Why the shortage of women...


Apr 6, 2007
on pro white websites! Looking at the King of Pop is No More thread I see it has turned into a miscegenation discussion.
I'll be honest, I'm live and let live but it does bother me to see white girls out with the "brothas." I think that most of the guys here probably feel the same way. Having said that what do the females think? Are there even any on here? I haven't seen any since I've been a member. I also notice most pro white sites have few if any female posters. Does anyone have any reasons why?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Most internet discussion boards on sports have few women on them, according to my experience. Its nothing to do with this site being pro-white. I can remember 2 or 3 women who have posted here in the past. I don't know what their opinions are on interracial dating/miscegenation, but all the white women I know can't stand it.


Dec 1, 2006
Women are rarely pro white, they by into multiculturalism more than men.

Women by nature are softer, gentler, therefore lean left wing, they want a caring State that treats all equally and takes care of the sick and poor etc. This eventually manifests in women being uber politically correct.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Yes very few woman peruse the rosters of sports teams to analyse the players by position and comment passionately about their views on the subject. The woman posters we have had have always been in the happy hour section. Woman don't post a lot on most boards from what I can tell.

The boards I frequent, about sports, politics, and race, are subjects that most woman ignore or dislike (it seems). I personally know very few woman with political views similar to the people here, but places like Stormfront seem to have a number of regular woman posters.

Reguarding race mixing I have always had an instictual dislike of it. Even when I was a big liberal live and let live libertarian deep down inside it would grind me no end to see white women with black men. I wonder if that is different for guys now? Do younger guys not care anymore? I know it's been beaten out of them by non-stop deprogramming by TV and media (which hasn't worked for me BTW). I see young white guys hanging around with black guys and their white woman all of the time. That is something I never would have done, ever.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Maybe the women around you do, but the women in my family, including my wife, are anything but politically correct. I agree that women use feelings and the socialists are all into getting people to feel how others (read, minorities) have it so bad, not. Anyway, I think you get the point.

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
Most of the white women I know would never hang out with a brotha. Maybe right now, but not when they've been around him for about a minute. Also, a few of them I know aren't politically correct. However, there is one hard left winger that says she would marry Obama if she could.
Not surprisingly most of my friends think she's crazy.
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
I would think the reason for this is because forums like these are open exchanges where the mere notion of expressing freely on topics like race, sex, sexuality, etc. is something women are not completely comfortable with. Fortunately, CF has not gone the way of "Stormfront", which has always bent over backwards to try to accomodate women posters and fell flat on their face at every turn.

I also believe that men are more wont to have an independent and/or right-leaning view on said topics than women are, who are expected to have an altruistic, left-minded viewpoint.


Aug 27, 2008
jaxvid said:
Do younger guys not care anymore? I know it's been beaten out of them by non-stop deprogramming by TV and media (which hasn't worked for me BTW). I see young white guys hanging around with black guys and their white woman all of the time. That is something I never would have done, ever.

I'm not sure if I'm young or not (mid-30s), but I can say that, due to unanswered propaganda, most whites around my age simply assume that just about any white girl they meet has had sex with black men. It took me a while to get over this, personally.


Apr 6, 2007
DWFan said:
jaxvid said:
Do younger guys not care anymore? I know it's been beaten out of them by non-stop deprogramming by TV and media (which hasn't worked for me BTW). I see young white guys hanging around with black guys and their white woman all of the time. That is something I never would have done, ever.

I'm not sure if I'm young or not (mid-30s), but I can say that, due to unanswered propaganda, most whites around my age simply assume that just about any white girl they meet has had sex with black men. It took me a while to get over this, personally.

I think that the actual number of interracial couples in real life is much lower then what is portrayed by MSM.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
Menelik said:
DWFan said:
jaxvid said:
Do younger guys not care anymore? I know it's been beaten out of them by non-stop deprogramming by TV and media (which hasn't worked for me BTW). I see young white guys hanging around with black guys and their white woman all of the time. That is something I never would have done, ever.
I'm not sure if I'm young or not (mid-30s), but I can say that, due to unanswered propaganda, most whites around my age simply assume that just about any white girl they meet has had sex with black men. It took me a while to get over this, personally.
<div> </div>
<div>I think that the actual number of interracial couples in real life is much lower then what is portrayed by MSM.

youre talking about couples, hes talking about women sleeping with a black guy. Going to school and the various jobs i have had, most women have had sex with at least one black guy like its some exotic thing to try out, and im not talking about just poor white trash girls, all types rich, poor, middle class. The saying once you go black you dont go back is wrong though, because most seem disgusted with themselves afterwards. So just dont ask them about it because they get pissed. Along time ago I was slapped in the face by a female friend in one of my classes for making fun of her for sleeping with a black guy, telling her she had jungle fever. She said it was a bad experience and its not funny and it was gross and wanted to act like it never happened. Its probably higher in the south so if you want a woman that probably hasnt slept with a black man you should probably go somewhere they arent the majority.


Oct 26, 2008
I don't think it happens much in my area. I would take a cute asian woman over a fat, ugly white women at this point. Although I would prefer a cute white woman. I don't really care what people do with their personal life, but it does seem to bother me when I see a black guy with a white woman if she is cute and I would want her. It is very rare that I see that. If she's ugly, I don't care as much.There is this black guy married to this super ugly white woman I know and I am not jealous in the least. But it does shrink the pool for all white men.
If there were an unlimited supply of cute white women, then it wouldn't matter as much, but there isn't. It's a zero sum game.
A black women ,who worked at my office, yelled at a white woman for stealing a black man, since there are so few black men that black women want to marry because of all the problems young black men get into.


Apr 6, 2007
dwid said:
Menelik said:
DWFan said:
jaxvid said:
Do younger guys not care anymore? I know it's been beaten out of them by non-stop deprogramming by TV and media (which hasn't worked for me BTW). I see young white guys hanging around with black guys and their white woman all of the time. That is something I never would have done, ever.
I'm not sure if I'm young or not (mid-30s), but I can say that, due to unanswered propaganda, most whites around my age simply assume that just about any white girl they meet has had sex with black men. It took me a while to get over this, personally.

I think that the actual number of interracial couples in real life is much lower then what is portrayed by MSM.

youre talking about couples, hes talking about women sleeping with a black guy. Going to school and the various jobs i have had, most women have had sex with at least one black guy like its some exotic thing to try out, and im not talking about just poor white trash girls, all types rich, poor, middle class. The saying once you go black you dont go back is wrong though, because most seem disgusted with themselves afterwards. So just dont ask them about it because they get pissed. Along time ago I was slapped in the face by a female friend in one of my classes for making fun of her for sleeping with a black guy, telling her she had jungle fever. She said it was a bad experience and its not funny and it was gross and wanted to act like it never happened. Its probably higher in the south so if you want a woman that probably hasnt slept with a black man you should probably go somewhere they arent the majority.

Wouldn't they be somewhat of a couple if they're sleeping together? Where do you get your "its probably higher in the South statement? Personal opinion or fact? I live in Georgia and once again I see little to none interracial dating. When that girl slapped you in the face , if you don't mind telling, what was your response?


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
I am talking about one night stands, which sadly many women have these days, mainly because it is promoted by television. Yes there are parishes here in Louisiana where it is frowned upon when a white girl dates a black guy, but when one night stands are common (especially in New Orleans, city of sin with lots drinking) blacks are frequently looking to hook up with chicks, white chicks are usually drinking and are a little careless about who they hook up with up. I am talking about students who are doing well in colleges such as Tulane and Loyola.

The stories I usually hear from people I have been around are just one night stand type things. Since there are more blacks in this area, there is a higher chance of a woman having a one night stand with one. This is not the place to party like people think, bad things can happen. Drunk chicks from out of town that get taken advantage of, raped, robbed etc. Even guys get robbed if they wonder just a little too far. Bourbon st is in the middle of the French Quarter. N. Rampart is 2 or 3 streets over, if you cross over N rampart you are around the Iberville projects not exactly a nice area.

I lived in Atlanta for a while after Katrina and things are much more segregated there, like the ghettos seem to be away from everything else, on the west side of town. In New Orleans, everything is mixed together, 1 street will have rich houses and 6 or 7 streets down is the ghetto. I mean even the Mannings grew up 10 streets away from a bad area. In Atlanta it seemed you had to go several miles before reaching a bad area. And it seemed there were places to party that were more white oriented and places to party that were black oriented. Here it is kind of mixed. Alot of people party in the French Quarter although the smarter ones who have lived here for a while go to bars uptown that are less likely to have thugs.

As for getting slapped in the face what could I respond with, I told her it was her choice not mine. Then she said she was drunk and it was a mistake which most women say after one night stands, when you have a higher black population, that mistake is more likely to be a black man.

Like I said there are cities and parishes where it is looked down on and the women are less likely to do something like that. In Slidell there are rarely any interracial couples, same as covington, mandeville and most St Tammany parish cities, but in Lacombe it very common to see a couple.

One night stands happen alot more than you would think, the reason why you dont see them is because they usually hook up at 3am in the morning and the guy is gone as soon as he wakes up, sometimes sooner than that

So as far as white women dating blacks, there arent that many because most prefer to be in a relationship with a white guy and think the idea of building a future with a black man is ridiculous, but as far as sleeping with a black man once, that occurs a little more frequently.Edited by: dwid

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
If you ever peruse dating sites and check out the preferences of white women, very few want to go out with blacks. These are generally middle class and upper middle class women and working class white women are generally more likely to go out with a black because of the environment they've grown up in (more likely to be integrated, decaying economically and morally, etc.), but the overall number is still small. The white female/black male thing peaked years ago but always grates when the female is attractive.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
dwid and Menelik, having lived in different parts of the South, I have noticed differences in patterns of interracial dating (or whatever you want to call it). In Louisiana, you didn't see it in the rural areas of North Louisiana, but I saw it in Shreveport more than anyplace I'd ever seen at that point in my life. Granted, I hadn't seen many urban areas up close before that, and it was still very rare, but much more common than in the rural areas. In the North Mississippi, I never saw it, again a rural area. In Middle Tennessee, around Nashville, I saw it more in the city than in rural areas of the region. I haven't spent any time in cities in Arkansas, but I know that miscegenation is rare in East Central Arkansas, close to the Mississippi River. In my opinion, a lot more white women in cities (even in the South) are affected more by the pressure/guilt/trend/propoganda of dating a black man than are women in rural areas. I have seen a couple of rural Southern white women with black men, but it is very rare when compared to their city-dwelling counterparts. Having said that all that about the South, I've seen more miscegenation in cities in Illinois and Utah than in Shreveport or any other southern place that I've lived.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Aug 27, 2008
I've recently come to approximating the same opinion that Menelik seems to have. While WF/BM sexual pairings are far from rare, I think their frequency is exaggerated, since

1. It is useful to one of the ruling classes to agitate and demoralize
2. Most of the partners in these relationships are whores for attention, and attract it out of proportion to those with normal relationships.

I feel sorry for white kids today. The propaganda stream runs so hard. You can figure out that most white girls actually don't want to have sex with black dudes, but it may take so long to do so that by the time it hits you it doesn't matter anymore. Our enemies are some pretty efficient guys when it comes to doling out pain.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Gentlemen, Don't worry about this stuff. When the final break comes, those women who are with us will be front and center. They always are when things get tough. Don't underestimate good women. They're every bit as tough as men and in some cases tougher. Just in a different way.

Time is on our side. Our enemies are banking everything on lies. That never holds up over time. There's always a guy who's going to be asking those pesky questions, and as we know, one question always leads to another, etc.

One White person is the equal of ten minorities. Our enemies now this. That's why they also know that they have to keep up the propaganda at the present level so as to hurt us as much as possible before everything falls apart and the real fighting begins.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
DWFan said:
That was spot on, Tom Iron. Thanks for that post.



Jul 12, 2007
Colonel_Reb said:
I haven't spent any time in cities in Arkansas, but I know that miscegenation is rare in East Central Arkansas, close to the Mississippi River.
You must have been out of the area for the past ten years.
That's my neck o' the woods you're talking about. Born here and have spent all of my 30+ years here (except for a short stint in Spain). Miscegenation is the dominant social trend in Eastern rural Arkansas now. Especially the younger you go. It's not uncommon for white girls in the 6th-8th grade range to exclusively date black boys. A significant factor contributing to this disease is the rampant abortion of female babies by black women. They want lots of children, but not girls. So the gender ratio gets really screwed up in the black community. Naturally, when the black boys reach dating age, they turn to the only option available to them (although they'd prefer white girls, anyway). I'm sure the white fathers in the area feel pretty helpless about the whole situation. Their daughters are brainwashed by all forms of media and public education starting at a very early age. And the girls are taught that their fathers are the evil ones.
The interesting thing is that miscegenation was nearly unheard of here (like you mentioned) up until the late 90's. It went from zero to infinite in a span of just a couple of years. About the time that internet porn reached small town Arkansas...

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Colonel_Reb said:
(H)aving lived in different parts of the South, I have noticed differences in patterns of interracial dating (or whatever you want to call it). In Louisiana, you didn't see it in the rural areas of North Louisiana, but I saw it in Shreveport more than anyplace I'd ever seen at that point in my life...

Some of that is the influence of Barksdale Air Force Base.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
just some personal insight here for anyone who cares ... but it has worked exceedingly well for me, and has kept me from spending time and money on any woman who embraces the Caste System in her personal life, if you catch my meaning.

i make it a point, early on, in any potential relationship to express my feelings regarding blackie-whitey relationships, as well asmy feelings regarding blacks in general. i believe Ground Fighter calls this the "N-bomb test."

if the girl fails this test, it is immediately over. simple as that. she can find her own ride home and pay for her own meal.

in my life, there is no tolerance whatsoever for a White girl who enjoys the dark meat. i believe David Allen Coe had a song that hit the nail on the head regarding this issue. if that is a little extreme for any of you "moderates" on the board, so be it.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Jimmy Chitwood said:
just some personal insight here for anyone who cares ... but it has worked exceedingly well for me, and has kept me from spending time and money on any woman who embraces the Caste System in her personal life, if you catch my meaning.
<div> </div>
<div>i make it a point, early on, in any potential relationship to express my feelings regarding blackie-whitey relationships, as well as my feelings regarding blacks in general. i believe Ground Fighter calls this the "N-bomb test." </div>
<div> </div>
<div>if the girl fails this test, it is immediately over. simple as that. she can find her own ride home and pay for her own meal. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>in my life, there is no tolerance whatsoever for a White girl who enjoys the dark meat. i believe David Allen Coe had a song that hit the nail on the head regarding this issue. if that is a little extreme for any of you "moderates" on the board, so be it.</div>

Ol' DAC!
I love the "Rebel Meets Rebel" he cut with Dime, Rex & Vinnie from Pantera...it's a bad@$$ Southern Fried Rock/Metal/Country hybrid!

Rebel Meets Rebel...Get'cha Pull!!!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Riddlewire, I think we are talking about different aspects of the same problem, but I was in the Wynne area between 2002-2004. I'm sure it was in the high schools there, I know that happens a lot in rural areas. Ive seen that kind of race mixing more than any other. I am talking about grown people who are living together/married/having kids. I never saw any adult mixed couples while I was around that area. That is the ultimate and most damaging form of miscegenation, imho.

Deus Vult, you might be right about Barksdale, but I hardly ever saw white Air Force men with black women. It was usually a black man with a white woman.

I too used the N-bomb test, and found it useful! Jimmy, I think I know that David Allan Coe song you are referring to, and I completely agree.