Tea Parties on April 15th

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
gentlemen, i urge you to read this email that i received today from the Campaign for Liberty and use the links in it to contact your elected representatives in Congress, as i have.

Ron Paul is refusing to "play politics" with scumbag Barney Frank and allow his Audit the Fed Bill to be watered down and included in some insidious legislation that would only increase the Federal Reserve's power and centralize power even more in the federal gov't. it is imperative that we, too, make our voices heard and try to provide impetus for the corrupt and power-hungry fools to do what is right.


August 31, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,
Our grassroots Revolution has set its sights on restoring a sound monetary policy to our nation, and every day we are awakening more of our countrymen to the dangers of Federal Reserve secrecy and its stranglehold on our economy.
A year ago, no one in the political establishment would have believed that a bill to thoroughly audit the Fed would have almost two-thirds of the House (including every Republican representative and nearly one hundred Democrats) and a quarter of the Senate on board.
Certainly, no one would have bet that three-fourths of the American people would support such an audit.
As many of you may have heard by now, recent statements from Representative Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, have indicated that the House will vote on Audit the Fed in the next few months.
However, rather than voting on HR 1207 as a standalone bill, many in Congress hope to roll it into the comprehensive regulatory reform package recently proposed by the White House.
This reform package grants new, more comprehensive powers to the Fed and strengthens the government's control over our economy. C4L and other friends of liberty stand in opposition to this proposal, as well as any other attempt to convert this historic movement for transparency into yet another rubber-stamping of politics as usual.
It is imperative that Audit the Fed come before the House and Senate on its own merits.
The American people stand behind a thorough audit of the Fed, and we should not be adding additional powers when we don't fully know what is being done with the ones they currently have.
Call Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office today at and urge her to stand with the American people by giving the Audit the Fed bill full debate and a standalone vote on the House floor.
Click here for contact information for your representatives and senators and ask them to get behind Audit the Fed if they have not yet done so. If they have already cosponsored, tell them to push for a roll call vote on HR 1207 and S 604 on the bills' own merits.
Our movement has worked hard to bring transparency and accountability to one of the nation's most secretive institutions. Audit the Fed has received a bipartisan level of support that is very rare in politics today.
Together, we can see a comprehensive audit of the Federal Reserve signed into law, but it should not be accompanied by more of the same interventionist legislation that helped create the current crisis.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Click here to take action, and don't forget to tell your family and friends about AuditTheFed.com, where they can view the coalition in support of transparency, sign a petition, and learn more about this historic effort.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Goodfind Jimmy C. I signed the petition and will be calling my congressman later this afternooon about it.

There currently is a huge Tea Party Express making stops in several states as it heads up to Washington,DC for the 9-12 Project demonstration Sept 12th. There will be other tea party protests that day in several cities for those that can't make it to DC.

Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
100,000 people expected Labor Day in West Virginia at a tea party. Wow!

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Thanks JC, Dr.Paul is a great American patriot. The only issues I've ever had with him are his aggrandizing of "Saint" MLK. Too bad there are very few like Dr.Paul on "Crapitol sHill".
Jul 14, 2007
DixieDestroyer said:
Thanks JC, Dr.Paul is a great American patriot. The only issues I've ever had with him are his aggrandizing of "Saint" MLK. Too bad there are very few like Dr.Paul on "Crapitol sHill".

Dixie, Ron Paul has already been accused of racism enough that I don't think it would serve him well to "blaspheme" St. MLK. As far as many are concerned, MLK being a holy among holies is a done deal. When I explain to people that MLK engaged in illicit behavior they say "you can't prove that." When I simply state that he was a spokesman for an astroturf political organization that staged PR stunts to advance their cause they say "well, it was for the right cause so it was okay. If you don't appreciate MLK it's suspicious of racism."


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Tea Party Planning National Strike

As President Barack Obama's first year in office draws to a close, Tea Party groups are planning to mark the occasion with a national strike - something local leaders say could demonstrate the conservative groups' burgeoning strength.

The strike, planned for Jan. 20, the first anniversary of Obama's inauguration, is being promoted online through Facebook and Web sites run by various national Tea Party groups.

"What's proposed is a nationwide strike by all Tea Party members, no matter where they are," said Lloyd Rekstad, an organizer of the Yucaipa Tea Party. "The idea is to strike where we are, in our communities, at our employment, to make an impact that will be diverse and spread out."

That would mean, Rekstad said, not going to work, not buying groceries, not going to restaurants or movie theaters.

"You just stay home," he said, "so that the person participating would become, for that one day, a nonentity - that they would give no support to the economy."

Not all Tea Party members are on board.

Lane Schneider, organizer of the Redlands Tea Party, said she hasn't heard all the details of the strike.

And Rekstad said he and other Tea Party organizers aren't sure if the strike is a good idea.

"How wise it is, how effective it would be, I don't have answers to those questions," Rekstad said.

Fred Taub, president of Cleveland-based Boycott Watch, said the national strike sounds like a one-day boycott - something he said never works.

"If I choose not to buy gas on Tuesday, I'm going to have to buy gas on Monday or Wednesday instead," he said. "I still have to eat. These one-day boycotts are completely and totally ineffective."

Taub said Tea Party organizations have generally done a good job of making themselves seen and heard, but that the idea for a one-day strike is a misstep.

"They've been effective," he said. "This is the first time I've seen the Tea Party fail with one of their projects. I mean, it's a one-day boycott: big whoop."

More than ineffective, though, Taub called the notion of not supporting the economy for a day "silly."

"You can't boycott the United States economy if you live here," he said. "Even if you're not working or purchasing anything today, you're still part of the economy."

Rekstad said the planned strike is motivated by general frustration with Obama's agenda, but different sites promoting the strike cite different motivations.

Some say protesting Congress' health care reform bills is the strike's explicit focus.

"We will not become tax slaves to pay for a government-run health-rationing scheme," says the National Day of Strike event page on Facebook. It goes on to say that "liberal Democrats are ... more interested in increasing their political power than fixing the problems that exist in the best health care system in the world."

Another group, Patriots for America, says the strike is aimed at protesting a ballooning deficit and increased government spending.

Another site specifically devoted to the Jan. 20 strike - strike120.ning.com - is even more general, saying the strike aims to speak against corruption and damage to the country's economy.<BR style="CLEAR: both">



Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Didn't hear any mention of a strike at the tea party gathering and 9-12 project(Glen Beck) that I went to last night. We had about 50 people show up for the meeting and planning session on a bad winters night and I was impressed with how organized it was and the passion of the people in the room for electing true conservatives into office, taking over the GOP at the grassroots such as precinct chairmans and on the various committees that endorse and fund the candidates the GOP puts up. There was also a push from a few members to join up with GOOOH(Get out of our house) which is very organized and detailed plan to elect hundreds of new congressman by this November. There will be a whole new round of tea parties once again this April 15 and I encourage alot of you to attend. Most of these people are not White Nationalists but they are classically conservative with traditional values(like me) and no amnesty for illegals is a particular hot button within our group. I can't wait for this November, something momentous and earthshaking is going to happen at the polls and alot of politicians are going to be seeking new careers. The intensity, anger, unrest and passion is unlike anything I have ever seen before.
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
guest301 said:
Didn't hear any mention of a strike at the tea party gathering and 9-12 project(Glen Beck) that I went to last night. We had about 50 people show up for the meeting and planning session on a bad winters night and I was impressed with how organized it was and the passion of the people in the room for electing true conservatives into office, taking over the GOP at the grassroots such as precinct chairmans and on the various committees that endorse and fund the candidates the GOP puts up. There was also a push from a few members to join up with GOOOH(Get out of our house) which is very organized and detailed plan to elect hundreds of new congressman by this November. There will be a whole new round of tea parties once again this April 15 and I encourage alot of you to attend. Most of these people are not White Nationalists but they are classically conservative with traditional values(like me) and no amnesty for illegals is a particular hot button within our group. I can't wait for this November, something momentous and earthshaking is going to happen at the polls and alot of politicians are going to be seeking new careers. The intensity, anger, unrest and passion is unlike anything I have ever seen before.
I'm tied down right now! But I Hope to start going by april.....


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Lost, there should be tea party organization near you as it is a a large national movement that is even gaining ground in some of the more liberal progressive areas in the country such as Massachusetts and New Jersey.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
there is a group of young folks who have jumped on board the Tea Party movement, the Young Americans for Liberty.

they have produced a videoof their "pledge" that is pretty cool.


i wonder if any of their members noticed that all of the speakers (with the exception of one brief appearance) share a tremendous similarity ... and that those who oppose the values the YAL and Tea Parties stand for have large numbers who don't share that similarity? in fact, they hate the Tea Party members for being what they are.

i wonder how the YAL and Tea Parties would react to that fact being pointed out?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Don Wassall said:

I hope they don't get too negrified. Apparently Sara Palin is just another neo-conn politiican. She's getting goofier by the hour.


What's the big deal with Negro, anyway?

Republicans are still denouncing Harry Reid for his "Negro dialect" remark, which means one thing â€" they still haven't got a clue. As usual when it comes to race, GOPers and "conservatives" are doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing. Why are they denouncing Reid for using a perfectly good word? What's wrong with "Negro"Â, anyway? When and why did it suddenly become a bad word? There's nothing offensive in the least about the word Negro, and conservatives shouldn't be trying to add yet another word to the list of words white people aren't allowed to say. But they're making fools of themselves trying to outPC the liberals and Democrats on this "controversy."Â

Sarah Palin called the word "unacceptable"Â on the Bill O'Reilly show. She never said, why, of course, and she would be the first one to boast about supporting the United Negro College Fund if it ever came up. But Palin looks like a genius compared to the black "conservatives"Â out there. Here's a good discussion of the way conservatives have blown it, especially by letting black "conservatives"Â spout off about how "hateful"Â Reid's remark was. Check out some quotes from these black "conservatives."Â

Reid is a loathsome individual whose apology was based on exposure not repentance. Reid's comments are proof positive that the racial animus of the past is alive and prevalent among liberals today"¦


Thank goodness no jive-talkin' darky ever thought about running for president! No way Reid could have supported him!!

Outside of neocon shoeshine boy Alan Keyes, the two best known black Republicans are Lloyd Marcus and Allan West. White conservatives swoon over everything they say, and they're promoting these two clowns so much that to a lot of people the Tea Party movement looks more like the Uncle Tom movement. Blacks are about .0000001 percent of the people who make up the Tea Party movement, and showed up at the rallies, but somehow these two black men have become the face of the Tea Party movement. Lloyd Marcus said Reid "insulted"Â him, and Allen West posted a completely unhinged rant about Reid, slavery and the KKK, and demanded that Reid resign.

Resign? For saying Negro?

And he's a black "conservative"Â? I'd hate to hear what black liberals think about what words white people shouldn't use. But the other sixteen black "conservatives"Â in America seem to agree with West that saying Negro is a wicked, vile sin.

This is why blacks have no business in any truly conservative movement. As soon as they come on board, the white leadership starts promoting them in the vain hopes the movement won't get called racist, which never works. Then the black "conservatives"Â start talking about how the Democrats are the real racists who want to keep blacks on the liberal plantation, etc., etc., etc., and before you know it, the whole movement has been derailed, and the focus turns to how the other guys are more racist than we are, and we're better for blacks than the liberals are, etc.

Suddenly, what was supposed to be a revolt against big government turns into one lecture after another about racism, except this time it's the Democrats who are the bad guys, and not the Republicans. Why a movement that's 99.999 percent white should be so all fired concerned about what blacks want is never explained, even as it becomes one of the primary talking points. And lots of would be supporters shake their heads in disgust and never get on board, while a lot of followers quit for the same reason. If they want to hear about "racism"Â and what's good for blacks all the time, they can watch MSNBC. And the movement eventually fizzles out, just as the Tea Party movement will.

Instead of getting anything done, these movements that promote clowns like Marcus and West simply because they're black make themselves look like idiots. They don't attract blacks with their nonsense, they disgust their white supporters, and in the end they destroy themselves.

But at least they can brag about how non-racist they are as America goes down the tubes.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Bart said:
Instead of getting anything done, these movements that promote clowns like Marcus and West simply because they're black make themselves look like idiots. They don't attract blacks with their nonsense, they disgust their white supporters, and in the end they destroy themselves.

But at least they can brag about how non-racist they are as America goes down the tubes.

Pat Buchanon fell prey to that when he put that black woman on his ticket as the vice president candidate. It can't be any better put then: "They don't attract blacks with their nonsense, they disgust their white supporters, and in the end they destroy themselves. "

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
There is some psychological defect in some whites that causes them to seek the "teflon" they believe can only be attained by promoting "conservative" blacks. These people's mantra seems to be: "...and if you do, they call you a racist!" It is as though they lack the capacity to deal with name-calling, or to even understand what a "racist" is or why that epithet should be persuasive or debilitating. I use two basic strategies to try to free borderline whites from these self-imposed shackles:

1. Whatever a "racist" is, it must be to race what a "sexist" is to sex. Nothing more. Unless you are so PC that you also see "sexist" something more than just one who recognizes natural differences between the sexes, you will have to see that there are obvious, undeniable physical differences that result in differences in behavior and achievement -- between the sexes and between the races.

2. "Racist" is merely the modern equivalent of "heliocentrist." A determined mob wants desperately to force all people to deny the obvious, verifiable truth (about racial differences) (about the earth revolving around the sun). We are every bit as right as was Galileo. Shall we recant, as he did? The other side has not yet gained the power to physically torture us for denying their anti-scientific cult, though they work toward this goal every day! Speak now while we still can. The truth is ALWAYS its own best defense.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Re #1, ask if a "sexist" is someone who hates women or is prejudiced against women? "Racist" is used to stir these accusations, hatred or prejudice against other races. Most fair-minded individuals conclude that sexism, properly understood, is justified because there are natural, self-evident differences between the sexes.