The Money Mafia $$$


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Here's a good article/overview of who truly controls the real wealth and power of the world...

The wealthiest financial families in America earned the name "the Money Mafia" as they muscled the governors and legislators of the 48 continuous States to ratify the 16th and 17th Amendments between 1909 and the election of Thomas Woodrow Wilson in 1912. Those in the State legislatures who were exposed to the financial giants at the pinnacle of power not only in the United States, but in the emerging New World Order, were shocked to learn that there were men so powerful that presidents and prime ministers trembled when they called. Men so powerful that a single word from them, uttered privately, could bring the career of a prominent, successful Congressman or Senator to an abrupt end. It was for that reasonâ€â€and the fear elected officials in every State had of the invisible money barons at the pinnacle of power in the United States that only six States flawlessly enacted the 16th Amendment.

Ask anyone if they can guess who is the wealthiest person in the world and the odds are the first name you will hear is Bill Gates or Sam Walton's children. Or, perhaps it will be some other name that appears annually on the Forbes or Fortune list of the nation's richest familiesâ€â€names like Larry Page or Sergy Brin from Google, or's founder Jeff Bezos, or Yahoo's founders, Dave Filo and Jerry Yang since these are the "blue chips" of the cyberworld.

Every now and then, because they heard the names growing up, someone will mention names like Rockefeller or Rothschild or one of the other titans of banking or industry like Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Astor or even Guggenheim. What you won't hear are names like Burns, Dawkins, Gilbert or Leffingwell. Yet those are the names of wealth. In fact, each of those families could write a personal check and buy the vast holdings of Gates, Walton, Page, Brin, Bezos or anyone else on the Forbes list of the world's wealthiest families. Real wealth is so invisible that not only is it never seen by the working class, the families who control it are never mentioned by the media they control. Paparazzos don't lay in wait to get their pictureâ€â€in fact, they are seldom, if ever, photographed in public. The tabloids don't write about them because their lives are as private as their wealth. They live on the pinnacle of the world, but as far as the world is concerned, they don't exist.

The Money Mafia families, which own all of the interlocking shares of all of the central banks of the worldâ€â€including the United States' Federal Reserve Bankâ€â€are provided complete anonymity. Because they don't exist to the fourth estate they, quite simply, don't exist on anyone's radar screen. Their names are names few Americansâ€â€except a history buffâ€â€would even know although national politicians and world leaders know their names, and fear them. These are the names of the invisible backers of the New World Order.

In Europe, the names are Baring, Erlanger, Fould, Kuhn, Lazard, Loebb, Mallet, Mirabaud, Nobel, Rhodes, Rothschild, Schneider, Schroder, Seligman and Speyers. In the United States, the names of Astor, Carnegie, Dillon, DuPont, Gould, Mellon, McCormick, Morgan, Scaife, Vanderbilt, and Rockefeller are the most commonly known titans of banking and industry. We've heard the names and associate them with wealth. But real wealthâ€â€wealth so vast it can't be measured by any of today's yardsticksâ€â€resides within those families. Their wealth can be measured only by the worth of the dividends and interest they earn on their money since their core wealth is beyond comprehension. They are the new aristocrats. They are the spine of the New World Order. The names that will surprise you are the names of lesser known shareholders of the 1914 stock issue for the Federal Reserve Bank. Names like Walter Burns, Clinton Dawkins; John W. Davis, John Foster Dulles, S. Parker Gilbert, Edward Grenfell, William Leffingwell, and Elihu Root.

When Forbes Magazine published its list of the top 25 wealthiest oil men in the world last year, it was interesting to find that none of the three Rockefellers on the list are anywhere near the top. David Rockefeller, who heads the richest clan in the world appears on the Forbes list as the 6th wealthiest oil manâ€â€and the 182nd richest man in the world. Appearing as the 15th wealthiest oilman and 336th richest man in the world was Laurence Spelman Rockefellerâ€â€David's brother. Withrop Paul Rockefeller, the former Lt. Governor of Arkansasâ€â€and the son of former Arkansas governor Withrop Rockefeller who is another brother of David. The younger Winthrop appears as the 21st wealtiest oil man on the Forbes list, and the 421st richest man in the world. Ironically, listed as the wealthiest oil manâ€â€and the 82nd richest man in the world is Marvin Davis, owner of the Davis Petroleum Company. His wealth is estimated, by Forbes, at $4.5 billion. And, no where on the Forbes list will you find either the Rothschild clan or the Nobel brothers.

Bertie Charles Forbes, grandfather of Forbes Magazine publisher Steve Forbes, was a reporter for the New York American and Leslie's Weekly before founding Forbes Magazine in 1917. Bertie Forbes was a financial writer who chased the wealthy who wintered in the millionaire's retreat founded by William Rockefeller on Jekyll Island, Georgia (birthplace of the Fed) for news crumbs missed by the big city dailies. Wall Street investment banker J.P. Morgan took Forbes under his wing, using the young reporter as a conduit to leak the financial stories he wanted public, and to spin the stories printed by his detractors to lessen their impact. As a protege of Morgan, success quickly followed Forbes when he created Forbes Magazine.

Forbes Magazine, which today claims Microsoft founder Bill Gatesâ€â€with a nest egg of $60 billionâ€â€is the wealthiest man in the United States, has shielded the Money Mafia ever since they told Bertie Forbes that the truly rich don't talk about their wealth. Forbes learned that lesson shortly after publishing his first list of the 30 richest Americans. Heading the list was John D. Rockefeller, Sr. whose wealth exceeded $1.2 billion (at a time when successful bank presidents earned around $5,000 per year. When the list was published Rockefeller sent a scathing letter to Forbes demanding a correction, insisting that his personal wealth was no where near a billion dollars. Among the now invisible rich, Forbes 1918 list were Henry Clay Frick, Andrew Carnegie, J. Odgen Armour, William Vanderbilt, Vincent Astor, Daniel Guggenheim, Charles M. Schwab, J.P. Morgan, Cyrus McCormick, Russell Sage, Jacob Schiff, Pierre DuPont and James Stillman. Since most of them own shares of the Federal Reserve, it is unlikely that any of them became "less rich" as time passed.

The Old World Orderâ€â€the royalty of Europe and the vast landowners of Europe, America and in the emerging nationsâ€â€began to lose their autonomous grip on global power as the 20th century broke over the horizon in Europe. The lofty objectives of the princes of industry and the barons of banking were suddenly at odds with the goals of the monarchs of Europe who ruled kingdoms that have existed since medieval days.

As it prepared to enter the promise of the 20th century, Europe was a boiling pot of intrigue as the Money Mafia behind the seats of governance of the nation-states jockeyed for more financial, economic, and social power over the working classes. At the same time, the disenfranchised of Europe, emotionally fueled by the socialists who preached equality from the lecterns of the universities and religious freedom from the pulpits of the churches, prepared for revolution as they sought liberty from tyrants who believed the blood of the royals was somehow different than the blood of the working class because the power to govern rested in their hands.

War was brewing on the continent, but in the opening days of the 20th century, it was merely a disdainful rumbling, like the distant thunder of an impending storm that the world chose to ignore. Most convinced themselves that the distant thunder was merely the sounds of a rapidly expanding world economy bulging at the seams as it sought new outlets for its wares. The 20th century offered both the industrialist and the banker a heretofore unimaginable opportunity for increased wealth and prosperity. Only one thing stood in their wayâ€â€the nations themselves.

Each, before they joined forces and became the Money Mafia, had their own dreams and visions of the future. The industrialist envisioned a Europe they would dominateâ€â€from the markets in Paris, London, Berlin, Stockholm, and Amsterdam to St. Petersburg and Romeâ€â€without trade barriers or tariffs to restrict their transnational marketing activities. The bankers grandiosely envisioned a Europe without borders, ruled by a consortium of men like themselves who possessed not only vast wealth, but the knowledge how to use that wealth to create a profitable global society in which they would control the counting houses that partitioned the wealth and divided the spoils of the sweat equity of the working class. Their New World order would be an economic utopia in which all men could, and would, be productive members of a world system without war, prejudice or cultural hate.

The world erupted into a war that no European nation wantedâ€â€and every nation on the continent tried to prevent. It began with the assassination of Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his commoner wife, Sophie Chotek, in the streets of Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. But to claim that the assassination of the heir to the Hapsburg throne was the catalyst that brought all of the nations of Europe to the battlefield and was the reason the world went to war is like claiming it's the cigarette after sex that makes a woman pregnant. The world went to war in 1914 because the Money Mafia needed a crisis of catastrophic proportions to prepare the world for the cureâ€â€world government. That was, after all, the reason the world went to war in 1914.

As Thomas Woodrow Wilson, the Money Mafia's personal president, prepared America's youngbloods for Europe's war, Congress hurriedly enacted an anti-competition bill to protect the rich during the impending war. The legislation was loosely disguised as an anti-trade bill called The Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917. The Trading With the Enemy Act theoretically prevented anyoneâ€â€except the transnational industrialists and bankers in the Money Mafiaâ€â€from doing business with enemies of the United States during times of war. (During World War II the privately-owned Bank of England loaned millions of pounds to Germany financing, in part, the war Hitler waged against England.) Ford Motor Company and Standard Oil were among several Allied corporations which were allowed to continue doing business with Germany throughout the war years. Ford and Standard Oil had working arrangements with I.G. Farben, the company that shared the ownership of Zyklon-B with the German chemical giant, Degeschin the late 1930s as Germany waged war on our allies. During both the Korean War and the war in Vietnam, American industrialists were allowed to continue trading with both the Soviet Union and China who supplied North Korea and North Vietnam with the instruments of war that were used to kill American soldiers.

It would be The Trading With the Enemy Act that Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal Democrats would amend in 1933 to classify the American people as enemies of the government so FDR could justify seizing the gold coins or gold certificates legally owned by them. That same precedent has been used over the years to nullify the 4th Amendment and seize the assets of Americans without due process.

We are now living in perilous times. The problems that plague our nation and the other industrialized nations which have surrendered our jobs to the societal planners of the Money Mafia in their proemial effort to prepare America for membership in the stateless, multicultural global community just around the corner to Utopia. The final phrase of the Money Mafia's century-old grandiose scheme to create a stateless world government is near. No longer is it a question of whether or not world government can be achieved. It can be. And, sadly, it will be. The only question as yet unanswered is "when."

Over the past two decades the Money Mafia has become emboldened by its success in merging the nations of Europe into the European Union and erasing the borders that separated the nation-states of the Old World Order. NAFTA has created a tariff-free swinging door that allows goods manufactured by exported American jobs to return to this country to be soldâ€â€as US brand namesâ€â€in the stores and shops of America. The US dollar has already unofficially become the hemispheric monetary unit. Five regional currencies will replace 185 currencies within the next five years. Two years or so later, they will all be swallowed by the cybercurrency of Utopiaâ€â€as the curtains on center stage part to expose the world promised in Revelation 11, 17 and 18. And, because they appear to be doing nothing to stop it, we can only assume America awaits its arrival with gleeful anticipation of children impatiently awaiting Santa Claus.

While the foundation of the Money Mafia's New World Order was cast in secret, the framework of the soon-coming global government has not only been largely accomplished in the open for all the world to see, but the Money Mafia has boldly told us what they were doing as they paved the road to Utopia. Apparently, we weren't listeningâ€â€or, if we were, we didn't care enough for liberty to protect our own right to keep it.

***Reference article...