UFC 157


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
"Nah-Shon" gets his big chance in the UFC and misses weight for his first fight. Typical.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
Jardine and Robertson both come into the cage to country songs. When's the last time that happened?

I know Dan Henderson, Matt Hughes, Johnny Hendricks and Chael come into country tunes as well.

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
Hoping Liz Carmouche defeats Rousey in dominant fashion and then WMMA can GTFO to Invicta.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
Good win for Stout over Fodor.

I hope Rousey wins. If there has to be face to women's MMA, then better a Rousey than a Williams sister.

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
Loved the WMMA history promo.

Women martial artists were so persecuted and they had to struggle just to compete :icon_cry:


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
Yeah, saw that PC B.S.

Boo hoo ... even as men's wrestling programs are being cut across the U.S. so lesbos can play rugby.

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
Actually, nvm. Herb Dean did a good job just not stopping it. Great fight. Depends on who the judges think won round 1, personally I think Grice because Bermudez was more lucky for the way he landed on Grice's arm to trap it and Grice finished the last 3 minutes strong.

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
Should have realized it was way too close of a first round to give the nod to the white guy.


Jul 15, 2011
I'm glad Chiesa won only because Anton is another BJ Penn or Carlos Condit. Anton also came from a wealthy family that spend all their money giving him martial arts training.


Jul 15, 2011
I have to say I don't like Hendos chances against Machida, largely becuase Marchida is so good at using his kicks and countering other peoples punches. Machida does well against boxers who don't counter his leg kicks and allow him to circle around the ring.

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
That should have been 5 rounds. Oh well, once the scores are read show is over.

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
Good to know that Liz Carmouche is a MARINE MARINE MARINE(female standards) and "protected our country" by not even serving in a combat role.


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
If there has to be face to women's MMA, then better a Rousey than a Williams sister.

Liverlips -

100 % correct. I'm wondering when the "experts" will begin to spout "if only Serena Williams - with her fantastic physique, raw power and explosive athleticism - competed in MMA..." :lol:

Old Scratch said:
Good to know that Liz Carmouche is a MARINE MARINE MARINE(female standards) and "protected our country" by not even serving in a combat role.

Old Scratch -

Permit me to pose a number of brief questions:

(a) Have you ever served in the military?

(b) If so, have you ever seen combat?

(c) Have you ever trained for / practiced a fighting art?

(d) Have you ever stepped into a ring or done any fighting on the cobbles?

Just curious...

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
:), have I offended your delicate sensibilities? I don't think you're "just curious" at all, from your ellipsis you're plainly trying to be confrontational because of the fact that you are a "White Nationalist" in the Stormfront fashion, IE a power metal blaring White Pride White Knight with a silly veneration of women.

Are you a Ronda Rousey fan? Did you know she is part black, part native and vocally anti-White?

PS Liz Carmouche did not serve in a combat role, so even if the wars in the middle east were legitimate she wouldn't be "protecting" the freedom of Americans in any capacity, now would she? Female marines are not equivalent to male marines and don't deserve any praise at all.


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
:), have I offended your delicate sensibilities? I don't think you're "just curious" at all, from your ellipsis you're plainly trying to be confrontational because of the fact that you are a "White Nationalist" in the Stormfront fashion, IE a power metal blaring White Pride White Knight with a silly veneration of women.

Are you a Ronda Rousey fan? Did you know she is part black, part native and vocally anti-White?

PS Liz Carmouche did not serve in a combat role, so even if the wars in the middle east were legitimate she wouldn't be "protecting" the freedom of Americans in any capacity, now would she? Female marines are not equivalent to male marines and don't deserve any praise at all.

Well, well, who's being confrontational now..?

No, I'm not a Ronda Rousey fan and don't like her loud-mouthed manner one bit. I've said this before - I stopped following MMA at anything beyond headline level once the "realistic fight sport" became "controlled" and thereby ruined with the introduction of rounds. I certainly don't pay much heed to women's MMA.

I do, however, appreciate what it takes to train at an elite level for any combat sport (particularly MMA) and - most importantly - what it takes to step into a ring. The world is full of big talking he-men who provide "expert" boxing / MMA commentary from the comfort of their overstuffed sofas and who, after meekly backing out of every potential physical confrontation with bladder control barely intact, incessantly declare that they "would've punched his head in but didn't want to start any trouble".

Now, don't get me wrong, for I'm not attempting to depict myself as some two-fisted pulp hero sponsored by various national dental associations. But being a tall, conspicuously underweight, extravagantly long-haired introvert with a preference for unconventional, "retro-Noir" clothing invariably made me a prime target for "tough guys" throughout my younger years. To top things off, I have always possessed the unfortunate, almost pheromonal curse of being a magnet for every aggressive bully boy in the vicinity even while customarily quietly minding my own business.

Despite my less-than-hulking physique I was taken on to provide "security" at underground bare knuckle events and too often found myself in the midst of football aggro. My youth was therefore littered with more than enough barroom, backstreet and wasteland adventure so I'm regrettably no stranger to fighting. This isn't braggadocio, merely confirmation that I'm not the average couch-bound critic who's never thrown a punch in anger. Take it as you wish...

Yes, I'm perfectly aware that Carmouche didn't see active combat. Then again, from your disinclination to answer any of my questions i guess that you haven't either - which makes you and her even, doesn't it? That's what I was alluding to. But I'm sure you'll say "big deal".

So, I'm a White Nationalist in the Stormfront fashion, am I - a power metal blaring White Pride White Knight with a silly veneration of women? "Interesting" analysis, professor - I'm certainly glad I'm not paying you by the hour...

Hmm, do I fit any Stormfront bill? Let's see. Doesn't the average Stormfront member's profile read something along the lines of this?

Username: SS Totenkopf 88

Location: Hitler's jock

No, that definitely isn't me, for - amongst other things - I'm not one of those fellows who claim to champion "the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution", bristle at the merest thought of government interference in citizen's lives, and vehemently oppose "foreign wars" yet blindly believe that a dissent-crushing dictatorship which led its people to catastrophic war constitutes the pinnacle of human achievement. Neither am I keen on brown shirts and knee socks, but each to their own, eh...

Call me ignorant, but I wasn't aware that foaming misogyny constitutes a prerequisite of conservative manhood. Solely or mostly blaming women for one's personal and political frustrations isn't really the thing in my book but, as with the abovementioned sartorial items, each to his own...

Before you swallow your tongue anathematising me to the heavens, let me emphasise that I despise feminism and all of its associated bull**** (especially the "women are as tough as men" rubbish) just as much as everyone else. In fact, it's a safe bet that I hate feminism more than most. The difference lies in my approach to confronting its influence; which sex I primarily fault for its spread; and - yes, I'll admit it - my natural sense of gallantry. The latter, however, isn't predicated upon a "silly veneration of women" but rather a philosophy of treating people well (if they deserve it, that is...). Besides, I find that the majority of females regardless of socioeconomic or cultural background actually enjoy - and respond to - old-style manners and respect, particularly when contrasted against the vulgar behaviour of the "modern" credit card / I-phone / I-pod-toting, sport / booze / video game / porn-obsessed "man" covered in tattoos and clad in cheap, ill-fitting, disposable Chinese cotton "garments".

By the way, I may be a metal-head, but - as I'm a community-minded fellow who doesn't wish to disturb his neighbours - I magnanimously refrain from blaring my music. There's just no limit to my "White Knighting", is there...

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012

Skimmed most of your utterly asinine 39 paragraph post(gist is you wore fedoras and were shoved into lockers so you have a unique perspective on MMA... somehow I am a keyboard warrior and you aren't etc)...

Caught this...

Yes,... I'm perfectly aware that Carmouche didn't see active combat... Then again, from your disinclination to answer any of my questions i guess that you haven't either - which makes you and her even... doesn't it?... That's what I was alluding to... But I'm... sure... you'll... say... "big... deal"...

she gets praised for being a marine and protecting American freedoms... she is a woman and doesn't deserve any praise for that... that's the point...

like I also pointed out... you were trying to be a dick... per usual... not participating in the thread... and deserve no real response...

life is too short for rabajo posts...

... btw... not everyone has access to made in Pakistan silk button-up shirts with dragons and flames on them so you shouldn't make fun just because someone has to wear China cotton... please be more considerate...


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
Skimmed most of your utterly asinine 39 paragraph post

You just couldn't resist commenting on the length of my post, could you, tough guy? How very predictable. A forum can comprise much more than one or two line insults and profound responses such as "liar", you know...

My initial post was ever so short and consisted of a few basic yes or no questions. Funnily enough, you didn't deign to answer a single one but, despite my tone being civil enough, instead proceeded to label me a power metal blaring White Pride White Knight, et cetera. The fine art of dialogue...

Old Scratch said:
(gist is you wore fedoras and were shoved into lockers so you have a unique perspective on MMA... somehow I am a keyboard warrior and you aren't etc)...

Now, now, don't project your own impossible-to-repress, therapy-proof "All American" high school memories of claustrophobic lockers, cold hands, pimply arses, and rectum-searing, testicle-separating wedgies on me, thank you. For your information, I have never been "shoved into lockers" or any other such rubbish...

Old Scratch said:
...she gets praised for being a marine and protecting American freedoms... she is a woman and doesn't deserve any praise for that... that's the point...

I am aware that you were voicing frustration with all of the PC ****e about female "service people" defending the nation and saving the universe - that is entirely understandable. Yet your casually dismissive manner does bear all the hallmarks of the armchair fighter. I'm eternally amused by all of the guys who've never been anywhere near the military yet are always the first to vociferously point out that so-and-so has never seen active combat. Before anyone asks, I haven't served in the military.

I know that you cannot abide anecdotes as they malevolently add to the length of a post - but I'll drop one in anyway. I was once acquainted with a short, ugly, big-mouthed, steroid-injecting loser who likewise spent his time providing pointed critiques of MMA fighters and boxers. He was forever telling everyone about the countless blokes he'd either intimidated to the soiled breeches stage or ruthlessly punched out - although his boasts remained perennially "unverified", as these action-packed, teeth-scattering stoushes always mysteriously took place on "nights" he "went out" alone.

Yes, that fellow was a real hard nut. The one (and only) time someone saw this "prime unarmed combat machine" in an actual fight was related to me thus:

On a fateful Friday night somewhere on a southern Sydney beachfront, Mr. Horse Steroid was confronted by an equally rude and rebarbative creep. He quickly charged in to "kick some arse" - and was promptly felled by his opponent's first big amateur swing, which broke Mr. Horse Steroid's nose. Our hero proceeded to employ some fine defensive work worthy of his own "expert" commentaries - i.e. he attempted to curl up into a ball while his assailant and a couple of cohorts who had sprinted over to gleefully join in the fun booted him to pieces. The punishment continued for a few moments until my friend ran up and told them to back off. In addition to the broken nose, Mr. Horse Steroid was ferried away to casualty (that's ER for my North American friends) with a busted wrist plus bruised ribs, back, and arse.

Once he recovered from that comical beating our myrmidon naturally resumed dispensing his authoritative lectures upon the subjects of MMA and boxing. After all, he had now acquired some practical experience to draw upon...

Old Scatch said:
like I also pointed out... you were trying to be a dick... per usual... not participating in the thread... and deserve no real response...

I'm trying to be a dick? Coming from you, that's bloody priceless...

Old Scratch said:
... btw... not everyone has access to made in Pakistan silk button-up shirts with dragons and flames on them...

Ah, that was a WI-TTI-CI-SM, was it? Hmm, I see. Yet another instance of a fellow to whom God gave a razor but chose not to include the strop (Rebajlo slowly shakes head...).

"Shirts with dragons and flames on them"? Sorry, but I'm not Filipino or Mexican...

Old Scratch said:
...so you shouldn't make fun just because someone has to wear China cotton... please be more considerate...

Cotton isn't always bad. No inferior Chinese dross dyed with unholy ****tails of toxins and emblazoned with idiotic slogans here:


Costs a bit more than the average (or even "above average"...) "Kmart" garage rag, though...



white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
:), have I offended your delicate sensibilities? I don't think you're "just curious" at all, from your ellipsis you're plainly trying to be confrontational because of the fact that you are a "White Nationalist" in the Stormfront fashion, IE a power metal blaring White Pride White Knight with a silly veneration of women.

Are you a Ronda Rousey fan? Did you know she is part black, part native and vocally anti-White?

PS Liz Carmouche did not serve in a combat role, so even if the wars in the middle east were legitimate she wouldn't be "protecting" the freedom of Americans in any capacity, now would she? Female marines are not equivalent to male marines and don't deserve any praise at all.
Here is short doc on her maternal great grandfather he looks like a Mulatto or maybe close to a Quadroon so Rousey's "Blackness" is genetically minimal. Politically she may be forced to be a full African American if she ever becomes a big star in MMA.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=x2TtFP3h9_Y