NFL Expands Rooney Rule To Cover Front-Office Hire


Dec 4, 2008
So the next logical step is to expand the rule "down" to include giving white players a shot at wide receiver, Defensive back, etc?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

F.U. Dan Rooney (and I say that as a Pittsburgher and lifelong Steelers fan ... of course I've said it before here).

The NFL has extended its minority interviewing rule to include openings for general manager jobs and equivalent front-office positions, in addition to head coaching vacancies.

The league made the announcement yesterday. The move had been expected after NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said at a set of owners' meetings last month in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., that he planned to expand the rule.

Under the new rule, any team seeking to hire a senior football operations official for its front office must interview at least one minority candidate.

"The discussion at the league meeting identified the strong reasons for taking this step, which in large part simply confirms a recommended practice that clubs have voluntarily embraced," Goodell said in a written statement released by the NFL. "The recommendation also recognizes that this process has worked well in the context of head coaches, and that clubs have deservedly received considerable positive recognition for their efforts in this respect."

The rule previously had required each club with a head coaching vacancy to interview at least one minority candidate.

That provision widely is known as the Rooney Rule after Pittsburgh Steelers owner Dan Rooney, the chairman of the league's workplace diversity committee, and was credited by many observers for the recent gains in diversity the league has made in its head coaching ranks.

The Fritz Pollard Alliance, the group formed to promote diversity in hiring at all levels in the NFL, had pressed in recent years for the league to extend its minority interviewing requirement to key front-office jobs. But NFL officials until recently had resisted making that move, instead asking teams to follow the guideline voluntarily.

The league indicated the minority interviewing rule will not apply to a case in which a team's top front-office job is held or filled by the franchise's owner or a member of his or her family, or in a case in which a team has an existing contractual obligation to promote a member of its front-office staff.

According to the league, Goodell also urged teams to interview a diverse slate of candidates for other vacant front-office jobs.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
This is really pathetic stuff, but its not a surprise.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
It is very pathetic Colonel Reb. The league will not stop until all coaches, general managers, and players are black. They have tried unsuccessfully to get more black quarterbacks. Offensive lines seem to get slightly darker every year.


Apr 14, 2005
I could make the exact arguments these guys are making for implementing, and now expanding, the Rooney Rule and use them for a case advancing the cause for a "John Riggins Rule". That's right a rule that mandates teams have at least one white RB in training camp every year and that he gets equal playing time and fair treatment from the coaches. After all white RBs have been underepresented in the NFL.


Dec 4, 2008
The reach and severity of these NFL rules only mirrors the reach and severity of Affirmitive Action and "fairness" mandates throughout the country. This doesn't deal with sports, but the snippets from the article below tells us this is a much wider problem. ("Liberal America" seen in parenthesis is mine in order to mask the jargon he uses in the article, which is really part twelve of a massive War and Peace-length manifesto. I'll link it at the end.)

(Liberal America has) passed "civil rights"Â laws, then turned them into racial quotas, then encouraged the spread of nonwhite racial spite and victimology, then unleashed an army of prosecutors to enforce not merely the same starting line for everyone but to sue for race and gender discrimination if there are unequal results at the finish line.

Since the finish line results cannot be equal, because Reality decreed that most women are not as strong and fast as men, and most Blacks have a lower mean IQ than most Whites, and Muslims don't make good employees in ham sandwich shops, and 200-kg. gluttons don't make suitable fitness and beauty consultants, there is no end to (Liberal America's) Reality-improving work, all done by well-paid employees with fringe benefits unheard of in the private sector. The result is the systematic wrecking of the United States.

Under the "Disparate Impact"Â doctrine, American employers are prevented from hiring based on competence, because minorities often cannot pass competence tests. Regardless of merit, if members of a "protected class"Â are selected at a rate less than four fifths (80%) of that of another group [read "white males"Â], the employer is subject to harassment and legal proceedings by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, currently employing 2200 persons, soon to go up to 3,000.

An employer cannot refuse to hire convicted felons, because a disproportionate ratio (13) of them is black, hence the refusal would have "disparate impact."Â Customer Service employees of major American companies talk incomprehensibly, because a suitable screening policy would have a "disparate impact"Â on the protected class of nonwhite immigrants. And since requiring a down payment and a good credit score would have a "disparate impact"Â on black and brown minorities, American banks were forced to waive such requirements. Thus was the sub-prime mortgage born, leading to the unraveling of the American banking industry, and of America itself.

President Obama, a former constitutional law professor who has never published a single page about the law, singled out, as U.S. senator, empathy as the quality most desirable in judges. Fittingly, he has just nominated a racial spoils empathy queen to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Judge Sonia Sotomayor's main qualification for that position at the pinnacle of America's power hierarchy seems to be her activist background as a fanatic Latina partisan using the judicial bench to sock it to whitey. According to her, policy is made [i.e. "empathy"Â applied] at the courts of appeal, and "A wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."Â

As an appeals judge, Sotomayor has been a champion of the "disparate impact"Â doctrine. In Hayden v. Pataki, she wrote that felons doing time in prison should be allowed to vote because, Blacks and Latinos constituting a disproportionate share of the prison population, the denial of felons' voting rights would be "race-based."Â In Ricci v. DeStefano, she dismissed with one paragraph the racial discrimination lawsuit of 20 white firefighters against the city of New Haven, Conn. The city had thrown out the results of two Fire Department promotion tests that the plaintiffs had passed, because no black applicants had passed.</font>

According to a dissenting judge, "The single-paragraph order issued by Sotomayor and her colleagues ignored over 1,800 pages of testimony and more than an hour of argument -- ignoring the facts of the case."Â But a Washington Times editorial pinned the ruinous swindle on a higher figure:

"Barack Obama's legacy is coming sharply into focus," wrote Wesley Pruden. "He's out to transform ‘a nation of laws,' once the pride of the Anglo-Saxon heritage and exemplar to the world, into ‘a nation of feelings.' We won't need judges, just social workers damp with empathy"Â.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
As long as it isn't there is no rule about a minority candidate for owners, the owners will continue to support this BS. As long as it isn't them, they're fine with it.


Dec 4, 2008
Jack Lambert said:
As long as it isn't there is no rule about a minority candidate for owners, the owners will continue to support this BS. As long as it isn't them, they're fine with it.

Fine with being traitors to their own race? What is the world coming to?


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
My 2 cents on this new Rooney rule is it could actually be a good thing. Hear me out.

Our goal is to get more white players in the NFL. We all realize that the only way to make this happen is for all the DWFs and Joe six packs to wake up and get angry. Now by this reasoning the new rule does not effect the number of whites playing football and second it may cause people to wake up to the farce that is the NFL. Things always have to get pushed to a breaking point before change occurs and hopefully this will just speed up the process. Seriously, if the NFL was all black on the field and off, how could fans justify watching and spending money on this garbage!