


Experts now agree that Whites will become a minority in America sooner than previous estimates had foreseen. The magical year is now set at 2046.

1) Will enough Whites mobilize to the point that a "minority-status resistance" will gain political viability?

2) Have Whites, by and large, and on this forum specifically, resigned themselves to second class citizenship from here on out? Rest assured, a White minority in socially Marxist America will not be granted the privileges that non-White minorities enjoy today.

I didn't want to create a poll because I think the potential responses to these questions are unlimited and I hope to get a good discussion going here without confining responders to only a few options.


Edited by: Latspread

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Along as the Jews control the media, whites will continue to decline as a percentage of the population.

Anyone who expresses concern for the decline in the white race is labeled a "white supremacist" by the media, so there's nothing we can do about it.

As long as taking pride in our race is associated with neo-Nazism by the media and entertainment industry, white nationalism will never be popular with the brainwashed masses.

A full-blooded white person will become a rarity by 2200 AD, if we still exist at all. When our numbers get low enough, there will likely be a genocide against us.


I tend to agree with your premises JD but I disagree that there's nothing we can do about it. It seems to me that when I speak honestly about this issue with people, many of them agree that the White man has legitimate grievances in socially Marxist America. I believe that if well intentioned pro-White activists would organize and promote a very coherent and articulate program that is in the best interest of Whites, you may find support in some surprising places.

Yes, the power structure is against us. Yes, the masses take their marching orders from the power structure. Nevertheless, I believe that a well organized and ambitious grassroots effort could help change the dialogue in this country for the better.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
There have been individuals and organizations warning about these problems for many years. To this point very few Americans have been interested, because it goes against the way they have been indoctrinated, or because they don't care.

Maybe the number will grow under the Obama regime. If even one or two percent of whites would support pro-white efforts it would dramatically change the current dynamics.

The Internet is a great tool, but the downside is the anonymity it provides. Everyone now is a keyboard warrior but very few are genuine supporters and activists. Anonymity gives a cover for lack of accountability, which when you get down to it shows a lack of genuine commitment. Sites like this one have brought an amazing amount of talent together but we could and should be much more effective than we are. Until the commitment level changes (and the endless quibbling and factionalizing ends) we as a race will continue to be submerged numerically and psychologically.


You've got a good grasp on the state of things, Don. I know some people are here only to discuss football but this site is a potential gold mine for accomplishing practical and important social ends. Very few places, in cyberspace or otherwise, offer the opportunity to discuss these pressing issues in a sensible and intelligent manner.

I do agree that many (probably the vast majority) of whites (as would be the case for any race) don't have the wherewithal to resist the overwhelming social pressure to conform to the anti-white orthodoxy. It doesn't take many to make some waves though. From there I think a majority will follow.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The America First movement was very, very strong in the 1930s. Father Coughlin had a radio audience similar in size (when factoring in the population growth since then) to what Rush Limbaugh has now. The great American hero Charles Lindbergh had a huge national following.

Polls from the time (yes they had them even then) showed that 80 percent of Americans did not want to become involved in World War Two. Pearl Harbor changed that overnight, just as 9/11 changed a lot of things overnight.

There's been seventy years since then of ceaseless propaganda, delivered through ever more amazing technology, and the dumbing down of the population through trivial pursuits, porn, and even the food we eat and the air we breathe. The unity and historical sense of the country has been irredeemably destroyed.

But there are still a lot of quality white people left with good hearts and good intentions. The question is whether the destructive ways they have been taught to think,with regard to race, patriotism, the government, Israel and other important topics, can be broken and their eyes opened to a new, much better way of thinking.

The other big issue is that positive change can no longer come through traditional methods, such as political parties and large organizations. Those are sitting ducks for harassment and infiltration. It has to be a combination of getting the information out nationally combined with local action and networking (including networking with any and all anti-NWO groups when possible). The system is so greedy and corrupt it's mind-boggling and is presenting the potential opportunity of its own demise for the first time. But only commitment and new ways of thinking and acting can have the slightest chance of effectively opposing it.


I do think we're seeing a window of opportunity opening up. Its an old cliche that each election we choose "the lesser of two evils" but the degree to which the populace is currently disenchanted, I believe, is unprecedented. I don't buy all this rubbish about Obama inspiring the nation. If you look at demographic voting patterns you'll see that he won the support, primarily, of exactly who you would expect him to (i.e. democrats, minorities, young people in numbers hardly greater than typical, undecideds AKA those who have no core beliefs and thus go with the prevailing milieus of society). Many people sat this election out because they knew McCain was hardly better than the other guy but they oppose what's going on vehemently.

To hear the rhetoric coming from the Republican party since the election is to understand that a clear line is being drawn in the sand. Party leaders are lauding every and any minority they can locate as "the future of the party" no matter how removed from the interests of most Americans they may be. The GOP accepts that they must "be more inclusive". Make no mistake, the hallmark of the Republican party from here on out will be pandering to minorities in a way that would make Ted Kennedy blush and overt disregard for lower middle class unconnected White men. I think this will be their downfall and open up the door for a legitimate third party or some other organized movement.

The financial catastrophe, obviously extreme media biases and dishonesty, growing skepticism about our Middle East involvement, and several other issues truly undermine the government-media complex supported two party system.   Edited by: Latspread

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
The best solution to our problem is for WNs to have kids and lots of them. If our numbers are dwindleing then we need to make some freekin babies! That is the right sacrifice to make.


Oct 18, 2008
As long as my tax dollers feed little black kids, wetbacks, and scumbags. As long as the media gives whites no credit, and keeps demonizing us, we dont stand a chance. My sister is married to a 43 year old 6-time fellon of a black male. When I beat his ass I got probation. THe fact is that its IShopeless without an uprising of extreme testicular fortitude. THink Minutemen! Im chomping at the bits to fight back, but one man cant beat too many.


Darwin's right. In the first place, Whites need to start having children. The current birthrate is extraordinarily low. But I don't think that is a solution, in and of itself. Remember, the powers that be are engineering a new demographic largely by means of non-White immigration. White immigrants, even those besieged by genocide as in SA, have a hell of a time gaining entrance to America while even known criminals of non-White ethnicity are invited in by the hundreds of thousands. The government will probably monitor birthing trends and see that immigration outpaces the birth rate.

P-Nut, the media and legal system are designed to castrate the White male and beat him into compliance. They've obviously been extremely successful to this point but I think they may be revealing their hand prematurely.

In addition to procreating, I think Whites will ultimately have to confront the issues of unwieldy non-White immigration and exclusionary policies aimed at prospective White immigrants.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
C Darwin said:
The best solution to our problem is for WNs to have kids and lots of them. If our numbers are dwindleing then we need to make some freekin babies! That is the right sacrifice to make.

Sounds good, but when it comes to rates of reproduction, we are no match for Negroes and Mexicans. Just aint gonna happen.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Bart said:
C Darwin said:
The best solution to our problem is for WNs to have kids and lots of them. If our numbers are dwindleing then we need to make some freekin babies! That is the right sacrifice to make.

Sounds good, but when it comes to rates of reproduction, we are no match for Negroes and Mexicans.  Just aint gonna happen.

It's all a matter of dedication to family. We have 4 & might try for a 5th in a year or so. Primarily because we love kids/our kids & also because I want to contribute to the great White race. Too man sheeplized Whites have bought into this weak-minded idea of "just having fun/me/selfishness, etc." (as propagated via the Elite controlled marketing). To each their own, but I fully believe God meant us to go forth and multiply (within marriage). If Whites don't awaken to the NWO's incessent attacks (via multiple avenues), then we'll be an official "minority" with 10-15 years (far before 2046, etc.)!


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
I see drastic changes coming in this country in the near future via a total economic crash of the United States. If you buy into the Ron Paul/Peter Schiff/ Austrian Economists, that is the likely scenario. This being my mindset, I actually see the massive immigration yielding and potentially shifting to other parts of the world (Asia probably). So I do not see that bringing about our demise.

This may seem far fetched but with Obama and the leftists in power for the next 4 years I think we will be financially destroyed. History repeats and we have seen this in Argentina, the Soviet Union and most recently in Iceland (a microcosm of the US economically).

With the US collapsing as a world power you can forget about policing the world as well as foreign aid. Israel's survival will be very much in jeopardy. In the states even the most brainwashed of folks will be infuriated at the country's state and loss of living standards.

The wheels are already spinning. Gold and silver sales are drastically on the rise. Firearm sales as well. I have friends who have heard this directly from firearm dealers. I would bet that most of the people taking these measures are white. Militias and other fractions may also start to form.

The whole system is and will collapse on the NWO/ Zionist/ elitists heads. People will demand we bring back a Constitutionalists government (this movement is already happening as well). It will be rough times for sure, but European Americans built this country and I believe we will rebuild it.

However if whites do not take action when the opportunity for upheaval presents itself, I can see an even more socialist government forming in its place. I which white extermination will continue at a faster rate.
Oct 24, 2005
The problem is not there is a NWO. The problem is that the NWO cannot function. If the best leaders they could supply to rule the USA is GWB and now BHO, the NWO is going to fall apart. Not that I have a problem with that....


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
screamingeagle said:
The problem is not there is a NWO. The problem is that the NWO cannot function. If the best leaders they could supply to rule the USA is GWB and now BHO, the NWO is going to fall apart. Not that I have a problem with that....

SE, while I disagree that the NWO cannot function (as they've done so since the Rothschilds founding of the Central Banking Cartel circa early 19th century), BUT I do certainly hope the NWO does somehow fall apart!


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
DixieDestroyer or anyone else who has studied the NWO:

To what effect do you guys think the USA's economic collapse would have on the NWO?

I know it would greatly hinder US influence in the Middle East and Israel. That being said, would it change the social conditions in the US? Or would the Zionists, cultural Marxists, etc all be able to continue their agenda uninhibited?


Feb 15, 2008
Freethinker said:
DixieDestroyer or anyone else who has studied the NWO:

To what effect do you guys think the USA's economic collapse would have on the NWO?

I know it would greatly hinder US influence in the Middle East and Israel. That being said, would it change the social conditions in the US? Or would the Zionists, cultural Marxists, etc all be able to continue their agenda uninhibited?


Feb 15, 2008
Put it this way if a collapse doesn't do anything in the form of any type of revolution then I might as well as fold up my tent. In fact I think all of you should do the same thing. Let's just see how much false guilt whites will show when they no longer go home in their SUVS and to their flat screen tv's. Let's see how they respond when they finally have to fight for survival. I always worse is better. Believe me.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Freethinker said:
DixieDestroyer or anyone else who has studied the NWO:

To what effect do you guys think the USA's economic collapse would have on the NWO?

I know it would greatly hinder US influence in the Middle East and Israel. That being said, would it change the social conditions in the US? Or would the Zionists, cultural Marxists, etc all be able to continue their agenda uninhibited?

The key goal of the NWO is to create a One World Government (& then "religion" to roll out the red carpet for their true master...the antichrist). To accomplish a One World government, they must eliminate the last "superpower". They know the inate freedoms of our Constitutional Republic (like the 2nd Amendment) pose the greatest threat to their (long-planned) socialist dystopia. One way for them to dissolve our Republic is via a financial meltdown. This crisis (by design) will make the implementation of the North American Union (NAU/SPP) easier. After the NAU & Amero are in place, integration into a World Government will shortly follow. It's been in the cards for decades!


Oct 26, 2008
They have made it extremely difficult to have kids today. With the unstable employment situation, people don't want many kids. There is no solidarity among whites or even just workers. We have been turned into individual economic units, each worrying about their own bank account and retirement etc..We have been divided and conquered. Have you heard the nonsense of "self branding". It's like each person is a product.

The more people have to worry about just surviving; The less activism there will be. You won't have much time to think about the situation and research other alternatives. You will just accept what the MSM says.

If there is a collapse, there has to be a vision out there that people will hear that is different than what we have. My fear is that the same people running the country will put out the solutions and we will be stuck again.