Barack Obama


Feb 15, 2008
Instead of supporting Ron Paul as suggested on all these websites,I am pulling for Barack Obama. In fact I urge everybody tovote for Obama because he is exactly what we need right now.He will make things so bad for white people thathopefully they will finally realize how stupid they were for admiring these jigaboos all these years. I believe in the motto "Worse is better" and Obama certainly fits that description. Atleast I hope. Onlya revolution of epic proportions willforce whites to wake up and fight with brute force against this establishment. Obama could be thecatalyst if what is said about him is true regarding his racist past. Like Tom Metzger said, Ron Paul is not racist enough. That's why it's Obama all the way. So to everybody on this forum vote for Barack Obama.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
We already have an Obama thread, but since this one is more recent I thought I'd hijack this one and post a link to an article about why we should NOT vote for Barack Obama:

Obama wants to spend $850 BILLION to fight world poverty

This moron has already proposed this in the senate, and wouldn't you know it? It's already made it out of committee.

Edited by: White Shogun
Oct 24, 2005
Worse is not better. It has already hit rock bottom. The next step is to round all the whites and put them in consentration camps. If you are in the same camp as I am, I will slap you for suggesting that we vote for Obama.
Of all the candidates, he is the worse. Talk to your friends. Remind them that he is corrupt, that he is an unrepentant lefty. Obama must be out voted.
Just in case, follow the example of Dieter in Rescue Dawn, learn how to pick locks. Then we can flee to the hills. Then the new american revolution starts.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
If O-bomb-a can send us to the "reeducation" camps, so can "feminazi" Killary Clinton.

She probably hates White males more, too!

O-bomb-a isn't REALLY a magical negro, with magical powers. I don't know why some think the globalist elite doesn't OWN him?

Along those lines, there's something the "minorities" need to know or realize, the same powers-that-be that say "f**k Whites today," can turn on the darker races tomorrow if they get too out of hand. Think Brazil, and how the state has to display such "force" to show the savages WHO'S BOSS. The state doesn't want to look weak and definitely doesn't want to be embarrassed.

I think there's always a point when the dark races become a liability, a certain point when they are no longer useful.

Don't think the powers-that-be have played their cards right --- because they really HAVE NOT.

So, new 3rd World countries are rapidly rising in the West, right? How do "leaders" of 3rd World countries keep control over the masses? The powers-that-be will have to get their hands dirty (not just against "evil" Whites). That's what they've created.

So, Whites disappear: who becomes the "new Whitey?"... the new hated race.

Probably the more numerous mestizo. The PTB will then import millions of black Africans while the mestizos think, "huh, what is going on here." "We achieve some demographic power and now this!"

The PTB will realize that they were better off with White sheeple. They were better off with the dumbed-down White.

They will all get down on their hands and knees and claw at the earth, all in a vain attempt to bring the Great White back.

"Minorities" won't always be "special"


Apr 6, 2007
darthvader said:
Instead of supporting Ron Paul as suggested on all these websites, I am pulling for Barack Obama.  In fact I urge everybody to vote for Obama because he is exactly  what we need right now.He will make things so bad for white people that hopefully they will finally realize how stupid they were for admiring these jigaboos all these years.  I believe in  the motto "Worse is better" and Obama certainly fits that description. At least I hope.  Only a revolution of epic proportions will force whites to wake up and fight with brute force against this establishment.  Obama could be the catalyst if what is said about him is true regarding his racist past. Like Tom Metzger said, Ron Paul is not racist enough.  That's why it's Obama all the way.  So to everybody on this forum vote for Barack Obama.  &nbs p;



Feb 15, 2008
First of all let me ask anybody reading this forum a couple of questions. Throughout historywhat if anything has ever been accomplished without any bloodshed or uprising.Also if it came down to it right nowhow many whites are willing tosacrifice themselves if it meant the greater good in the future.Unlesssomething involves their wallets, suvs,flat screen plasma tv's most whites (maybe all whites) just don't give a sh*t about what's going on around them. It's verysad but it's true. ButI know the savagery and barbarinism in whites is there but something has to force that out. It may come out gradually or in one swift blow but eventually it just has to come out if we're ever going to accomplish what we need to accomplish.I don't know what fleeing to the hills will accomplish. To me it just head on brute force. That's whyagainBarack Obama gets my vote becauseof his racist past. SorryMccain and hillary but you both are not what whites need right now.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
He just took Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Exit Polls:
Obama Won:
Women (51-49)
All age groups under 65
All education levels
All regions of the state -- urban, suburban and rural
Voters without college degrees (50-48)
Democrats (50-49)
Whites (53-46)
White men (59-38)
Voters who decided in the last week (58-42)

Won or tied voters of all income levels
Tied among white women
Tied among union members
Tied among union households

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
White men 59-38, wow. If memory serves, white South Africans voted roughly 67 to 33 percent to voluntarily turn their country over to black rule. Looks like we're not far off, though I'm not one who believes there's any important differences between the two monopoly parties nor their "major" presidential candidates. Obama will follow orders from the same puppet masters who finance Hillary and Bill, George W., McCain and the rest.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Political experts should consult me on their candidates, the guy (or gal) I dislike the most will almost certainly be elected. I could make a fortune picking losers.

Seriously, I'm 0 fer 8 in presidential elections, that's 30 years of losing, it's worse then the Detroit Lions!

Course I voted Libertarian for a while, that's like forfeiting, but still.... c'mon Carter in 1980? The guy had a room brightening smile! How could he lose?

I am completely out of sync with the American public.

Anyway it's the thing I'm most proud of.
Nov 8, 2006
First he didn't like that we were naming the jewish role in cultural marxism and the negative trends afflicting society, now he's pushing "worse is better" race war b.s. And all in five posts!

I don't get it. Straight talk about zionism scares him, but he also wants violence in the streets. I'm thinking this a troll.


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
darthvader said:
First of all let me ask anybody reading this forum a couple of questions. Throughout historywhat if anything has ever been accomplished without any bloodshed or uprising.Also if it came down to it right nowhow many whites are willing tosacrifice themselves if it meant the greater good in the future.Unlesssomething involves their wallets, suvs,flat screen plasma tv's most whites (maybe all whites) just don't give a sh*t about what's going on around them. It's verysad but it's true. ButI know the savagery and barbarinism in whites is there but something has to force that out. It may come out gradually or in one swift blow but eventually it just has to come out if we're ever going to accomplish what we need to accomplish.I don't know what fleeing to the hills will accomplish. To me it just head on brute force. That's whyagainBarack Obama gets my vote becauseof his racist past. SorryMccain and hillary but you both are not what whites need right now.

We`re still waiting for any questions thatmerit answers, darthvader.


Oct 21, 2004
Of all the horrible electoral choices we've been given in nearly every presidential election of the modern era, Obama or McCain is definitely the worst. I don't see how they could come up with a more stomach-churning duo than that. Maybe if Oprah ran vs. Snoop Dog or something.

I think Obama will be business-as-usual insofar as any impact he will have on what's left of our constitutional rights. However, he will be a disaster for whites symbolically. Black self-confidence and self-esteem, already ridiculously high, will go through the roof with his election. White youngsters, already nearly totally brainwashed by all those hours watching Nickelodeon, the Disney Channel, MTV, etc., will be even more likely to see blacks as complete equals and there will probably be a tremendous boom in interracial relationships. You can get out your wallets the minute he steps in the White House, because there is no question that he will push hard for reparations, and there is even less doubt that some form of reparations will become a reality. The madness would have then come almost full circle. Outside of making it illegal for any white female to turn down sexual overtures from any black male, or perhaps the mandatory ritual sacrifice of random whites on live television every so often, there is really nothing more that our corrupt overlords can do to further degrade and diminish white males or uplift and promote black people.

On the other hand, electing John McCainiac would constitute a small symbolic victory for whites, but would almost certainly result in massive riots by angry blacks who, at this point, expect the first black president and will not be denied. Considering we already are firmly entrenched as second-class citizens in Don King's America, I don't think it would be out of the question for an Obama loss at the polls to be overturned in some way (Supreme Court, Executive Order) to pacify blacks.
But a McCainiac election would be a disaster on every other front. He would be the first certifiably mad President, and all citizens would fear that he might arbitrarily attack any country (except Israel, of course) on a moment's whim. The popularity of an aged, unattractive, uncharismatic lunatic whose main campaign pledge is to wage more wars and stay involved in the Iraq mess for 100 more years, ought to make all sane Americans HOPE they aren't really counting the votes.

Ah, the beauty of our one party (Republicrat) system....


Feb 15, 2008
I have no idea where I was scared about zionism unless you have me confused with somebody else. If you read my other posts I said I was tired and bored with all the complaining and whining about jewish power be ithereor anywhere else. Frankly I rather see a chicken roast than talk and read about how thejews did this or that.I believe inpersonal accountablity. I will say this again and hopefullyfor the final time.Rich white elitistsare a bigger threat thanany jew.Most whites would rather sit back and complain than take real action.To those of you who like doing that then I say to each his or her own.To me the only thing that would satisy me is just plain real action in the form of violence or whatever the case maybe.


I can't believe the choice is between Mccain and Obama. What happened to the United States?


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
nevada said:
I can't believe the choice is between Mccain and Obama. What happened to the United States?

....The Globalist Elite and their agenda of dumbing down society and turning most Americans into drooling obliviots via their "mainstream" media propaganda, "Sheepletainment" industry and NEA controlled government indoctrination centers & Marxist centers of "higher (mis)education". The plans have been underway for decades (centuries if you count the rise of the Illuminati & Rothschilds).

I agree with darthvader in that the true white "Elite Class" and the hangers-on (minions of self-important, primadonna yuppies who think they're part of the Elite, but will end up in FEMA camps too) are a major part of the problem. However, the overall Globalist Elite is compromised of a multitude of individuals, and ultimately dictate who gets into (their) White House as "puppet-in-chief". Irregardless, I personally refuse to support ANY Globalist shill any longer. Whether it be Presidential, Congressional or state level candidate. No way would I support Obuma, Shillary or McManiac. As I've stated, I'll either vote for the CP candidate or write in Dr.Paul. Not that they would win, but based on principle that the "Lesser of two evils is still (Globalist controlled) evil!"

mark b.

Sep 23, 2006
Maybe John Mccain isn't the best candidate for the job, but he is a hell of a better choice than anything the Democratic party has to offer. I don't agree with John Mccain on several things, but I don't agree with anybody from the Democratic party on ANYTHING. If ya'll think that by Obama winning white people will come to their senses ya'll are nuts. His winning would be the beginning of the end for this country as we all know it. He's going to have an agenda that doesn't favor anybody but black folks. He's going to turn us into a socialist nanny state. There will be no turning back. So while John Mccain might not be the ideal choice; at least he loves his country and is proud of his country. Ya'll think about it.
Jan 5, 2005
United States
What's the difference? I don't doubt that McCain loves this country, but his vision of what America is and what I believe it should be are as different as night and day. Obama in the White House and McCain in the White House are just different versions of Hell for me, why would I welcome one more then the other? I'll vote third party and hope that enough people have enough sense to do the same. Probably not, but its the only way things are ever going to change. I'll not be part of the problem any longer.
Oct 24, 2005
Hillary will be too busy trying to bankrupt us by forcing us to buy expensive health insurance plans that we cannot afford. She hasn't thought of the consentration camps yet.
I may end up voting for MC because he is white, male, and in poor health. Hopefully, he will die early in office.


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
Rich white elitistsare a bigger threat thanany jew.

DarthVader: Did you think before you typed this or isyour visor to blame?

We`re interested in politics here, and not the endless debate about the "Jewish bogeyman."


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
reclaimsocal said:
What's the difference? I don't doubt that McCain loves this country, but his vision of what America is and what I believe it should be are as different as night and day. Obama in the White House and McCain in the White House are just different versions of Hell for me, why would I welcome one more then the other? I'll vote third party and hope that enough people have enough sense to do the same. Probably not, but its the only way things are ever going to change. I'll not be part of the problem any longer.

I hear you, reclaimsocal, but I can`t vote for someone who has no chance in 2008. I have to cast my vote in the most meaningful way possible, and this means keeping Obama out of the White House, in my humble opinion.
Jan 18, 2006
Van_Slyke_CF said:
We`re interested in politics here, and not the endless debate about the "Jewish bogeyman."

If you don't think Jews have played and still do play an incredibly influential role in the current disaster afflicting this countyr you should go over to amren. You and Jred Taylor would get along great.

Please read the works of Kevin McDonald


From listening to that moron Hannity I would think Obama has this election won. Its because the conservatives are basically stuck in the mud and cannot manuever to save their lives. They talk about inexperience but forget what Bush is and was, and more importantly they forget Clinton in 92 and Obama is a far better candidate than the scandal plagued Clinton. Whites get two choices for candidates nowadays the white male authority figure (McCain is one) or the churchy feel good group leader (Romney, Huck). Well the white male authority figure won the primary and now will face the country already saddled with the Bush legacy and his own faults. McCain 40-45% of the popular vote max.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Van_Slyke_CF said:
Rich white elitists are a bigger threat than any jew.

DarthVader: Did you think before you typed this or is your visor to blame?

We`re interested in politics here, and not the endless debate about the "Jewish bogeyman."
I nearly choked to death while reading that line...


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Van_Slyke_CF said:
We`re interested in politics here, and not the endless debate about the "Jewish bogeyman."

Who put you in charge?How is it possible to discuss politics without mentioning Jews? It's like trying to discuss the Hollywood movie industry, pretending they are only bit players, not the prime movers.