Tea Parties on April 15th


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Colonel_Reb said:
Perhaps I'm being too idealistic then. Anything that awakens people in this day should be given some credit. I do agree that people in general are getting fed up and starting to stand up for themselves. This can't be anything but good, considering the slumber most people are in. I do look forward to seeing what James has to say about them later today on the radio. Maybe he will modify his views once he has a chance to think about it. 

I respect your idealism Reb.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Thanks 301. It looks as though James Edwards has been informed of some encouraging signs within the Tea Parties by one of his co-hosts, Bill Rolen. As a result, James has somewhat changed his view. From an email I just received from him:

"The "mainstream media" largely ignored it, while the cable TV lefties
made fun of it, but the tax day "tea parties" provide a lot of food for
thought on the Cesspool this week.

My initial impression was that the "respectable conservatives" had
managed to run them off course in their usual manner, but my partner
Bill Rolen had some other ideas. He attended the Memphis event, and saw
some encouraging signs.

Of course, we'll tie all this into our celebration of Confederate
History Month, as we bring on a special guest to discuss our beloved
Robert E. Lee.

There is still a thread that runs from the original tea party
through the Confederate stand to the modern day tea parties and nascent
resistance movements. General Lee learned after the surrender at
Appomattox that he had made a mistake. He had expected some form of
chivalry from the victors, and an attempt at reconciliation, but he was

That spirit of inhuman and unchristian hatred shows itself in the
reactions of the left whenever we attempt the mildest little protest
about our own interests.

We exist only to serve them, to keep their world of sodomy and
perversion going. We are there to keep the lights on and hand them our
children to be their playthings. That is how they see it. That is why
they want to disarm us. That is why they revile us at every turn.

I'll guarantee you that not one in a thousand Southern slaveholders
held their slaves in anything near the level of contempt that our
masters hold us in. They wouldn't treat animals that way, let alone
human beings. They would have been drummed out of Southern society if
they had.

But that is because Southerners had a Christian understanding of
men being created in the image of God. They knew there were lines that
one couldn't cross without risking his own soul.

The haters of our people know nothing of any lines. They hate God,
they hate Jesus Christ, and they hate us. It is just that simple.

Watching Judeo-Christians suck up to and grovel before these
enemies of God may be the most revolting spectacle one can ever
witness. It only feeds the flames, of course. If they bothered to pay
the slightest heed to the scriptures, they might understand what
"casting pearls before swine" and "giving what is holy to the dogs"
really means. Or why the swine and dogs always "turn and rend them

They might also meditate on the passage about serving two masters. They will "hate one and love the other."

Let's see. They beg and plead and do everything in their power to
try to impress the one while ignoring the plain teachings of the other.
Could there be a connection?

We'll try to figure that out tonight at 6pm CDT. See you then.



P.S. If you attended a tea party event, call in and give us a report. And pass this along to your friends and neighbors."

The number to call in is 866-986-6397. Maybe some of you CFers who attended these events should call in.


Nov 25, 2004
I'm going to back-peddle a little on this one. It seems that the attempt made by the media and neocons/neolibs to co-opt this event was a failure for them. It seems the grassroots people won-out despite the best efforts of the others. The next step is to hold the next tea-party at all Federal Reserve buildings throughout the country. I suspect that the next tea-party may be black-balled by some of the partisans that tried to co-opt this one. Thank God for the internet.


Apr 14, 2005
Kaptain Poop said:
I'm going to back-peddle a little on this one. It seems that the attempt made by the media and neocons/neolibs to co-opt this event was a failure for them. It seems the grassroots people won-out despite the best efforts of the others. The next step is to hold the next tea-party at all Federal Reserve buildings throughout the country. I suspect that the next tea-party may be black-balled by some of the partisans that tried to co-opt this one. Thank God for the internet.

Ditto. I would love to be out there protesting the international banking cartel's Fed Reserve.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
many of the people involved in the Tea Parties are also involved in an upcoming dismantle the Fed demonstration. local folks should be easy to find on the 'net.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
As to no suprise to us informed CF'ers, the Feds were closely monitoring all the "violent right wing extremists" at the various Tea Parties.

DHS at Tea Parties...Photo Evidence


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
DixieDestroyer said:
As to no suprise to us informed CF'ers, the Feds were closely monitoring all the "violent right wing extremists" at the various Tea Parties.

DHS at Tea Parties...Photo Evidence

Morons! If those DHS guys were really concerned about Homeland security, they would be monitoring and guarding our borders from all the illegals coming in and not shadowing God fearing Americans at a tea party protest.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Don't worry about fedgov workers. They're not working for the fedgov because they're rocket scientists. They're doing it because if they didn't, they'd starve. They couldn't work as NYC token booth clerks. If you don't know about NYC token booth clerks, they're really bad.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Jeez, they basically booed Barrett off the stage.

The folks who attend these Tea Party gatherings dont seem to be your run-of-the-mill "conservative" trained seals.

At least these people have some backbone. Then again, they were probably booing simply because he wasted their tax money with his pro-bailout, pro-stimulus votes.

After all, the almighty dollar has always been #1 in the eyes of most brainwashed "conservative" white men. God forbid the future of your white children, and their white children, would be their top priority. Nearly 100% of conservatives on planet earth have been adamantly taught the old "anti-racism" sing-along bedtime story. That's why their pride lies forever dormant. These people are on the right track...attacking the neo-con traitors who are wolves in sheep's clothing.

That little worm Barrett had the nerve to mention "hate groups" in his generic speech....obviously, he was referring to white hate groups. After all, white males are the only beings capable of bigorty, hatred, and persecution.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
DixieDestroyer said:
Fyi, round 2 of the Tea Parties on Independence Day...

Independence Day Tea Parties

Good day to have another one. This will not impact the nation unless it happens several times a year and it needs to inspire people to be more proactive in getting the right people elected and the right ones thrown out. Anyone that attends these tea parties and is not registered to vote, shame on them.

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
Don Wassall said:
It's wonderful that rightwingers are making noise all around America through the Tea Party tax protests. We must remember, however, that this April 15<SUP>th</SUP> we are still suffering the burden of Bush's leviathan government. We are filing for 2008, the last year of Republican rule. We are still and will long be enduring the cost of Bush's wars, spending and bailouts. We should be wary of letting the Republican establishment co-opt the grassroots, anti-government spirit of these protests and turn them into a platform to shill for GOP statism.

For eight years, Republican protest of income taxation was scant. Some conservatives complained quietly about Bush's domestic welfare spending, but all in all they were apologists for the regime we are still paying for. They certainly did not talk about the state as their enemy, as many of them do today. The quickness of their transition to opposition rhetoric has been staggering.

"Tyranny vs. liberty," "the collective vs. the individual," "the state vs. you" - this is suddenly the language of the conservative movement. Well, that is not quite right: The conservatives have still maintained their excitement about national greatness and war.

The contradiction is a wonder to behold. In one breath, they talk about the fundamental violations of natural rights and constitutional law that modern American statism represents. In the next breath, they decry the president for being insufficiently enthusiastic about American imperialism and the national security state. He is too soft on foreigners and not proud enough of the history of the US war machine - this is still a key rightwing criticism of Obama, right alongside the contradictory claim that Obama puts love of the national government ahead of individual rights.

Conservatives seem to define tyranny as losing to the Democrats. . .

full article: http://www.lewrockwell.com/gregory/gregory185.html

Thanks for posting this article, Don--very much to the point. I hate it when these faux conservatives suddenly rediscover "small government"---now that they're out of power.

Whoever supports these neocon wars without end *is afriend of big government*---whether this government is funded through taxes or throughthe Fedmakes little difference.

You want smaller government, less taxes? Let's start by bringing home the troops from Iraq and afghanistan.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
There are tea parties/protests going on all over the country this weekend. Make plans to attend CFers and make a difference.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I am going to travel to the one in Canton,Ohio this Sunday afternoon.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill, HR1207,is gaining steam!

271 members of the U.S. House, including 178 Republicans and 93 Democrats and Independents, are co-sponsoring the "Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009," which seeks to perform a full audit of the Feds activities for the first time in its 96-year history.

still, the Powers That Be are doing everything in their power to resist. 96 years of extortion won't go down without a fight, as you can see from this video of Bernanke threatening Congress if it pushes through an audit.

for a bit more info, check out this interview where Ron Paul talks with Judge Naploitano on Freedom Watch.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
here's the video showing that despite its overwhelming bi-partisan support, HR1207 is still being blocked by"our" political"leadership."

whenan attempt was madeto add itto DeMint's bill as an amendment in the Senate, it was immediately shut down!video from the Senate floor.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Thrashen said:
Jeez, they basically booed Barrett off the stage.


That little worm Barrett had the nerve to mention "hate groups" in his generic speech....obviously, he was referring to white hate groups. ...

Who is this Barrett?

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Deus Vult,

"this Barrett" is a Republican Congressman from South Carolina. i linked a video of the actual demonstration on page 2 of this thread. i believe it's near the bottom of said page.

hopefully the people in the grassroots movement to overthrow the Fed and the hugely illegal bailouts, etc., will continue to refuse to allow themselves to be subverted by neocons. we need a new party to rise up and represent us, the White people who made this country and continue to keep it afloat.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
We need a party like in England. The BNP or British National Party is pretty close to what your looking for Jimmy. They are for whites first and foremost. They are for upholding their heritage, protecting jobs, and limiting immigration.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

I took part in the Tea Party demonstration here in my home town in driving rainstorm. We had over a thousand people and when we finished the march, nobody left. We just stood around in that downpour and talked. This movement isn't going away by a longshot. I don't know how it's going to remanifest itself, bu there will be more demonstrations coming up soon enough.

About 3rd party ideas, forgettabouit. Too late. This is all going to be settled in another way. Too bad.

Tom Iron...

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Jimmy Chitwood said:
<div>"this Barrett" is a Republican Congressman from South Carolina. i linked a video of the actual demonstration on page 2 of this thread. i believe it's near the bottom of said page.</div>

What is Rep. Barrett's record with regard to the things that most concern Tea Party-goers. On race-related issues, in particular?

FWIW, the Tea Parties in Shreveport-Bossier (Louisiana) were co-opted by the usual lightweight Republicans. The local July 4th gathering was full of American flags and "patriotic" music, but short on substance.

Going back to what James Edwards wrote, I think his best point was that dissatisfaction with government -- the kind of dissatisfaction that was the underpinning of the Tea Parties -- IS a white thing. It's not a racial-movement, in total. But like meetings of the Sierra Club, the NRA, like appeals from the ASPCA, white people are the ones who see father, care more, and have the most to lose. Whites are the ones who give to charity, who volunteer for causes outside their own immediate interest, and who make up the base and the fringe of the tea party movement. I do agree that the organizers need not be WNs, and need not appeal directly and exclusively to WNs. Victory on any level requires a broader base. But this does not change the fact that white conservatives and libertarian-leaning whites are the movement.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Tom Iron said:

I took part in the Tea Party demonstration here in my home town in driving rainstorm. We had over a thousand people and when we finished the march, nobody left. We just stood around in that downpour and talked. This movement isn't going away by a longshot. I don't know how it's going to remanifest itself, bu there will be more demonstrations coming up soon enough.

About 3rd party ideas, forgettabouit. Too late. This is all going to be settled in another way. Too bad.

Tom Iron...

You are right sir. This tea party movement is not going away and it's only going to get bigger. At the very least this movement is informing people and helping to organize citizens locally to change things and hold politicians acountable for their actions. Time will tell in the mid-term elections in 2010 how successful this grassroots movement has been. People call and write your congressman and senators not only about the hate crimes bill but also cap and trade and the health care legislation. Obama's rating are dropping and his window of opportunity for wide public support is closing and that is why he is in such a hurry to get all this passed before the year is out.Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
10,000 people showed up at the Columbus,Ohio tea party last Saturday. I wasn't able to go to that particular one but a couple of my friends did and there is alot of attention at these protests on the Federal Reserve Bank and pressuring politicians to audit the bank for the first time ever in it's history. The movement is growing and becoming more focused on the things that matter. Lots of town hall meetings will be going on all over the country due to the Congressional August recess, make sure you attend one and ask the hard questions. They are feeling the heat.