The Skull & Shrunken-headed mixtures


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Shocking Evidence is Confirmation of Genetic Reality. Race deniers are in a chaotic uproar and blame what they call "White Racism."

(Real News Service) First off, we define the head. It's everything above the neck: The jaw, cheek bones, nose, eye placement, etc. We have learned that genetics go to war and, in the case of Caucasian and ******* genetics meeting, that war is amplified and the results are often disastrous. In other words, the genetics don't seamlessly mesh. For some reason, they weren't made for each other. The face of the offspring is often times alien to that of either parent. They don't look like "their" grandparents or great great great grandparents either. We had to dig deeper....

Where can we see examples of these shrunken-headed mixtures? Well, that's easy! They are frequently featured in commercials, advertisement posters, TV shows and movies. Me thinks that they are being marketed as some kind of "ideal" biped. A "magical mulatto" to accompany the "magical negro buck" -- perhaps??

But why is terrible cheek development and a microscopic jaw something to celebrate? Who would want to be born like that? Neither race will be in a hurry to claim you as one of theirs. Again, why promote and celebrate what is essentially a state of "racelessness?" Why celebrate physically weak monstrosities that get WHOOPED by the pure blacks and pure Whites? Hmmmm, that is the IDEAL?? Ideal for totalitarianism, maybe. These freaks are so dangerous because they don't really have a race to preserve. Everytime they look in the mirror... they get smacked with genetic reality.

Example of a large Negro Skull: Glenn Dorsey

(Note: Shrunken-headed mixtures are mixtures whether they have a White parent or not. They are being marketed as the ideal, and most were created post-slavery.)

Examples of Shrunken-headed mixtures: Sage Steele, ESPN; Josh Smith, Atlanta Hawks

Some "conservative" sistah that gets on TV a decent amount. She's a good example of what the "media" is promoting. I'll post her name if I catch her on TV again because I didn't memorize it. A picture could also be in the cards. There are MANY more examples.

The surface has only been touched on this subject matter. Real News Service will certainly follow up on this important matter!

Edited by: Deadlift


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Hillary from "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"

She's your classic shrunken-headed 20% black mixture. Is that supposed to be attractive?

Rachel from "Family Matters"

She's on the Left in the Back Row. This is a good "contrast" picture. I would not call her ugly and she has decently developed cheek-bones, but she's another good example of what I'm talking about. Contrast her skull with the skull of the woman on the Left side in the Front Row. Obvious difference, huh?

Another funny thing about this show is the coal-black son Eddie Winslow. Look at his nose and everything! He looks nothing like his supposed parents.

Heidi Klum's mongrels are extremely raceless. No surprise, really. They are the typical result of mixing. They are alien to either parent. It serves them (self-loathing) idiots right.