Why white basketball players are good

Mar 8, 2007
Please be aware that this article is a put-on, spoof, satire. The author is making his point by reducing the "conventional wisdom" to absurdity. The goal is to make, at least, some readers realize that white players like Jerry West, Rick Barry, Bill Walton, Tom Chambers, Larry Bird, Kevin McHale, John Stockton, Dirk Nowitzki, Steve Nash, etc. were/are great because they were/are the total package, including athletic. A person cannot be a great basketball just by having a "head for the game",he/she must also be physically gifted.

Direct your outrage at the people who spew the "conventional wisdom", not the author of the article. please.

DENVER--Kyle Wohlers, backup center for the Denver Nuggets, may not be the fastest or the strongest person on the court, but he makes up for it with his instincts. While the white Wohlers is not physically gifted, he really has a head for the game.

Wohlers was drafted in the second round of last year's draft out of University of Kansas by the Milwaukee Bucks. Two weeks later, he was sent to Denver for a player to be named later. In Wohlers, the Nuggets know they are getting a lunchpail kind of guy with a great understanding of the game.

"This white player is going to add a lot of depth to our bench," says Kiki Vandewehge, Nuggets GM. "Yea, he's not a flashy guy. You won't see him do any 360 dunks or anything. That's not his style. He's just a grinder who sees the court really well, has a great understanding of the game, and relies on his smarts to make plays. Sort of like John Stockton."

Wohlers is a seven-footer whom the Nuggets hope will help beef up their interior defense. His footwork is average, his hands are decent, and he's good at getting himself in a position where he can do some damage under the basket.

"I don't know what it is," says Vandewehge. "But he reminds me a bit of Jeff Hornacek. I can't put my finger on why, especially since Hornacek was a forward and Wohlers is a center. Their games are nothing alike. But he's just got that same...something that Hornacek has."

One of the things Wohlers' new coach likes about him is his determination. He doesn't let his lack of physical talent prevent him from contributing on the court.

"It's amazing, really," says Nuggets coach Jeff Bzdelik. "You see him out there with these other guys who are bigger and stronger and faster and have more natural physical gifts, and he just holds his own because he's got such a great head for the game. He's kind of a throwback really. He's one of those guys that should have played in the 50's with Bob Cousy and John Havlichek. He would have fit in back then."

Wohlers' admirers also love his strong grasp of fundamentals. He is an excellent free throw shooter and has a nice short-range jumper. He's also incredibly unselfish, often choosing to dish it off to his teammates in lieu of taking the shot himself. It's that kind of selfless play that's earned him the respect of his teammates.

"Oh yea, Mark's great," says teammate Marcus Camby. "He just gets under, gets the ball, and dishes it off to one of us. He doesn't try to do anything stupid and shoot it himself. His job is to give it to us and step out of the way. He reminds me a little of that Scott Pollard guy from Sacramento. I don't know why. Just something about him."

Wohlers says he prides himself on being ready to play every day and being the hardest worker on the team. He doesn't mind letting his teammates get all the glory while he quietly stays in the background. Not a trash talker, Wohlers has a respect for the game that's missing in many of today's stars.

"I guess I'm kind of a throwback," says Wohlers. "A throwback to the days where a lay-up was just as good as a slam dunk, and team work was more important that selling athletic sneakers. I would've fit in a lot better back then because well...because those guy were all, you know...they were all white. There. I said it, OK?"

Players and coaches throughout the league have nothing but compliments for Wohlers. Anyone who is asked will sing his praises.

Says Kevin Garnett of the Minnesota Timberwolves: "Wohlers? Never heard of him. He a white dude? Well then he must be a physically awkward player who gets by on wits and intelligence rather than physical agility. Even though I have no idea who he is, I think he reminds me of Dan Majerle. Yea, that's it. He's got the same kind of game as Majerle."

Wohlers is flattered by all the comparisons. He says he modeled his game after some of the great non-physically gifted players that came before him.

"Rick Barry, Larry Bird, Kurt Rambis, Laimbeer. People like that are who I modeled my game after," says Wohlers. "They always had a certain appeal to me. I guess I could relate to them because they all had great heads for the game even though they weren't physically gifted. I'm also a fan of Raef Lafrentz and Keith Van Horn. I don't know what it is about those guys, but I can really relate to them"

And you can add ESPN's David Aldridge to the list of Wohlers' fans. Aldridge, upon hearing Wohlers' name, immediately began to draw comparisons to some similar players.

"Kyle Wohlers - that sounds like a white guy's name. If it is, he reminds me a lot of Kevin McHale. Or maybe even Tom Chambers. Those guys are all cut from the same cloth - a white one."

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Coach, please always provide a urladdress forarticles. The hyperlink function makes them into clickable links. There's no way of knowing who wrote this article, what website it's from, etc.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
This sounds a lot like an article someone posted the other day.
Mar 8, 2007
Don Wassall said:
Coach, please always provide a urladdress forarticles. The hyperlink function makes them into clickable links. There's no way of knowing who wrote this article, what website it's from, etc.

At this point in time, the website www.thebrushback.com is providing some good laughs. The particular article is at:


Please be advised that his site is an equal opportunity site---everyone has an opportunity to be outraged, or amused, by the satire.
Mar 8, 2007
Colonel_Reb said:
This sounds a lot like an article someone posted the other day.

Maybe, the article from a website called Sportsgoon See below).

I agree that the article is "comprehensive in every negative cliche regarding the white athlete", but not that it's a "sorry excuse for satire". The author did such a good job of pointing out the negative cliches that it drew numerous responses.

I had the impulse to post this "article" but I just recently
figured out why. It is a shining example of what the white male in
sports is up against. This sorry excuse for satire is comprehensive in
every negative cliche regarding the white athlete. Thank God for

In an effort to bring national attention to the contributions of white
basketball players, the NBA is honoring those Caucasians who have
made a contribution to the game of basketball in March.

"White History Month has been a long time coming," said
commissioner David Stern. "This is a time to for the NBA to celebrate
the many achievements and contributions of white, non-athletic,
spot-up jump shooters. We're paying tribute to inspirational whities
from the past, like John Havlicek and Larry Bird, as well as those
current players who will continue to make history well into the
future, such as Kurt Hinrich, Mike Miller and Brent Barry."

NBA great Rick Barry, who headlines of a list of former white players
who will speak at several engagements throughout the month, says
the NBA has come a long way since the prejudice that marred the
60's, 70's and 80's.

"Back in the 60's, we had it rough. Real rough. We were
discriminated against by a lot of black players almost every day.
They always made fun of the color of our skin. I remember Dr. J
always called me "Glue". I hated it. It made me wish I had black skin.
Sometimes it feels like we didn't even exist. Go look at the
record booksâ€â€￾white people are almost completely absent from

Along with hosting speaking engagements by white players, the NBA
also plans to celebrate White History Month by playing white music
during games throughout March.

"We're going to mix things up," said Director of Arena Entertainment
Les Rossman. "Fans can expect to hear a little Jethro Tull and a lot
of John Denver. Maybe even some Steppenwolf or Dashboard
Confessional. Whatever we end up playing, we'd like to keep it pretty

To further honor white players, the NBA will outlaw dunking. Also,
every team will also hold a 'Token White Guy" night, where a lucky
fan chosen in a drawing will get the opportunity to sit at the end of
the team's bench for an entire game.

Despite the spirit of celebration, March is putting some old white
players in a somber mood.

"Guys like Mike Miller, Dan Dickau, they don't know how hard we
used to have it. Oppression ran real thick, thick like maple
syrup. Maybe even thicker. Like maple syrup and honey mixed
together." said Bob Cousy. "There was this one time when we took a
charter bus to play New York. Well, with all the coaches, trainers and
players, we ran out of seats. Bill Russell asked me to get up, but I
thought if I did, I'd be giving in. So I refused to give up my seat. If I
remember right, he ended up sitting on K.C. Jones' lap. Russell
neverlooked at me the same, but I think I changed history."

Former Utah Jazz center Mark Eaton, who played in the 80's, also
spoke about tough times.

"Mostly it was the name calling that hurt. But somereally
sh*tty&n bsp;&n bsp;
things happened too." said Eaton. "Once someone wrote "White
Ain't Alright" on my locker. Then there's the time they dipped a
vanilla ice cream cone in motor oil and made it eat it. Some nights I
just laid in bed, wondering how I was going to survive the hate."

While some white players may not realize how far the League has
come, there are guys like Wally Szczerbiak who appreciates the
sacrifices white players of the 60's, 70's and 80's made.

"I've heard stories, so I know it wasn't easy," said Szczerbiak. "One
of of the reasons I can throw on Blink 182 or Weezer in the locker
room is because of the white players who came before me. George
Mikan, Mike Gminski, Cherokee Parksâ€â€￾they all paved the way. Just
last week, I asked KG 'Wasup?' and you know what? He said 'Wasup?'
right back. Thirty years ago, that wouldn't have happened. Dr. J.
would have given me a swirlie or an atomic wedgie. We've come a
long way."

NBA Commissioner David Stern did say that the NBA will not honor
Memphis Grizzlies guard Jason Williams, who thinks he is black.

He also added that he's declared June as Mixed History Month, which
will be a time to celebrate the accomplishments of Mike Bibby, Jason
Kidd and Doug C


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Thats the one. Total anti-white crap. I heard that site is down and I hope it is.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I got a laugh out of both articles. However the first one is much better. Makes a truer satirical point...and it was funnier. The second one pissed me off some making satire of Bird and Havilchek and Brent Barry; a dunk contest winner as "spot up shooters." Miller and Szczerbiak have good ups also, I'm not sure about Heinrich.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Dec 18, 2005
i dunno about heinrich's ups but hu's wicked quick...in fact, i was shocked last week to hear walton praising heinrich as a top notch defender (one of his favorite to watch) because he is "so athletic and plays such good gundamental D". yeah he added fundamental in to be honest thats true, it was just nice to he him call a white guy so athletic. he also called kryapa extremely athletic during that same game..WOW!