Whitlock: Hip-hop culture hurting NFL


Apr 13, 2005
NFL truth: Hip-hop culture hurting NFL
Jason Whitlock / FOXSports.com

You get one NFL Truth today. Watching Chad Johnson and Larry Johnson undermine their respective head coaches, Marvin Lewis and Herm Edwards, on Sunday gave me a singular focus, forced me to contemplate an uncomfortable truth.
African-American football players caught up in the rebellion and buffoonery of hip hop culture have given NFL owners and coaches a justifiable reason to whiten their rosters. That will be the legacy left by Chad, Larry and Tank Johnson, Pacman Jones, Terrell Owens, Michael Vick and all the other football bojanglers.

In terms of opportunity for American-born black athletes, they're going to leave the game in far worse shape than they found it.

It's already starting to happen. A little-publicized fact is that the Colts and the Patriots â€â€￾ the league's model franchises â€â€￾ are two of the whitest teams in the NFL. If you count rookie receiver Anthony Gonzalez, the Colts opened the season with an NFL-high 24 white players on their 53-man roster. Toss in linebacker Naivote Taulawakeiaho "Freddie" Keiaho and 47 percent of Tony Dungy's defending Super Bowl-champion roster is non-African-American. Bill Belichick's Patriots are nearly as white, boasting a 23-man non-African-American roster, counting linebacker Tiaina "Junior" Seau and backup quarterback Matt Gutierrez.

For some reason, these facts are being ignored by the mainstream media. Could you imagine what would be written and discussed by the media if the Yankees and the Red Sox were chasing World Series titles with 11 African-Americans on their 25-man rosters (45 percent)?

We would be inundated with information and analysis on the social significance. Well, trust me, what is happening with the roster of the Patriots and the Colts and with Roger Goodell's disciplinary crackdown are all socially significant.

Hip hop athletes are being rejected because they're not good for business and, most important, because they don't contribute to a consistent winning environment. Herm Edwards said it best: You play to win the game.

I'm sure when we look up 10 years from now and 50 percent â€â€￾ rather than 70 percent â€â€￾ of NFL rosters are African-American, some Al Sharpton wannabe is going to blame the decline on a white-racist plot.

That bogus charge will ignore our role in our football demise. We are in the process of mishandling the opportunity and freedom earned for us by Jim Brown, Walter Payton, Doug Williams, Mike Singletary, Gale Sayers, Willie Lanier and countless others. And those of us in the media who have rationalized, minimized and racialized every misstep by Vick, Pacman and T.O. have played an equal role in blowing it.

By failing to confront and annihilate the abhorrent cultural norms we have allowed to grab our youth, we have in the grand American scheme sentenced many of them to hell on earth (incarceration), and in the sports/entertainment world we've left them to define us as unreliable, selfish and buffoonish.

I take you to Arrowhead Stadium this past Sunday when two competent and respected black head coaches led the Chiefs and the Bengals in battle, and their efforts were periodically sabotaged by Chad and Larry Johnson, the two players Lewis and Edwards have defended the most.

Football fans are aware of Lewis' love affair with Chad Johnson, the Flavor Flav of the gridiron. Johnson's insistence on conducting a minstrel show during games has long been reluctantly tolerated by Lewis. Johnson, I guess, is just too talented, productive and well-compensated for Lewis to discipline. So Lewis has chosen to enable, going as far as making excuses when Johnson's selfish behavior extended to an alleged locker-room shoving match with coaches (including a swing at Lewis) at halftime of the Bengals' Jan. 8, 2006 playoff loss to the Steelers.

Coming off an 11-5 regular season and having been crowned the toast of Cincinnati, Lewis responded to that Johnson meltdown by vowing to cut the player who leaked the fight information to the media.

Since then, the Bengals have been one of the league's biggest disappointments, finishing 8-8 last season and starting 1-4 this season. Injuries have played a significant role in Cincy's troubles, but so has a lack of on- and off-field discipline and focus. Lewis' coddling of Chad Johnson has destroyed the chemistry that made the Bengals a playoff team in 2005.

On Sunday, with the Bengals trying to rally out of a two-score deficit, Johnson failed to finish a pass route, which contributed to Carson Palmer throwing an interception.

Not to be outdone, Larry Johnson continued his season-long pattern of immature behavior, spiking the football in frustration with 4 minutes to play and the Chiefs attempting to run out the clock. The Bengals were out of timeouts and the spike stopped the clock, giving Cincy one last chance to make a comeback.

Johnson, despite receiving a new $45-million contract, has brooded, pouted and complained all season. He spent the off-season promising to be a leader and has spent the first six weeks of the season spreading locker-room cancer. Edwards-coached teams have traditionally been the least-penalized squads in the NFL. This year's Chiefs are one of the most-penalized squads. Nickel back Benny Sapp drew an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on Sunday, had to be dragged off the field by Donnie Edwards, and was spotted on the sideline arguing with players and coaches.

Race is not the determining factor when it comes to having a good or bad attitude. Culture is.

Hip hop is the dominant culture for black youth. In general, music, especially hip hop music, is rebellious for no good reason other than to make money. Rappers and rockers are not trying to fix problems. They create problems for attention.

That philosophy, attitude and behavior go against everything football coaches stand for. They're in a constant battle to squash rebellion, dissent and second opinions from their players.

You know why Muhammad Ali is/was an icon? Because he rebelled against something meaningful and because he excelled in an individual sport. His rebellion didn't interfere with winning. Jim Brown, Bill Russell, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, etc. rebelled with dignity and purpose.

What we're witnessing today are purposeless, selfish acts of buffoonery. Sensible people have grown tired of it. Football people are recognizing it doesn't contribute to a winning environment.

Whether calculated or not, the Patriots and the Colts have created settings in which Brady and Manning can lead and feel comfortable. I remember back in the 1980s when some black sports fans accused the Celtics of being racist for having a predominantly-white roster when Larry Bird was the star. No one remembered that Red Auerbach occasionally fielded an all-black starting lineup during Bill Russell's heyday.

My point is that it makes sense to cater to your stars. And it makes even more sense to fill your roster with players who don't mind being led, even if you sacrifice a little 40-yard dash speed.

If things don't change quickly, we're going to learn this lesson the hard way.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
me too!

funny how the author is pointing out how "bad" it is that white athletes are having more of a presence... i think it is a good thing, myself.


I'm not sure this has anything to do with rap. I think it's more the consequence of black americans growing up after the civil rights era. Before integration their behavior was rigidly enforced by europeans. They were forced to conform to a white society or they were punished severely. Almost all of them were sent to school, taught English and manners, married and had children, and behaved fairly well.

Today, black americans are free to reject any aspect of european culture as they see fit. About half of them have reverted back to "anything goes" african style. No school, no marriage, random outbursts of violence.

European interaction with africans has reversed completely, such that now the whites encourage bad black behavior by protecting it. European peoples are not even allowed to discuss bad black behavior, let alone try to control it.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This is an important article. Expect it to be given wide circulation and praised and condemned, depending on one's perspective. It was only a matter of time until the relative whiteness of the most successful NFL teams was mentionedby someone in the corporate media.

Stillwaiting to be noticed -- white players on average are better than their black counterparts at every position. Quarterback and the o-line are where it's most noticeable, but it holds true at the other positions, too. The current pandering to dysfunctional buffoons and criminals is a long-termaffirmative action project gone haywire.


Sep 4, 2005
That was a good article, but i'm still waiting the article about that the white arent given scolarship to play RB or WR or CB in college..


Jul 12, 2007
I think this article is an excellent measure of how far our society has fallen.
He openly laments the possibility of an NFL roster approaching 50% white players. And writes it as if the rest of the sporting public would agree with his consternation.
I can only assume that Mr. White Hair is not a baseball fan. For if he were, he surely would've committed suicide over the St. Louis Cardinals' victory in the World Series last year.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i think it was the third comment reader comment that pointed out yet another double standard with the author/article.

it said something to the effect of, it's a good thing Whitlock is black or else the NAACP would be suing him.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
The internet, message boards and sites like youtube will also play a large role in making the NFL less black down the road as many of you have all stated and believe.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
whiteathlete33 said:
Is this guy gonna have his job after writing this?

Whitlock's one of the rare black writers who sometimes criticizes blacks when they deserve it. He wrote a great piece after the "rap culture" terrorized Las Vegas duringlast season'sNBA All Star Game there, denouncing the "black Klan" that keeps law-abiding blacks and whites alike in fear.

For daring to write some common sense things, he gets denounced a lot by black militants, much likeBill Cosby did after he spoke honestly about the black lower class.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Whitlock is aware of castefootball so he also aware of some of the racial truth ignored by the MSM. He sould also be aware of the real Jim Brown. He mentioned him twice as an example of a good black athlete.

While Jim Brown was a reserved player and behaved in a descent manner on the field he was also a frequent criminal off of it. I doubt any woman abusers are on the list of honorable ex-white athletes. It just shows how slim the pickings are when Jim Brown is used as an example of someone better then TO or Chad Johnson. Jim Brown is only marginally better then OJ. Hey Jason read up on your "heroes" why don't you.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I skimmed the firstfew pages of comments after Whitlock's article.Sad. A lot of ignorant low IQ types, both white and black. The educational system and media have done their job of dumbing down and balkanizing America well.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Wow. I just watched some of Whitlock's interviews on Youtube and he actually states the truth how Sharpton and Jackson are race hustlers. It's good to hear a black man acknowledge the truth instead of spreading smokescreens like most blacks do.


Jul 30, 2005
The race/ culture distinction is bogus. A culture can't exist apart from the people who created it.

All in all a good article by Whitlock even if he did hold back a little by not granting whites equal athletic status and chalking up our inevitable comeback to purely behavioral issues.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
i guess it is a good article, and if he is lamenting whites achieving 50% it is the way blacks are losing it.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Poacher said:
The race/ culture distinction is bogus. A culture can't exist apart from the people who created it.

Exactly. He can't admit to it but it's true. That's one of the reasons he will get so much flack. Everybody realizes the implications of what he's saying. Culture, not race, HA. Right!

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
whiteathlete33 said:
Wow. I just watched some of Whitlock's interviews on Youtube and he actually states the truth how Sharpton and Jackson are race hustlers. It's good to hear a black man acknowledge the truth instead of spreading smokescreens like most blacks do.
People tend to forget that Jackson was much more radical in the 70's. I will never forget the image of Jackson embracing Yassar Arafat like he was his long lost brother while Arafat was wearing military fatigues. These days Jackson takes the high road and Sharpton takes the low road. But Jackson showed reverend PO box the way...
May 5, 2005
"And it makes even more sense to fill your roster with players who don't mind being led, even if you sacrifice a little 40-yard dash speed."

Damn. Kind of back-handed upside-the-head compliment. Or was it?

I thought the article started out ok, then it went downhill from there. I took it too mean that the NFL will have to resort to drafting sub-par athletes (whites) to improve the presentation of the game to the public.
Dec 18, 2004
Don Wassall said:
This is an important article.  Expect it to be given wide circulation and praised and condemned, depending on one's perspective.  It was only a matter of time until the relative whiteness of the most successful NFL teams was mentioned by someone in the corporate media. 

Still waiting to be noticed -- white players on average are better than their black counterparts at every position.  Quarterback and the o-line are where it's most noticeable, but it holds true at the other positions, too.  The current pandering to dysfunctional buffoons and criminals is a long-term affirmative action project gone haywire. 

I haven't seen an article like this, and as I have written, that takes in a good many years. Whitlock was saying that a team with a great passing QB and a good number of white players overall is most likely to win championships. If teams like the Colts and Patriots continue to win Super Bowls, the others will have to follow.

I should point out that before the late 60's, you did not see black pro football players dressing and behaving like buffoons in public. At least, not often. When Michael Vick was being arraigned, file footage was shown of Vick appearing in public in a "gangsta" outfit. He wanted to look like a clown, or thought that was expected of him.


The reason players like Ray Lewis,Pacman Jones and Chad Johnson act the way they do is becuase they lacked a father growing up. They all had "affletic skills" and were allowed to do what ever they wanted. This behavior evoled into moronic and anti social behavior. Look at Lewis's implication in that murder years ago. Then you had head coaches coddle them in college. Then agents telling them they were the best thing since "Popeye's Fried Chicken"(I even love it!)
. Anyways, once that behavior starts affecting the success of the team and the bottom line, you will see more owners state, "f... these clowns and hire me some players who have discipline and will win me some friggen games". I suspect that day is coming sooner rather later! Until then, I will subject myself to their criminal exploits and the drunken white fans who give them the perverbial b... jobs every Sunday.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

All good posts. You make excellent points.

The main point with us isn't whether or not this writer meant that White players will be more easily led at this point. The point is that they will be drafted and get their shot at playing, If they get on the field, their innate abilities will speak for themselves. The good that will come from drafting and playing White players will be so evident in evey way that even the drunkest White fan will be able to see it. I often wonder when I here these idiotic commentators talking, trying to separate thugish behavior from the black athletic ability, what are they thinking? You can't separate one from the other. A man is only complete with all his traits. That means physical, mental and emotional. If one or more are out of kilter, it doesn't matter how good an athelete he is, he won't be on the field to compete, so where does that leave the team?
Even if vick was as good as they say he is, what does it matter, he's not playing do to his own anti social activities. Obviously, without him the Falcons are complete garbage. Whereas, if he was palying the team would only half bad, for whever that's worth.

One other point. While I certainly want White players to play and excell, I'm not all that happy with them either, but no matter I want them to play over blacks.
What I'm talking about is White players are starting to behave badly in their own way, Look at the behavior of Tom Brady and Brian Urlacker. They're a disgrace in my opinion. I hope their behavior is just an aberration and not a picture of what the White athlete will be like in the future,

Tom Iron...

Tom Iron...