From espn to rivals to nfl draft websites its so entrenched in a lot of dumb white people out there that only blacks can play certain positions. In order for values and beliefs about white athletes to change stereotypes must be abolished. However, just like Don has layed out this is not that simple. The MSM has their agenda set and its not going to change over night. It takes a bunch of people to reject the status quo and start living by a new set of rules. That's what sites like caste football are about. To bring together the people that see something is wrong here and nobody wants to talk about the elephant in the corner.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
jaxvid said:
Even more frustrating when you consider the last two years two diminutive white players have excelled at receiver, Mike Furrey and Wes Welker. Obviously the small white guys got game and it should apply to the RB position too.

Is Mike Furrey really diminutive? The NFL have him listed as...

Height: 6-0Weight: 195Age: 30
Born: 5/12/1977 Galion , OH
College: Northern Iowa
Experience: 5th season
High School: Hilliard HS [OH]

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i should mention two things before this thread gets more distracted:

1) the Combine starts on Wednesday, i believe. anyone with the NFL Network should watch/record it.

2) i left Chad Hall off the list of white tailbacks on purpose. this was done, not because he isn't a tremendous talent, but because it is completely obvious that the NFL won't be drafting him.

he wasn't invited to the Combine, nor does he possess phenomenal timed speed. much like Wes Welker (who he resembles in both appearance and playing style), he is much quicker and shiftier than having pure linear speed. while this translates well to football games and makes guys virtually unstoppable in open space, the idiots who draft football "players" get hard-ons for guys who run fast in a straight line while wearing spandex shorts.

just thought i'd point that out.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
It really is a shame (as usual), because Chad Hall has to be one of the best "do-it-all" athletes to come out of the NCAA in at least 5 seasons. He reminds me of Brian Westbrook and Eric Weddle (when he would play offense). Incredible in open space, hard to tackle, and runs strong for his size. These will be some of the 10,000 reasons he won't ever play a down in the NFL.

Adding to what Jimmy Chitwood said, a white skill player is expected to literally be twice as good (speed, size, stats, stregth) as his black counterpart in order to even get the slightest chance. The treatment of Chad Hall (and every player like him in the future) will be obvious to predict....undrafted free agent who gets cut, usually before training camp. All while the coaches "straight-line" afflete RB's go nowhere come sunday. Seriously, there is maybe 2 RB's currently in the NFL who impress me. The rest wouldnt be in the NFL (and some not even in NCAA football) if they were white men.Edited by: Thrashen