Urlacher's half black child


Nov 7, 2004
Read about it at http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=Ar4T4WcKcjlTcryz6En3UE tDubYF?slug=theurlacherphenomenon&prov=tsn&type=lgns

and in post 8 of http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?p=3590318#pos t3590318


From the Yahoo article: Many of Urlacher's best friends are African Americans. His son is half African American. He and his brother, Casey, get their hair cut every Friday at the Hair Gallery in North Chicago. They get stares, not only because of who Urlacher is but also because they are the only white guys in the place. His iPod plays a country song, then a rap song.


P.S. Sorry if this has been posted before.
Here's a related article.

Edited by: foreverfree


May 20, 2005
Okay, let me make one comment about this that vaguely relates to this and other threads I've read on Stormfront.

Urlacher may have banged a Negress. This alone does not constitute high treason to the White race. It's spitting in their gene pool, to mix metaphors. The reverse pairing is the truly offensive one, for reasons of genetics and territoriality. Further, a huge percentage of your White male ancestors did similar things.

More importantly, the lockstep attitude of people on our side can bother almost as much as the lockstep attitude of the "mainstream". I am reminded of threads I've read on the Stormfront that allege Liddell may be some member of Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice, which is simply a group with a rather novel premise that allows them to get away with rumbles, or at least feel morally justified in getting into street fights. On the Stormfront, I even read one joker who said he hopes Liddell lose to Rashad Evans, because he MIGHT be a "race traitor".

Reality Check: Brian Urlacher, and Chuck Liddell, have done more for the White race than every member of every Racialist organization, with the possible exception of Don Wassail and Castefootball. (I mean this last bit quite seriously.) It does not matter if they have harems of Negressess or write columns for racetraitor.org. Their victories do more to energize our race for the positive than one can easily imagine. Remember, we need positive, powerful examples for our people, rather than simply pointing out that certain minorities are unpleasant, which every White person knows anyway, even if they don't care to admit it.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I saw a little white kid about 4 years old in a school playground today and he was wearing a kid sized Urlacher jersey. I felt really good seeing that, and especially seeing his parents spending time with him and his siblings.


May 13, 2006
If Urlacher is so stupid to knock up a black whore(especially this one with a national reputation for being a black whore), he doesn't deserve a pass because he goes to the Pro Bowl and little kids like to wear his jersey.

If you're truly opposed to racial mixing it's irrelevant if the mother or father is white. They're both equally responsible for the browning of America and the subsequent changed gene pool.

I'm unaware on Urlacher's stance on this site or its issues so I can't call him hypocrite and the following doesn't apply to him. But doing good for a cause doesn't excuse your behind the scenes actions if choose to be hypocritical.

Does Pastor Ted Haggard get a pass as well? He did wonderful things for his church and the Christian faith, probably more than anyone in his congregation. He was on the frontlines battling the homosexual marriage issue. His small Achilles heel was that he liked to smoke crystal meth with a male prostitute and get erotic massages.

Ted Foley was a wonderful defender of children against online predators. But unfortunately he couldn't resist 16 year old boys himself.


May 6, 2006
Outside North America
Men like Urlacher are not responsible for browning america. As long as he has a white wife and has four kids with her it is no big thing. Those four kids will be white. If he has 10 kids with black women that just means that there are ten more blacks that are on there way to looking whiter.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Triad said:
If Urlacher is so stupid to knock up a black whore(especially this one with a national reputation for being a black whore), he doesn't deserve a pass because he goes to the Pro Bowl and little kids like to wear his jersey.

If you're truly opposed to racial mixing it's irrelevant if the mother or father is white. They're both equally responsible for the browning of America and the subsequent changed gene pool.

I'm unaware on Urlacher's stance on this site or its issues so I can't call him hypocrite and the following doesn't apply to him. But doing good for a cause doesn't excuse your behind the scenes actions if choose to be hypocritical.

Does Pastor Ted Haggard get a pass as well? He did wonderful things for his church and the Christian faith, probably more than anyone in his congregation. He was on the frontlines battling the homosexual marriage issue. His small Achilles heel was that he liked to smoke crystal meth with a male prostitute and get erotic massages.

Ted Foley was a wonderful defender of children against online predators. But unfortunately he couldn't resist 16 year old boys himself.
Putting that sick f**k with Urlacher is a real stretch. If Urlacher wants to tap skank ass thats his business, unless he is going to preach that he is a committed christian and is all for singles being celibate, like the other degenerate definatley supported....
Edited by: white is right


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
i don't give a damn to be honest... he is white, he plays like a white all-pro linebacker in the mould of Butkus and co... so he had a kid with a black girl... doesn't change anything for me.


Sep 9, 2005
Since Urlacher has many black friends and dates black girls himself, he probably has no problem with his black teammates screwing white girls and knocking them up.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I hope I didn't sound like I was supporting his sexual habits with my story about the kid wearing his jersey. I'm just saying it was good to see a white kid wearing the jersey of a great white football player. Personally, I think less of him now after hearing that, but everyone makes mistakes.


Oct 19, 2004
White_Savage said:
Urlacher may have banged a Negress. This alone does not constitute high treason to the White race. It's spitting in their gene pool, to mix metaphors. The reverse pairing is the truly offensive one, for reasons of genetics and territoriality. Further, a huge percentage of your White male ancestors did similar things.

I agree, it's much worse for a white woman to have non-white babies. Let's just be blunt about it: it's emasculating when a non-white man breeds with "our" women. You don't have to be a "White Nationalist" to feel that way. Many men- white, black, brown, yellow- don't like to see their women with men of other races. It's a "primal" thing.

Besides, women are much more "reproductively limited" than men. If a white woman has three or four non-white kids, that could be it for her. At least a white man could theoretically father a few white children along with the occasional indiscretion. On the other hand, having non-white children could take resources away from one's white children. Urlacher's a multi-millionaire, so that shouldn't be an issue.

But this woman isn't even that attractive! Geez! I admit that there are some attractive non-white women out there, but from the pictures I saw, she ain't one of them!


May 13, 2006
aussieaussie said:
Men like Urlacher are not responsible for browning america. If he has 10 kids with black women that just means that there are ten more blacks that are on there way to looking whiter.
I wonder who these mulatto Urlacher Jr.'s will be banging in about 15 years, black girls or white girls? The answer is all of the above.

I just don't see the - it's better for a guy to do it argument- I look at Urlacher the same as Heidi Klum. Her union with Seal was discussed and this same Urlacher debate occurred in previous threads. It is interesting to read the opinions on this from fellow posters.

Colonel Reb said:
Personally, I think less of him now after hearing that, but everyone makes mistakes.
That's exactly how I feel about the situation. I have great athletic respect for him but I have a lower personal opinion of him (like he cares). If you eliminate the racial aspect, it's not smart for a multi-millionaire to have kids out of wedlock. He was outsmarted by a gold-digger.

Deacon said:
Since Urlacher has many black friends and dates black girls himself, he probably has no problem with his black teammates screwing white girls and knocking them up.
Same attitiude another prominent white linebacker has. Zach Thomas was the best man in his sister's wedding to his black teammate. Is it just a coincidence that two of the most well known white LB's in the league (media darlings) lead very integrated lives off the field?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
A White Savage post! and it includes "banging a Negress".
reminds me of the Chuck Conner chararcter in "Roots" when he was entertaining a fellow plantation owner, after dinner he invited him to partake of the affections of a slave woman with the quote: "A stroll down slave row, one of the pleasures of civilized life"


Oct 21, 2004
I think that this is quite predictable. Urlacher is probably like every other white NFL player who has been permitted to play pro football over the past 25 years or so; as anti-white as any ESPN talking head (you can see this when you listen to the "analysis" provided by countless white ex-NFL players who have retired in recent years to pursue careers in broadcasting), and just as obsessed with and fascinated by black "culture" and behavior as the rest of the sheeple in America. He would almost certainly reject any notion of "white pride" and wouldn't appreciate our support of him in the least. Urlacher isn't the first white athlete to sleep with a black woman. Some years ago, NBA player Rex Chapman, who acted and played "black" on the court, was enamored with strictly black women and supposedly fathered several illegitimate half-breed children (kind of like a white Sean Kemp). I'm sure there have been many others. If Urlacher is like his white peers outside of pro sports, he probably lets the brothers get first crack at the best looking white girls. Maybe some of them settle for black women because all the hottest white girls are with the black players. It all still amazes me. I'm still recovering from seeing a photo, briefly and from a distance, that was aired on ESPN of diminutive thug WR Steve Smith and his gorgeous blonde wife. Even with all the brainwashing these women are exposed to, it's just hard to take and even harder to understand how they can be willing to marry and breed with that kind of unattractive, ignorant and mean spirited person.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
bigunreal said:
Even with all the brainwashing these women are exposed to, it's just hard to take and even harder to understand how they can be willing to marry and breed with that kind of unattractive, ignorant and mean spirited person.

It's all about color: GREEN.</font>


Oct 25, 2005
Urlacher also banged Paris Hilton (who is way too boney for me). So he at least doesn't deal the white cards out (like Robert DeNiro).

Kitna has a light skinned black wife.

Miscegenation will happen whenever large groups of people are thrown together. The groups that best defend against it seem to be ethno-religious groups like Indian Hindus and Sikhs and Orthodox Jews.


May 13, 2006
It is an interesting phenomenon: a lot of whites who do make it the league and get their "chance" could be considered liberal based on the way they live their life and the comments they make when given the announcing jobs.

Bunnyman said:
The groups that best defend against it [Miscegenation] seem to be ethno-religious groups like Indian Hindus and Sikhs and Orthodox Jews.

They are the ones given a racist pass; never the whites who preach the same thing.


Oct 20, 2006
I agree with WS. They are gold-diggers. Many of those so-called
marriages don't last too long anyway. The husbands cheat, and the wives
get millions in a divorce. Many of those kids will continue to be raised in
single parent homes. And mulattoes have even MORE problems than
regular blacks, if you believe the statistics. You wouldn't want a woman
like that anyway, no matter how good looking, whether you had money or
not. The black assault on white women is really a statement as to how
inferior they think being black really is. Ironic, no? And white men's
non-interest in black women is a statement that we generally agree with
the black guys. I guess we have some things in common.

Take heart. When AA is dismantled it won't last. The thing that will
finally take AA down is the outsourcing of good jobs and importing of
foreign labor. And that is accelerating. Look at Michigan. It has one of
the worst state economies in the nation. And what happened there? AA
got shot down. When the American Dream is in full retreat, people will
look around and ask where the money and opportunity went. And if you
think that unqualified quota blacks won't be stripped of their unearned
advantages, well, we disgree vehemently. They will be, riots or not. It
will be self-preservation then.

Urlacher is a dope. A great linebacking dope, but a dope nonetheless.
He has lost any interest and support from me here in Chicago. Most
great white athletes have white wives, so I think Kitna and the dumb-ass
Urlacher are by far the exception. And they can choose whatever they
want. I'm more concerned about the population at large, not the few at
the top. Unfortunately, too many emulate these idiots.Work to end AA,
and immigration, and a lot of this miscegenation with blacks goes away.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
PitBull said:
Urlacher is a dope. A great linebacking dope, but a dope nonetheless.

Hmmmm.I would have to agree with thatcomment.


Dec 15, 2005
Just because a guy's an example of someone defying anti white bias doesn't mean he is a great role model(think Casey Combest and Paul Hornung).

It's not like he is the first person to do this, or that he has never been influenced by the culture in charge. He is so focused on linebacker and being near superhuman that he never thinks about much else. If you're this preoccupied with something you're gonna copy the behavior of those around you.

Remember Paul Hornung. What a dick! Thank god he didn't coach Notre Dame over Charlie Weiss!


May 20, 2005
Note: I am not particularly defending any kind of miscengenation, just pointing out it is biologically impossible for a White male to "brown" the White race. They can only "White" other people. Only a White woman can produce White or mixed children. Biologically speaking, a woman is very limited in here offspring, while a man has several billion rounds to fire off. This is the basic biological root of a historical double standard, which in light of understanding, is justifiable.

This relates to why sending women into combat is an asshat notion. Yes, women can indeed make effective fighters in the more non-physical positions like snipers or pilots, but except in last extreme defense, sending them into harms way is stupid. They are ten times more valuable for the future soldiers they and only they can produce, but in limited numbers for each females. Meanwhile, surviving males have the several-billion-rounds to repopulate the nation. If any FemiDyke points out that this is a sexist notion that paints women as "brood factories", tell them that's exactly one of the major roles females in all species play, nay, the most important one. It's not mysogynistic either. If women are the brood factories, men are the cannon fodder, you tell me who has the worst end of that deal.


Oct 21, 2004
White Savage, I always respect your views, but I have to disagree here. Psychologically, all white males feel a certain anger when they see a white woman with a black man. We don't get quite that same feeling upon seeing a white man with a black woman. That is certainly part of a protective male instinct, but the end result of Brian Urlacher breeding with a black woman and Heidi Klum breeding with a mess like "Seal," is the same; more half black children who will all consider themselves black. We may react differently depending upon which sex is white, but the disastrous total effect on society is identical either way. Your thesis about males being able to produce untold numbers of children would be valid, if anyone did that in today's world. Outside of a small percentage of men, who are almost all black, no male in our world comes close to fathering ten children of any race. So, imho, the race of the ones he does father is very important.


Nov 7, 2004
IIRC someone on CF called Bret Favre a black man trapped in a white man's body. Someone on Stormfront called Eninem the same. Both for non-miscegenation reasons.

Would Urlacher and Kitna fall in the same category?



May 13, 2006
bigunreal said:
... the end result of Brian Urlacher breeding with a black woman and Heidi Klum breeding with a mess like "Seal," is the same; more half black children who will all consider themselves black. We may react differently depending upon which sex is white, but the disastrous total effect on society is identical either way.
Well written post, IMO.

While the gender of the individual mixing races may matter to some in a psychological way, there is no genetic or biological difference. Do a Punnett square and see for yourself. The offspring is mixed, their genes are half one race and half another. The dark race is lightened and the white is darkened. The effects of miscegenation on society are the same regardless of who is doing the mixing - males or females.