True Stories: Getting Screwed


Apr 14, 2005
Since we're in the off season in high school and college football I thought I'd get us talking again about non pro football. Under this topic feel free to let out any stories of how you, somebody you know, or heard of getting screwed over by the caste system. I myself have a few stories I'd like to tell to vent out my frustrations on ******* football recruiters. Edited by: whiteCB


Apr 14, 2005
My first story begins with a guy named Scott Greenburg who was all-Ohio his junior year(in 2000) as he helped lead his team to a D1 runner up season. You know the kind of spectacular season that doesn't happen very often. He had 11 INTs and around 1,500 yards rushing. He was an excellent athlete and got great grades. His senior year he was 1st team all-Ohio yet again after getting alot of picks again and rushing for well over 1,000 yards and yet again leading his team deep into the playoffs. Well Scott had a great h.s. career and Pitt came calling and had Scott come down for the usual recruiting visit. However, when Scott arrived there and met the coaches they said and I quote, "Wow we thought you were BLACK." Suffice to say Scott never heard from Pitt again. He ended up walking on Toledo and the coaches told him if he walked on and made a good impression and got some playing time that they would give him a schlorship. Well Scott did play at Toledo his freshman year working his way onto the 2 deep chart(of couse at safety who would let a white guy play HB). Unfortunatly Toledo didn't live up to their edn of the deal and told him that he had to pay to play yet again his soph. year. Scott decided that he was tired of playing these stupid games with the coaches and had enough of D1 football. So he transfered to a D3 school to finish out his career where he dominated at safety and became a D3 All-American. This is just another true story of a caste system victim.


Apr 14, 2005
A few years ago my high school had an all state RB/CB. This kid was an athlete who could run and jump out of the gym. It was late in the recruiting season before teams(all MAC schools) really started jumping on him. Our black DB coach even admitted that the only reason our star player was not recruited eariler was because he was white. Now you know you have a problem on your hands when a black guy admits it. Anyways our guy finally accepted a scholarship to Central Florida and the first thing they do is beef him up and move him to OLB in typical caste fashion. He played safety Jr. and Soph. years but no they couldn't keep him at DB. Just another story of a caste system victim.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Here's an interesting email I just received:


My blond-haired, blue-eyed, 6'5" nephew has gone to play football at a college School. He has not played a lot of football, just a year on the dummy squad in High School, but he is really fast and has exceptional hands.

Having had experience in the NCAA, and seen the first-hand intimidation of white athletes (physical and race-baiting) I naturally had advice for him. 1. The black players are not your friends. They will delegate someone from their clique to check you out and try to get to know you. He will go and tell his friends about you and they will start playing mind-games on the field, in the locker room, etc. 2. I went; he would not be approached by someone who plays his position (running back) but by another position, a receiver for example. Any 'friendships' will be strictly to undermine your intensity when competing for their friends' position. They work on you as a team. 3. Also, don't spill your guts to an assistant coach (head coaches are aloof, anyway) because they have a vested interest in their sub-system not being disturbed. They are trying to get ahead, after all, and 50% effectiveness using black players will secure a job, whereas 75% effectiveness using white players will get him a call from Jesse Jackson, et al.

I also explained that having horrible childhoods has most black athletes equipped with emotional armor that a rhetorical sandblaster couldn't disturb; so don't try to talk trash with them.

You have them on the ropes when they start threatening your life or to copulate with your sister. Nonetheless, their support system will pat them on the back and tell them "it's cuz you _____ (insert expletive") after you consistently beat them in scrimmage and drills. Eventually, you will shut them up but it could take a couple of years.

I also discussed the dilemma/paradigm where the black athlete, for example a High School Senior 3rd string running back in the final game of the season will still harbor fantasies/delusions/beliefs that he could still get into the game/is better than the first two strings/and may well go through his entire life with the adamant belief that he would have done better than the guy that took his team to victory after victor.

The white athlete has already taken his position on the bench, and resigned himself to it.

I've seen the last phenomenon in the form of a 27 year old, black parolee who went out for football on a Division III team and wouldn't go down until it was clear to everyone (except him) that he was slower than everyone on the offensive he raped a girl who was walking home from the library (a white girl, BTW) and was quietly returned to Prison.