The Propaganda of Nickelodeon


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


what do you mean by marxism? i didnt see anything wrong with the first vid can u point out what you think is wrong?


Nov 25, 2004
If you watched the first video in the end the cause was to pressure legislature to give more funding to primarily black schools over primarily white schools. Black schools already recieve far more money than white schools nation-wide. This is kids channel and yet racial politics in being indocturinated.


ya i no thats perverted but what do you guys mean by marxist?

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
ABsprinter said:
ya i no thats perverted but what do you guys mean by marxist?
1. Redistribution of wealth, assets, fame, or power from the bourgeoisie to the proletariat.

2. Any notion of equality.

Edited by: C Darwin


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Marxism's core embraces "social(ist) change"...specifically taking the "advantages" from the perceived "haves" (Whites, Christians, Men) & giving them to the perceived "have nots" (minorities, etc.) all in the name of (supposed) "social justice". This is acheived culturally via the incessant demonization of Whites by constantly showing minorities as persecuted & the White man as the omni-oppressor. Through propaganda mechanisms, the Globalist Elite enact a cultural Marxist agenda by lauding the (supposedly downtrodden) minorities (blacks, women, sodomites, etc.) and understate and downgrade the infinite accomplishments & (overall) superiority of the White man. Viacom's propaganda outlets (Nick, MTV, etc.) are constant perpetrators of the Cultural Marxist agenda.Edited by: DixieDestroyer


that is similar to democracy and doesnt sound at all bad. i have read that communism fails because its too idealistic and there is nno motivation w/o individual property and highher pay. not to mention the short term dictatorship gov gets power hungary and takes control. i could have went to too. if you think that you are clever by sending an obviously pretentious post then ill let you know your not. why, like i asked earlier is the marxist institutionalism of beliefs fueling white self hatred?
Jul 14, 2007
ABsprinter, redistributing wealth, assets, fame, etc. from one group to another, whether it was "voted" in by a democratic process absolutley does sound completely bad. When you do this you are taking something somebody earned and giving it to someone else who hasn't earned it because they say they need it more, so it's no different than looting. It's also a violation of human rights, to have something you created by your own ideas, work, and perseverance to be taken from by someone else without permission simply because you chose to create or do something. This is eternally wrong and sinful, because it is the definition of stealing.

The democracy we have in this country was never intended to allow people to loot other people's property. The fact that we use the process to do just that this day in age does not make it right or moral. Just because something is legal doesn't make it right, and just because something is right does't make it legal.


i know the fundamentals of democracy and the founding beliefs of our country est. by john smith and his ideal of private property. but as the cream rises to the top, people get trampled, stomped on, and buried in the dirt. personal possesions wud b gr8 to hav, however there should be a way to evenly distribute a workload while keeping the proggressive aspect of our country. pure communism is impossible. we americans live so lavishly while others live in complete poverty. sharing the wealth seems good to me as long as we can evenly distribute the workload and allo people to chose what to do with their money.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
excellent explanation, DixieDestroyer.

ABsprinter said:
that is similar to democracy and doesnt sound at all bad. i have read that communism fails because its too idealistic and there is nno motivation w/o individual property and highher pay. not to mention the short term dictatorship gov gets power hungary and takes control. i could have went to too. if you think that you are clever by sending an obviously pretentious post then ill let you know your not. why, like i asked earlier is the marxist institutionalism of beliefs fueling white self hatred?

first of all, don't start insulting respected men like Dixie, ABsprinter. he was only trying to help. it's not his fault if you find his accurate, academic definition wasn't to your liking.

that being said, i will try to make it a bit clearer for you, if i may.

socialism/social marxism is the EXACT OPPOSITE of democracy, my good man. kindly re-read DD's post, and you will see what i mean. rather than giving benefits to those who have earned them, socialism (and social Marxism) takes FROM those who have earned something and gives it to those who have not. this is known as stealing if done by individuals, but somehow a lot of folks think it works great if the government does it. of course, it does not.

this is not only taking a big crap on those who are productive and achieve, it panders to those who are not productive and don't achieve. furthermore, it encourages the unachievers to not only continue to fail, but also to cry and whine about not being given enough.

when, as any reasonable person should know, one is supposed to get things based on their hard work, achievement, talent, and so forth.

giving handouts to those who do nothing to earn them only leads to more begging and the demanding of even more handouts. the examples of affirmative action, lowered requirements for academic scholarships, extra funding for minorities that explicitly exclude whites, black-only groups, ignoring the rampant, anti-white crime war that blacks are waging, and so forth all point out problems that are symptoms of the pro-black social marxism that these men in this thread have mentioned.

i hope this helps.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
ABSprinter, fyi...while structured as a representitive democracy, the U.S. is a Federal Constitutional Republic, not a pure Democracy (which usually equates to "mob rule"). Marxism (and it's offshoot "branches") go directly against the grain of our Constitutional founding.

The "self-hatred"/"White guilt" is facilitated as I alluded to above. It's not always overt, but usually present (via the propaganda) with those with "ears to hear, eyes to see & minds to know!"Edited by: DixieDestroyer

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005

2 additional points, if i may:

1) the USA isn't a democracy. it is a Constitutional Republic. there is a big difference in the two, and if you aren't aware of the difference, i would urge you to research it for yourself. it is really quite fascinating.

2) don't use leet speak here, mate. at Caste Football, we try to hold ourselves to a higher standard than most forums when it comes to communicating with our fellow man. leet speak is too childish for those who are trying to seriously converse in English.

thank you.

edited to add: beat me to it, DD, damn you!
Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood


ya i know youre comfortable in america thats y u dnt want change. but the majority of the world isnt very positive. our democraccy is based on capitalism, which means only a small percentage of us can get by. you dont c it cuz u liv in america. it wrks for us, but the world isnt so well off.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Legalized theft is still theft. And that is what our government does. A free man has ZERO obligation to his fellow humans. The type of society that absprinter is pushing for is a slave society. If a man can't keep the property he earns, he is not a free man.


i just want to know how marxism ties to racial profiling. a free man can go chop peoples heads off without repercussions. a man with liberty can choose obligations to fellow humans: such as food, clothes and education. just the essentials. im not an advocate for marxism at what point did i imply i am? i said it isnt evil. it wudnt b bad. i think we definately need to change, but communal sharing isnt what i had in mind. humans like yourself are the reason its impossible c darwin. there needs to be a balance between liberty freedom, and outreach to many people.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
I don't really watch any television anymore, either network or cable, but back when I did (I gave up around three years ago), I didn't like what I saw.

I don't know if the things I personally disliked on TV were the product of a Cultural Marxist agenda, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were. All I know is, I wasn't getting informed or entertained anymore.

As a white male, with primarily white interests, I didn't think television was serving those interests anymore. I didn't write letters to the stations (though in hindsight, that seems like a good idea) or engage in a protest outside the studios; I just peacefully checked out and stopped watching TV.

Even when I was a kid I didn't like Nickelodian very much. I do miss the History Channel from time to time, and MTV from back when they showed actual rock music videos.

I still have a television, but I only use it to watch DVDs. That way, I am in control of the content completely, no extra commercials beyond whatever malicious thing the DVD program itself is trying to make me do.

I'be been collecting Sony's year-by-year releases of The Three Stooge's short subject movies as of late.

I don't know if there's some cultural marxist message there (they're Jewish, haha) but you can't argue with Moe slapping Larry for no reason, or Curly barking at a woman and sputtering like a dying engine.

That's just funny.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
"ya i know youre comfortable in america thats y u dnt want change. but the majority of the world isnt very positive. our democraccy is based on capitalism, which means only a small percentage of us can get by. you dont c it cuz u liv in america. it wrks for us, but the world isnt so well off."


I live in America, and I WANT change, I want drastic change. I want liberty from my obligation to the millinos of free-loaders, most of which are not members of my race.Outright stealing from the peopleyousuggest are "lucky americans" is the solution, right? Just tax the"haves" until we're all equal?Just givejobs to the "have nots"until we're all equal? This, my friend, defines Cultural Marxism. Phoney equality that was achieved through means that are anything BUT equal.

Think about it, the more self-made, hard-working people are taxed, the worse life they have....and the better life some "oppressed" person has. Therefore, my opportunities shrink (childrens college savings, land ownership, retirement), and the "oppressed" person's opportunities grow (affirmative action jobs, free college, etc). On what planet is this considered "fairness?" Nearly any logical person could see how artificial government-regulated "equality" can be.Edited by: Thrashen
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
The Nickelodeon I remember as a kid was nothing like it is today. I watched it mainly from 1985-88, when you had shows like "You Can't Do That On Television", "Belle & Sebastian", "Mr. Wizard's World", "Out Of Control", "Nick Rocks", "Today's Special" and others. It seems like light years when I think about it. Even as a kid in grammar school in that same time frame, we didn't learn the amount of Black history like I know they do today. Heck, even in high school I wasn't oversaturated with it.


Sorry about the leet speach, last night my hand was cramping up. i believe in democracy and think it works very well becuase it gives opportunity and not free handouts. Communism is just an ideal humans will never be responsible or loving enough to aspire to.

Some of you have hinted at the answer of my question you people have neglected to answer for forever. jimmy chitwood, are you trying to say that these marxist messages from nickelodeon fuel people to want more undesserved freedom, such as blacks feeling entitled to jobs without earning them? Also, do you believe that this underlying feeling of feeling desserving of the american dream when you have not earned it like blacks is the problem with nickelodeon?

I agree that blacks need to earn their out of poverty like every other race that has prospered in america.

I'm not questioning your logic, I just want to know how all of this connectss to nickelodeon?


Aug 27, 2008
OldSchoolBoy75 said:
The Nickelodeon I remember as a kid was nothing like it is today. I watched it mainly from 1985-88, when you had shows like "You Can't Do That On Television", "Belle & Sebastian", "Mr. Wizard's World", "Out Of Control", "Nick Rocks", "Today's Special" and others. It seems like light years when I think about it. Even as a kid in grammar school in that same time frame, we didn't learn the amount of Black history like I know they do today. Heck, even in high school I wasn't oversaturated with it.

LOL "You Can't Do That On Television". I loved that when I was a kid. My nieces watch Nickelodeon all the time, and when I'm around them I'm astounded by how strident they are about political correctness. One of them, at five years old, was preaching to me about saving the environment. She saw a demolished building and started tripping out, calling it a "landfill" that's "bad for kids". Man, I couldn't have handled that when I was little. YCDTOT was stupid, but not insipid like these shows the kids get now.
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
YCDTOTV was my fave show on Nickelodeon back in the '80s--I never missed an ep! PC was unheard of in 1980 when I was five years old; the only thing "green" we did was make our own grass (lawn) planters and use green shredded cellophane to make Easter baskets! We were allowed to be kids in those days, and were not expected to be rocket scientists until we got to college.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
ABsprinter said:
i just want to know how marxism ties to racial profiling.
Marxism allows for the forbiddance of free will. If many blacks commit crimes, and an officer wants to investigate blacks, he should be FREE to do so. And as we all know, cops are subject to the anti-white pejoratives common among the marxists and possible disciplinary action.

ABsprinter said:
a free man can go chop peoples heads off without repercussions. a man with liberty can choose obligations to fellow humans: such as food, clothes and education. just the essentials.
Freedom does not include violations of other peoples property rights. Government taxation theft disguised as charity is still theft.

ABsprinter said:
im not an advocate for marxism at what point did i imply i am? i said it isnt evil. it wudnt b bad. i think we definately need to change, but communal sharing isnt what i had in mind.
Marxism is evil. It takes away your property, and if you have no property, you have no rights.

ABsprinter said:
humans like yourself are the reason its impossible c darwin. there needs to be a balance between liberty freedom, and outreach to many people.
Good. I'm glad I'm putting up a resistance to a slave state. Thank you for the compliment.

There is no 'balance'. Either a man is free, or he's not. A man either has the right to do what he wants with his property, or he doesn't.


Nov 23, 2008
Who in Heaven's name wants Marxism back? It brought a lot of chaos to so many people around the world from the 50's to the 80's. MORE people actually died to Marxism than in World War II. Freedom means having the freewill to express oneself, it means being able to express racial and religious pride. If blacks, Hispanics, and Asians do it, so should white people. Marxism does not, and should not have a place in this world.

To hell with Che Guevara!!!! Edited by: j41181