Where is Brutal?

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Where is Brutal? We have all heard for years that no white guys are capable of going sub 10 or sub 20. He also swears that only big tall black men can run fast. He says stupid remarks like they just don't build whites that big and tall that can run. The guy is an idiot. He has no idea of how much he hates his race. The guy should be proud of his ethnicity and rooting for guys. Instead he joins all of the other blacks that just push the myth that it is impossible. This makes my blood boil.

Not only will we have multiple guys go sub 10 & sub 20 in the coming years, but we will also be making finals in the sprints at the Worlds Champs/Olympics. It is only a matter of time. We need more whites competing. We also need white kids in America to join the kids in Europe and around the world that don't belive the myth. We can compete with anyone on the planet. If they clean up the sport of cheats, we will get there even faster. Anyone who thinks guys like Bolt, Powell and Gay are clean, needs a reality check.

So where are you Brutal? Just like Jon Entine, you think you know it all. In reality, your just an idiot. It's ok to root for black athletes, but not when you hate and make fun of white athletes. Look in the mirror and wake up. Support your own just like Asians, Africans, and Hispanics do. Nothing wrong with rooting for your own people/heritage!

Either you can get on board, or stay at blackathlete.comNo matter what you think, they laugh at you there anyway. So next time you listen to some jazz Brutal, why don't you also think about rooting for guys like Ramil Guliyev, Christophe Lemaitre and Robert Herring just to name a few.Edited by: white lightning


Jun 15, 2006
New York
He could be hanging in his F-ing closet for all I care. and personally, I thought he was black.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Hey Brutal, why don't you go play with your Usain Bolt Doll. You guys can have a blast in the sleep over. In fact, maybe you should move to Jamaica. They would love to have you over there. They would make you feel right at home.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I think Brutal has gone into hiding due to Lemaitre, Guliyev and Pickering doing so well. I honestly think all 3 of these guys have the talent to break 10 seconds- if they have the mental fortitude to do so and a day of good conditions.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
There are one of three scenarios. He still hasn't made bail on his gay internet porn ring(the ring specialized in gay black male movies). It's rumoured that many famous American broadcasters were clients....
He was bashed in Jamaica when he was called a "botty ridah". Or his meds are finally working..