White Nationalist Scholarship

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
We at Newsnet14 and Aryan Wear have always stressed the need for racialist white youth to lead by positive example and strive for excellence in whatever endeavors they choose to pursue.

Our youth are the foundation and the future of white civilization, and out of this generation new leaders will emerge.Some young men and women have decided that the best way to serve the long-range objectives of our collective struggle, as well as achieve their own individual success is to acquire university degrees and enter the professional fields of business, engineering, architecture, science, etc.

Aryan Wear applauds the dedication of such individuals, and would like to show our support by once again providing financial assistance to a student who enters and wins our scholarship contest.

Aryan Wear is requesting essays discussing one of our current racial problems today, its cause, and possible solutions. Essays may be of any length and should be persuasive in style. Winners will be chosen based on persuasiveness of essay. The scholarship is open to any full-time college or university students of wholly European heritage. The deadline for essays is September 1st 2008 and the winner will be chosen by September 8th. Past winning essays are ineligible, although the winners may enter again with an entirely new essay. 1 Winner will be chosen and awarded a scholarship to be used for tuition and school costs. Although your name will not be posted on our site, verification of the winner will be required. All entries become the property of Aryan Wear and Newsnet14.com and may be reprinted on our web sites.

This year is our 4th year giving away a scholarship and we want to make it bigger and better. We will be accepting donations for this year's scholarship via mail and we will match those donations with our own funds, up to $2000. This gives this year's scholarship the chance to give the recipient $4000 or even more.

Please send donations to A W Inc PO BOX 188 Buckeye, WV 24924. Your donation will be acknowledged on Newsnet14 by Zip Code and amount, unless otherwise requested.

Please send your entry to derek@aryanwear.com and include your name, hometown and school as well as your e-mail address.
