War with Iran!?


Oct 12, 2008
Since its invention over 70 years ago, tens of thousands of nuclear weapons have proliferated throughout the globe. Dozens of countries and countless government leaders have held the keys for their use. During the course of hundreds of wars and conflicts, only the USA has seen fit to actually use a nuclear weapon, on two infamous occasions.

It seems so patently hypocritical and utterly illogical that the United States Government would be willing to go to war with Iran over their attempts to develope a single nuclear weapon. Our government is the most aggressive, militaristic, emperialistic empire in the history of the world and we want to snuff out a 3rd world country for daring to develop their own national defense.

At the last debate, the three stooge neocons wholeheartedly agreed with each other that Iran's attempts to develop a nuclear weapon is a clear and present danger to the United States of America. Much like a child with a bb gun is a clear and present danger to a charging rhinocerous.

Are our leaders insane? Are the sheeple this stupid? I don't get it. This nation is BANKRUPT and yet we can't stop this war mongering obsessive/compulsive disorder.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
Since its invention over 70 years ago, tens of thousands of nuclear weapons have proliferated throughout the globe. Dozens of countries and countless government leaders have held the keys for their use. During the course of hundreds of wars and conflicts, only the USA has seen fit to actually use a nuclear weapon, on two infamous occasions.

It seems so patently hypocritical and utterly illogical that the United States Government would be willing to go to war with Iran over their attempts to develope a single nuclear weapon. Our government is the most aggressive, militaristic, emperialistic empire in the history of the world and we want to snuff out a 3rd world country for daring to develop their own national defense.

At the last debate, the three stooge neocons wholeheartedly agreed with each other that Iran's attempts to develop a nuclear weapon is a clear and present danger to the United States of America. Much like a child with a bb gun is a clear and present danger to a charging rhinocerous.

Are our leaders insane? Are the sheeple this stupid? I don't get it. This nation is BANKRUPT and yet we can't stop this war mongering obsessive/compulsive disorder.

yes the united states used them.But you don't now what will happen if the arabs have qulaity nuclear weapons too.I know Israel is provococative but do not see the arabs as angels.The arabs you see in the us are not lie average arabs.Arabs didn't have the knwodledge to make the bombs but looked how westerners made them.Lot of old infentions of arabs were when whites were't mutated to such and still were he same partially as in the middle east( 10% neolitic migrations halopgroup j2 and e2) india( halpogroup R1a),and northen russia( r1b) and more.Arabs only produce oil which whites found out they had and also whites take it out of the ground for them.That the arab world is 80% saharan selects temperament full people who can come up well for themselves, but not much selection on brain.Also some people say arabs are white but they aren't I think becuase if you have 1 group of white people from europe and another group from middle east how it comes that in 1600-1700 the ''whites of middle east did lose like 97% of the battles to the other whites.Also the only part they could make islam the religion is in east asia at the place with lowest IQ of that region: malesie and indonesia.same for europe albania are conquered and raped and are now for under 90 IQ score like all islam majority countries.The Jihad the fight to make the whole world Islamic they stopped when they were in europe becuase they found out it was very very difficult to conquer europe except little bit of the Balkans and Portugal for a short time.They are still frustrated about that.they still want revange.My estiamation is that 20% of muslims in holand would be glad if USA would be blown from the earth maybe 60% are slightly for it or against it and 20% would say t is bad.60% of dutch muslims were happy with the atttacs on 9/11 this was a real poll and not some estimation I made before.

Postive note: very few arabs( american arabs have been selected and are no average arab)have 130 or above IQ maybe like 1/10000( i am not talking about the libanese with very high white in them) to against 1/35 of the whites.I would say yes the arabs haven't bomb europe or US but the iraqians did already iran but it could be more becuase we are lucky that they aren't so smart to make effective bombs for long range that that they are so angel.I know some good arabs but don't underustamate the amount of very frustrated crazy,extreme temperamentfull,honour and ego as the most importanast( which you say when the arab leaders ego is hurted and they nearly all decide to kill there own people who hurt their ego's).


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
arabs in europe have also much more often then 1/10000 IQ 130 but that is becuase europe is very triggering and helpingfor most arabs and IQ is 50% or so not genetic.In their own environment it is very rare.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Jesus was an Arab.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
I have heard Jesus was a jew I have read but i don't know 100%.Were Jesus was from is very close to europe and you see there a lot of non semetic influences. jews( real ones) and arabs are borh semitic both not exactly the same.Just as close as slavic and germanic to eachother


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
it is often said it is a jew becuase of where he comes from. ut it isn't exatly clear which ethnic groups were all there.from paintings he looks white like a lot of people in that region.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Jesus was an Arab.
Nice bomb throw, jaxvid! So are you saying that the Jews are Arabs, or that Jesus was somehow a descendant of Ishmael?


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
it is often said it is a jew becuase of where he comes from. ut it isn't exatly clear which ethnic groups were all there.from paintings he looks white like a lot of people in that region.
There are no 1st century paintings of Jesus. The "Jesus" paintings are an artist's idea of what Jesus might have looked like.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
If Israel nukes Iran they'd probably get hit with a few nukes from Iran's neighbor, Pakistan.
I don't think they have the long range capability to strike Israel. Even China doesn't have the technology to strike the US from mainland China.


Apr 6, 2007

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
the world is upside down.

aware White people are the ones considered extremists, yet lunatics like these are considered "rational" and "mainstream." the fact that these fools can make ridiculous, dangerous, insane statements like these with no trepidation leads me to believe that there is no hope for this nation's future ...


wow. just wow.


Nov 28, 2009
This was a letter to the editor in yesterday's Las Vegas Sun:

"It would be extremely foolish for Israel to attack Iran. If Israel were to attack Iran with regular bombs, including 'buster bombs,' all Israel would do would be to delay the development of atomic weapons by Iran by a few years.

"When, not if, Iran develops atomic weapons, Iran could launch them at Israel to overcome the humiliation it previously suffered. Nothing humanity could do would prevent Iran's action. If Israel wants to survive, it must use its atomic weapons against Iran such that Iran will never be able to develop atomic weapons.

"If such action by Israel were to cause World War III with the death of billions, so be it. The cause of those deaths would not be Israel, but all of the nations of the world that permitted Iran to even come close to developing weapons of mass destruction when the stated aim of Iran was to whip [sic] Israel off the face of the map, killing every Israeli."

-- Jason G. Brent, Las Vegas
I think we've found the front-runner to "The Zi0n1st Shill of the Year" award. :israel::first:


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Will the Zionists Spark Off Another World War?"

Once again, it is important to reivew exaclty what is being said here: firstly, Iran has no nuclear weapons, but both Israel and the Zionist-run administration in Washington DC are quite prepared to use “military optionsâ€￾ against Iran to “defend their interests.â€￾

Whose “interestsâ€￾ is Obama talking about? Are they those of the American people? Does Iran threaten the existence and security of America? Of course not.

Russia’s Mr Patrushev is correct: the war talk and threats against Iran are coming from Israel and the Zionist lobby—and no-one else. Just as in the invasion of Iraq, it is the Zionists who seek to spark off wars and conflicts to preserve their perverse interests.

People of good will of all nations must take a stand against the warmongers, liars and criminals in Tel Aviv and Washington, otherwise a real holocaust awaits us all.



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
First let me say I agree completely with the point being made. However I would actually like to see israel get into a fight with somebody their own size. It's about time jews starting dieing for their precious zionist philosophy. Unfortunately probably all the fighting would be done by the jewish security force (US military) so jews themselves would not have to put their ass on the line.

As to a nuclear exchange, I think that would be horrible but I do not discount the good that such a thing might do. It would certainly wake a lot of slumbering people up about war and the downside of military conquest. I don't even think the US would be at risk. No one is going to lob a nuke at the US itself. even if some nation in the middle east drops one out there.

Anyway as much as the chickenhawks squawk about war they really only like saber rattling, the actual fighting is too messy. Even that little squabble in Afghanistan is too much for them. Imagine boatloads of radiation damaged GI joes and janes and homo's being shipped back to the US. What weak ass american politician could stand up to that?


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Israel is “Threat to World Peace,â€￾ says Nobel Prize Laureate"

Israel is a threat to world peace and is plotting the “annihilation of Iranâ€￾, Nobel prize laureate Gunther Grass has said in a poem published today by the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper and other European dailies.



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Forecasts? So now war is like the weather: a thing beyond our control? Well it is going to be partly cloudy with a chance of war this evening. :icon_rolleyes:

Ha ha. You can leave the second part up permanently since the USSA is fighting a perma-war against nebulous "terrorists" and "Al Qaeda", of whom they have never even caught one single card carrying member since there is actually no such thing as "Al Qaeda", so their warwithoutend can never be won and never end. Same as the Eastasia-Eurasia-Oceania deal in Orwell's prophetic book, and Orwell was only off by a few years.

So if Wall Street and Israhell wants warwithoutend let them send over stock brokers and Jews to fight it.



Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Israeli Politics Dominates U.S. Elections through Jewish Supremacist Power"
Israeli politics has now openly inserted itself into American public discourse and no longer needs to hide in the shadows as it did previously, a new article in the Press TV news service has said.
This is interference of a direct kind, virtually dictating to Washington to do what Israel wants it to do, and in the process try to tilt the election to the Republicans, who have rubberstamped Israeli demands and operate like an echo chamber of a lobby that has always presented itself publicly as non-partisan. That pretense seems to be slipping.
http://www.davidduke.com/?p=36222 Could the Jews be giving Obama an ultimatum either go to war with Iran before the election or Romney wins?

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "War With Iran Will Devastate America! And See my Video with over 1/2 Million Views!"

Dr. David Duke Commentary – The Ziomedia and Zioestablishment is rushing America toward war with Iran. Although the top intelligence agencies of America all agree that Iran is not building a nuclear weapon, although unlike Israel — Iran has signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, and unlike Israel, Iran has not stolen any other nation’s land nor ethnically cleansed hundreds of thousands of people (the Palestinians) — the Ziomedia continues to lie about Iran and drive America toward war. Make no mistake about it, a war with Iran would be devastating not just for Iran but for Americans. If American nuclear power plants were bombed, huge areas of America could face mass murder and depopulation by radiation poisoning. It could be Chernobyl times ten. If such happened of course, America would respond with devastating military attack. Yet, America is threatening to bomb Nuclear Power Plants in Iran! If Iran is attacked, can we expect them not to retaliate? Our brave soldiers and sailors are in reach of a devastating military response, primed by the Zionist 5th column to be sacrificed on the altar of Supremacist Israel to create a wider war against their number one enemy Iran. Not only could we lose thousands of American casualties, but the American economy would be destroyed with the likelihood of ten dollar a gallon fuel costs. It would destroy millions of jobs and tens of thousands of small and middle sized American companies and businesses. Keep America Safe! NO WAR FOR ISRAEL IN IRAN!
