Paul Ryan as Vice President!


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I have heard Ryan speak a few times since the announcement and I have to admit, he says the right things. Not typical Repub gobblety**** but actual good stuff about govts role towards its citizens. Of course it's all talk which means nothing; but short of Sarah Palin (who must have good speech writers) it's the best stuff you will hear coming out of a Repub mouth (except for the Pauls).

I also like that he is knowledgeable about objectivism as I was once also, I think it's a good logical way to look at the world if you don't go "all in" on it.

I think his policies would be disasterous for the White middle class but from an election standpoint I think the DWF's/Tea Partiers will love him. So perhaps this was not a bad choice for Romney. Not that a Romney win is going to mean much. In some ways it would be better for Obama to win again, to really rachet up the anger. However I can't but help to root for the guys wearing the same uniform as me, all else being equal.

He is a decent, White family man, so if I am going to be screwed over by someone, better him then that halfrican and the slimey scum that has attached itself to his bandwagon. The agony they would experience at an Obama loss would be of great emotional satisfaction, if nothing else.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I have heard Ryan speak a few times since the announcement and I have to admit, he says the right things. Not typical Repub gobblety**** but actual good stuff about govts role towards its citizens. Of course it's all talk which means nothing; but short of Sarah Palin (who must have good speech writers) it's the best stuff you will hear coming out of a Repub mouth (except for the Pauls).

I also like that he is knowledgeable about objectivism as I was once also, I think it's a good logical way to look at the world if you don't go "all in" on it.

I think his policies would be disasterous for the White middle class but from an election standpoint I think the DWF's/Tea Partiers will love him. So perhaps this was not a bad choice for Romney. Not that a Romney win is going to mean much. In some ways it would be better for Obama to win again, to really rachet up the anger. However I can't but help to root for the guys wearing the same uniform as me, all else being equal.

He is a decent, White family man, so if I am going to be screwed over by someone, better him then that halfrican and the slimey scum that has attached itself to his bandwagon. The agony they would experience at an Obama loss would be of great emotional satisfaction, if nothing else.

Well put Jaxvid. I won't be voting for either of these candidates but I would love to see Obama lose to see the leftists and minority voter blocs reaction. I hate to be a pessimist but the only true option is to blow it up or break it up and start from scratch. The current system is broken and beyond repiar.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Dixie, if thats true about Ryan being another NeoCon puppet for the Globalist Elite/PTB how much longer will they tolerate sites such this who speak and spread the truth. Just really think about that.

WS, I've little doubt that it's true. Also, I think they PTB will starting shutting down "alternative media", WN, paleoconservative and nationalist websites within 9 months to 3 years or so. If BHO pulls the trigger on martial law (due to an engineered financial collapse or another false flag), look for a total clampdown on internet freedom/free speech to coincide. IMO, it's just a matter of time. :( :tape:

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I could be confusing him with a different Congressman, but I think Ryan ran some of his campaign ads in Hebrew in past elections. We know how much it rankles many Americans when White political candidates speak or write in Spanish to certain audiences, but Hebrew ads is a giant plus in the eyes of Christian Zionists and other dittoheads and DWFs whose loyalty is to Israel over that of the United States. Romney and Ryan will be the most slavishly pro-Zionist administration yet if elected.
I actually think Obama isn't pro Israeli in private but has to support them because of the party machine. With these two who knows but It would be ironic that a Mormon and a Catholic would schill for Israel like the way evangelical Christians have been doing for at least 30 years.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Good article from patriot Dr.Chuck Baldwin...


By Chuck Baldwin
August 16, 2012

It has happened again. We go through this every four years, and every four years the vast majority of “conservatives” fall for it. This is such a broken record. What did Forrest Gump say: “Stupid is as stupid does”? And wasn’t it P.T. Barnum who said, “There’s a sucker born every minute”? Well, here we go again.

Neocon RINO George H.W. Bush picks “conservative” Dan Quayle. “Conservative” G.W. Bush picks neocon RINO Dick Cheney. Neocon RINO John McCain picks “conservative” Sarah Palin. Now, neocon RINO Mitt Romney picks “conservative” Paul Ryan. As long as there is one “conservative” on the ticket, mushy-headed “conservatives” across the country will go into a gaga, starry-eyed, hypnotic trance in support of the Republican ticket. I’m convinced that if Lucifer, himself, was the GOP Presidential candidate, he would get the support of the Religious Right and Republican “conservatives” as long as he selected a reputed “conservative” to join his ticket. And, by the way, the notable “conservative” wouldn’t think twice about joining such a ticket, either, I’m convinced.
Let’s just get this on the record: since 1960, there have only been two Presidential nominees (from the two major parties) who were not controlled by the globalist elitists. One was a Democrat, John F. Kennedy; the other was a Republican, Ronald Reagan. Kennedy was shot and killed; Reagan was shot. Every other President, Democrat or Republican, has been totally controlled, which is why none of them have done diddly-squat to make a difference in the direction of the country. On the issues that really matter, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are just more of the same!
Ok! I hear all the boos!

So, let me ask you, how many unborn babies in Massachusetts did Romney save? What did Mitt Romney do to preserve, protect, and defend the Second Amendment in the State of Massachusetts? How unlike Obamacare was Romneycare? You’re telling us that the same people who elected and reelected Ted Kennedy elected Mitt Romney, because both men are conservatives? And you expect us to not laugh, right?
Listen folks, a Presidential administration is defined more by foreign policy than by domestic policy. When it comes to rogue domestic policies attempted by the executive branch of government in Washington, D.C., there are many safeguards, checks and balances that the several sovereign states are able to do to resist said policies. In fact, when it really comes right down to it, any federal policy is only so much spit in the wind without the approval and approbation of the states. So, quit bellyaching about what the President says or does, and get serious about what your State governors, attorney generals, State legislators and senators, county sheriffs, and city mayors are doing. However, foreign policy is another matter.

The only checks and balances to a President’s foreign policy decisions reside inside the Beltway, mostly with Congress. And herein lies the problem: both Democrat and Republican congresses over the past many decades have literally abdicated their constitutional responsibilities relative to providing checks and balances to the executive branch and have granted almost dictatorial powers to the White House when it comes to foreign policy.
There is one domestic issue in which there are almost no checks and balances by anyone in the federal or State governments. And this is the outgrowth of this globalist, interventionist, Warfare State that has been proliferating exponentially ever since the Lyndon Johnson administration: the Nanny State, which is a polite way of saying, the Police State.

The Police State is excused and fueled by the Warfare State. We must have the Department of Homeland Security, because we are at war. We must have the Patriot Act, because we are at war. We must have a total surveillance society, because we are at war. We must sacrifice our individual and civil liberties, because we are at war. We must accept drones flying over our neighborhoods, because we are at war. Our bank records must be turned over to the Feds, because we are at war. Our electronic communications records must be turned over to the Feds, because we are at war. The list never ends.
To get an idea of how serious this burgeoning Police State is becoming, read this article in the very Republican-friendly Washington Times. If an article like this appears in the WT, you know the reality is actually much worse. Read the Times article.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to take the blinders off: neither Mitt Romney nor Paul Ryan is going to do anything to change the status quo. Nada. Nothing. Zero. Zilch.

As governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney doesn’t have a voting record on these national Warfare State/Police State issues. But Paul Ryan does. And it isn’t pretty!
Jane Aitken wrote an excellent synopsis of Paul Ryan’s voting record that appeared on She noted that Ryan voted for federalizing rules for driver licenses; voted to make the Patriot Act permanent; voted to allow electronic surveillance without a warrant; voted to authorize military force in Iraq; voted to spend an “emergency” $78 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; voted to declare Iraq part of the “War on Terror” with no exit date; and voted against redeploying US troops out of Iraq.
Aitken also wrote, “Congressman Ryan supports the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, federal bailouts, increased federal involvement in education, unconstitutional and undeclared wars, Medicare Part D (a multi-trillion dollar unfunded liability), stimulus spending, and foreign aid.”
See Aitken’s column.

That’s why I say, on the issues that really matter, Paul Ryan is just more of the same.

Ron Paul is the only Presidential candidate (from the two major parties) since John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan who hasn’t been controlled by the globalist elite. Unfortunately, the Republican machine (with massive support from the national press corps) has made sure--often by unethical and illegal means, by the way--that Dr. Paul will not be the GOP nominee.

So, here we go again!
That said, if I were a betting man, I would put my money on Romney winning in November. Unlike Bill Clinton’s Teflon veneer, the sheen has worn off Obama. Only die-hard Democrats and ultra-liberal independents could stomach voting for him a second time. But the problem is a Romney-Ryan administration will do nothing to change the downward spiral of the nation. They will continue the fanatical interventionist, preemptive war policies of Obama and Bush. They will also continue to build and construct the Orwellian domestic Police State--and as Sonny and Cher sang, “The Beat Goes On.”
Sadder still is the fact that after Romney is elected in November, the vast majority of “conservatives” will do what they always do when a Republican is elected President: go into deep, extended hibernation--lasting exactly four years and awaking just in time to go through the façade all over again. What was it that Forrest Gump and P.T. Barnum said?

P.S. I want to invite readers to join me in Tampa, Florida, on August 24-26, for the giant PAUL FEST. This just might be the greatest gathering of genuine constitutionalists ever assembled in one place. The speaker’s list is a who’s who of constitutionalists from all over America. Men such as Jim Clymer, Tom Woods, Lew Rockwell, Richard Mack, Stewart Rhodes, Larry Pratt, and many others will be speaking. I am speaking Saturday afternoon, August 25th. I would love to see you in Tampa. For more information, click here.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
2016 Film

I realize that most of us are buzy with family, work or just trying to stay above the water in these tough economic times made worse by BO. But, may I suggest spending 1.45 hours watching "2016". It is a well made film of the dangers that another BO adminstration brings.

I thought I knew the most relevent things about "true psuedo" marxists that BO is, but this film uncovered a few I did not know. 1st. How he was mentored by confirmed communist negro Frank Marshall. 2. How his leftist white grandfather in the vein of McGovern, steered impressionable young Barry towards this negro communists, because he could not instill true White American values of his hippie daughter's maligant offspring and absent real african father barack.

BO's half black brother tells the film maker that his White lead government should have stayed in place in Kenya to continue prosperity rather than the ruin that encompasses it now. Which contrasted BO's misguided anti colonial feelings.

How BO's father's compatriots say that Israel is the trojan horse of the USA. How BO wants to dimish the US power world over. Lastly, some here will wave the BO flags in the demise of Isreal being surrounded by the newly forming "califed of muslim states surrounding the star of david," aided by BO. Again, I am not a proponent of Israel, just commenting on the movie. :kev: :high5:

Bottom line, BO has to go here, so that true American enterprise can be unleashed and benefit all. Funny how the MSM and demos have failed to turn Ryan into a baffon. Loving it.
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Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I have heard Ryan speak a few times since the announcement and I have to admit, he says the right things. Not typical Repub gobblety**** but actual good stuff about govts role towards its citizens. Of course it's all talk which means nothing; but short of Sarah Palin (who must have good speech writers) it's the best stuff you will hear coming out of a Repub mouth (except for the Pauls).

I also like that he is knowledgeable about objectivism as I was once also, I think it's a good logical way to look at the world if you don't go "all in" on it.

I think his policies would be disasterous for the White middle class but from an election standpoint I think the DWF's/Tea Partiers will love him. So perhaps this was not a bad choice for Romney. Not that a Romney win is going to mean much. In some ways it would be better for Obama to win again, to really rachet up the anger. However I can't but help to root for the guys wearing the same uniform as me, all else being equal.

He is a decent, White family man, so if I am going to be screwed over by someone, better him then that halfrican and the slimey scum that has attached itself to his bandwagon. The agony they would experience at an Obama loss would be of great emotional satisfaction, if nothing else.
Come on Jaxvid, I still believe you are the "voice of reason" here, but honestly, DWFs have no inclination of learning or knowing on whats going on or important in America. On the top of their loser brains is: Is Ochostinko going to find a team to play for. Is RG3 going to pan out. Is our beloved affelet Peterson going to play this season. Nothing more or less, for the most part. Just a bunch of white losers waiting to stuff their mouths with nachos, wings and swelling beer, then place place their loser mugs against telemudvision, 3X over. Year in and year out. Please give us, here, at CF something to "hope" for!

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Ryan is becoming less palatable by the moment.

in addition to his obvious big government, liberty crushing brand of "conservatism, he's also a race traitor.

his "college sweetheart" was a black chick. he also has a black sister-in-law. of course, the libtards on the left (as opposed to the morons on the "right") still think he may be a racist. :doh:


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Ryan gave an electrifying speech at the RNC last night. He brought it. The speech was cogent and coherent. He delivered it in composer and eloquence that belies his age of 42 years old. He said we have to re instill our values from the consistution, gain control of the enormous defecit and fire BO. It was a sublime indictment of the closet marxist we have in the White House now in terms everyone could understand. He was like a modern day Reagan in communicating our huge economic problems IMO.

I know alot here probably did not watch it and maybe think a Romney/Ryan adminstration will be as bad as the one we have now. But I must have hope.

Last night he gave me hope for a better future at least domestically.:yo:


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Hire a shabat goy with a nice ****-eating grin and dress him up in an expensive suit and it fools them every time.

Bull**** election, bull**** democracy. And then they run your bull**** vote through their pre-programmed Diebold voting machines anyway.



Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Hire a shabat goy with a nice ****-eating grin and dress him up in an expensive suit and it fools them every time.

Bull**** election, bull**** democracy. And then they run your bull**** vote through their pre-programmed Diebold voting machines anyway.

We can always count on werewolf to cheer us all up! So who are the Diebold machines programmed to elect this year? I need to know so that I can make sure I'm on the "winning" team. 'tis a shame that we don't use the Diebolds here in Missouri.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
We can always count on werewolf to cheer us all up! So who are the Diebold machines programmed to elect this year? I need to know so that I can make sure I'm on the "winning" team. 'tis a shame that we don't use the Diebolds here in Missouri.

Yeah, I'm pretty cynical. The trouble is I'm also almost always right. I'll ask they guys at the Office who's programmed to win this phony election. So far they haven't told me. I think they might have some exciting surprises in store even before it starts.

What, do you have honestly and publicly counted non-computerized paper ballots in Missouri?


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Some Republicans are good at telling us what we want to hear. Mr. Ryan would be one of those gentlemen. I look at his voting record and what legislation he was for or against instead of what he now says. His record, of course, is awful.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Some Republicans are good at telling us what we want to hear. Mr. Ryan would be one of those gentlemen. I look at his voting record and what legislation he was for or against instead of what he now says. His record, of course, is awful.

Exactly. Ryan is a good politician because he is good at lying. His phoney baloney speechifying for the clueless D "R" F's is just business as usual in amerika 2.0. Same thing could have been said about Sarah Palin last year. If fact it was. You want to know what Ryan is like, check his voting record like Freethinker said. He's a POS faux conservative.

I have been listening to the lying for too many years. I don't bother listening anymore. Comparing Ryan to Reagan is just saying he's one of the better liars in politics. There is only one honest man in politics--Ron Paul, and the Ryan's of the world and his enablers killed his campaign off.

Maybe this clown and his buddy will be better then the current clown and his idiots but don't be fooled that some serious "change" is going to happen.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Yeah, I'm pretty cynical. The trouble is I'm also almost always right. I'll ask they guys at the Office who's programmed to win this phony election. So far they haven't told me. I think they might have some exciting surprises in store even before it starts.

What, do you have honestly and publicly counted non-computerized paper ballots in Missouri?
That's okay, as you can see from my posts, I'm usually very cynical with a dash of sarcasm thrown in for good measure. No, here in Missouri, we use two systems. Democrat activists count votes for urban Kansas City and St. Louis, Republican cronies strong-arm the rest of the state.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Last night he (Ryan) gave me hope for a better future at least domestically.:yo:
I haven't been paying as much attention as I should, but do we yet have a photo of Paul Ryan wearing a yarmulke and kissing the wall in Jerusalem? I know it's only a matter of time if we don't. He's already got the "multi-culti" past.

Westside, I agree that if Ryan's fiscal policies get any traction, there might be a modicum of improvement, but I really don't see enough happening to stop the train from going over the cliff. And his immigration and foreign policy (war now!) views negate any savings in his budget-trimming.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I haven't been paying as much attention as I should, but do we yet have a photo of Paul Ryan wearing a yarmulke and kissing the wall in Jerusalem? I know it's only a matter of time if we don't. He's already got the "multi-culti" past.

Westside, I agree that if Ryan's fiscal policies get any traction, there might be a modicum of improvement, but I really don't see enough happening to stop the train from going over the cliff. And his immigration and foreign policy (war now!) views negate any savings in his budget-trimming.

Why does anyone care about Ryan's fiscal policies now anyway? He will have 1/1,000,000 of the legislative power as a Vice President that he had as a ranking member of the House Finance Budget committee. If he couldn't get squat done in that powerful position then what is he going to do in Joe Bidens old job?

He wouldn't do anything anyway, he is full of crap and is just saying whatever he thinks is necessary to get elected. He wouldn't enact any of his own legislation even if he could. His hero is buget busting, small govt talking-do nothing about it Reagan.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I haven't been paying as much attention as I should, but do we yet have a photo of Paul Ryan wearing a yarmulke and kissing the wall in Jerusalem? I know it's only a matter of time if we don't. He's already got the "multi-culti" past.

Westside, I agree that if Ryan's fiscal policies get any traction, there might be a modicum of improvement, but I really don't see enough happening to stop the train from going over the cliff. And his immigration and foreign policy (war now!) views negate any savings in his budget-trimming.

This article shows where his allegiance is:

Paul Ryan describes Israel as issue of ‘Homeland Security’

And if you want to know exactly how and why the United States became a domestic surveillance-police state at war all over the world, this article by Philip Giraldi lays it out very well in a straighforward manner:


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Why does anyone care about Ryan's fiscal policies now anyway? He will have 1/1,000,000 of the legislative power as a Vice President that he had as a ranking member of the House Finance Budget committee. If he couldn't get squat done in that powerful position then what is he going to do in Joe Bidens old job?

He wouldn't do anything anyway, he is full of crap and is just saying whatever he thinks is necessary to get elected. He wouldn't enact any of his own legislation even if he could. His hero is buget busting, small govt talking-do nothing about it Reagan.
I care, because my bankroll is being stolen from me. Of course he doesn't have power to directly affect the economy, but with him and Romney and capturing the senate and holding the congress, maybe just maybe things will turn around for the better domestically.

Oh, as a TEA Party member, our mission is to inflitrate the GOP and really take hold of it. It worked in 2010. Things wont happen over night. But I believe its better that waiting for the country to go over the cliff, with "US" on it I might add, while watching the NFL screw over Whites at ever turn on Sundays. I believe along with the TEA Party are doing something to avoid the chaos.

Regarding those infamous diobold machines. Here were I vote in CA, you are required to produce a valid photo ID. and you push out the chads. I chose to be positive and hopeful person and will not give up the ship without a fight. I will go down swinging!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Romney in his acceptance speech, and the GOP in general, trying to out-feminist the Dems. A Romney cabinet will likely be majority female. The entire so-called "conservative movement" is pussy-whipped.

The GOP DWFs and dittoheads at the convention are great. Intermittent chants of USA!! USA!! USA!! as each politician/used car salesman/psychopath tells them Americans and America are the greatest in world history. Do any other nations conduct their politics like this? Isn't that why Hitler's Germany was supposed to be so dangerous? A country and people that think they are superior to all others have no qualms about interfering anywhere in the world, including bombing and killing those who don't submit to their "superiority."

National conventions are nothing more than propaganda spectacles designed to enlist support among the masses for a perpetual two-party monopoly that is hollow and corrupt.
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Oct 26, 2008
Romney in his acceptance speech, and the GOP in general, trying to out-feminist the Dems. A Romney cabinet will likely be majority female. The entire so-called "conservative movement" is pussy-whipped.

The GOP DWFs and dittoheads at the convention are great. Intermittent chants of USA!! USA!! USA!! as each politician/used car salesman/psychopath tells them Americans and America are the greatest in world history. Do any other nations conduct their politics like this? Isn't that why Hitler's Germany was supposed to be so dangerous? A country and people that think they are superior to all others have no qualms about interfering anywhere in the world, including bombing and killing those who don't submit to their "superiority."

National conventions are nothing more than propaganda spectacles designed to enlist support among the masses for a perpetual two-party monopoly that is hollow and corrupt.

One minute into Romney's speech and he brings out the old we are a nation of immigrants nonsense.


Nov 28, 2009
The GOP DWFs and dittoheads at the convention are great. Intermittent chants of USA!! USA!! USA!! as each politician/used car salesman/psychopath tells them Americans and America are the greatest in world history.
I wonder what these NWO tools cheering USA!! USA!! USA!! are ecstatic about. Could it be the nearly 16 trillion dollars of debt we've racked up so far? Our current 27th place rankings in freedom of the press? Maybe it's our school test scores in math and science compared to the rest of the world? Or perhaps our record number of foreclosures? The loss of our manufacturing base? Our current Stasi security/police state at home? The loss of Habeas corpus? Illegal wiretapping? The droning of innocent civilians abroad, including U.S. citizens? The record number of suicides amongst our returning veterans?

That the utterly corrupt and contemptible mainstream Republican establishment would rather have 0bama as president instead of Ron Paul tells me all I need to know about them.
Oct 22, 2011
Oh, as a TEA Party member, our mission is to inflitrate the GOP and really take hold of it. It worked in 2010. Things wont happen over night. But I believe its better that waiting for the country to go over the cliff, with "US" on it I might add, while watching the NFL screw over Whites at ever turn on Sundays. I believe along with the TEA Party are doing something to avoid the chaos.

I couldn't disagree more, it did not work in 2010. The republican party infiltrated the Tea party and a bunch of neo-cons were elected under the tea party "banner". Most tea-baggers, including my co-workers, are unware that this even happened. The country is going over a cliff no matter who is elected. It is a mathmatical certainty. The only question is if it will be sudden collapse or a long drawn out demise. This country is insolvent, when China stops lending they will resort to the printing press. Once this begins, things will rapidly decline.


Jul 29, 2008
About the only salvagable thing from this entire convention probably came at the end, when the balloons fell and families of both men were on stage, including Romney's rather large and extended family, and I didn't see any diversity there. That had to give the left enough reasons to foam at the mouth for a while.

There's very little difference between Obama and Romney, who are merely puppets answering to a higher master, but there are some reasons to pick Romney if one chooses to do so. I don't think he hates "whitey" as much as Obama does. I can't possibly imagine him appointing such repulsive human beings as Holder, Napolitano, Kagan, et al to his cabinet and the SCOTUS and other presidential appointments, but then again, you can never be too sure.

As someone on this thread mentioned, we the people have no representation in Washington and probably haven't had it for 40-50 years. Whomever gets elected, it won't do any good against the homosexual, anti-White, feminist, and pro-illegal immigration agendas. On the one hand, I say anyone but Obama, on the other, I'm also done with this lesser of two evils bullsh*t. So, I'll most likely write-in Ron Paul on my ballot and mail it in.
Dec 29, 2011
About the only salvagable thing from this entire convention probably came at the end, when the balloons fell and families of both men were on stage, including Romney's rather large and extended family, and I didn't see any diversity there. That had to give the left enough reasons to foam at the mouth for a while.

There's very little difference between Obama and Romney, who are merely puppets answering to a higher master, but there are some reasons to pick Romney if one chooses to do so. I don't think he hates "whitey" as much as Obama does. I can't possibly imagine him appointing such repulsive human beings as Holder, Napolitano, Kagan, et al to his cabinet and the SCOTUS and other presidential appointments, but then again, you can never be too sure.

As someone on this thread mentioned, we the people have no representation in Washington and probably haven't had it for 40-50 years. Whomever gets elected, it won't do any good against the homosexual, anti-White, feminist, and pro-illegal immigration agendas. On the one hand, I say anyone but Obama, on the other, I'm also done with this lesser of two evils bullsh*t. So, I'll most likely write-in Ron Paul on my ballot and mail it in.
Who do Romney and Obama answer to? Its a genuine question. I don't love Romney but he seems like he is going to try and get some sheisen done if elected. Most likely though nothing is going to change.