The Future of the World is a Digital Prison

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
The way companies use digital algorithms for credit ratings, criminal record searches, google searches on individuals and governments haven't done much regulation beyond enacting laws to punish individuals that exploit people for personal gain(sexual or monetary), you could argue we are in the early stages of the prison you are talking about.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004


Jan 27, 2016
Yes the ability to track and monitor everyone’s activity is relentless. Your cell phone follows you from tower to tower, all your banking business is tracked for every transaction. Cameras are everywhere capturing your image and noting it.

With digital cash they will be able to not only fully track your spending but control it. Like China you will have social scores that will determine salary and benefits. Money will be taken from you when ever they want. Taxes for being white and straight, fines for “hateful” behavior.

It’s still a ways from happening but like everything else it creeps up slowly and before you realize it, it happens.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Digital ID is already being pushed and soon to be forced to everyone in Canada. They want this for the whole world. IF we
lost this battle we will lose all of our human rights. The end of freedom possibly forever. The control they will have is insane!
We must say no as humanity or we will REGRET IT!

Yes and the way that this is pushed is through medical information in this country. "For your own good!" How could you object to having your medical history readily available in case of an emergency? Everything else gets tied to this, along with the lovely centralized FedBank "to makes things easier!"

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004

Yes and the way that this is pushed is through medical information in this country. "For your own good!" How could you object to having your medical history readily available in case of an emergency? Everything else gets tied to this, along with the lovely centralized FedBank "to makes things easier!"

You have no idea what happens when the dollar is gone? CBDC's are progarammable money where they can control what you can
when you can buy and how long till the money disapears. They will infate the digital currencies at will. No more saving money. It's only allowed for them. They will turn off your fake digital money if your not a good comrade. THINK!!! It's money with an exp. date!


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
You have no idea what happens when the dollar is gone? CBDC's are progarammable money where they can control what you can
when you can buy and how long till the money disapears. They will infate the digital currencies at will. No more saving money. It's only allowed for them. They will turn off your fake digital money if your not a good comrade. THINK!!! It's money with an exp. date!
Uh, I was agreeing with you. CBDC is the plan along with ChiCom style social credit system. Comrade is too generous. Better be a good prole or it's off to the soylent green factory for you.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Uh, I was agreeing with you. CBDC is the plan along with ChiCom style social credit system. Comrade is too generous. Better be a good prole or it's off to the soylent green factory for you.

Uh, I was agreeing with you. CBDC is the plan along with ChiCom style social credit system. Comrade is too generous. Better be a good prole or it's off to the soylent green factory for you.

The biggest problem is that the majority of brain dead(do whatever they are told)zombies will just go along with anything that they are
told to do. If they get the numbers to agree with this we are all doomed. We need to wake up as many people as possible to reject this
digital id like our lives depend on it. It's total enslavement. I'm glad you know but it's hard to be as excited for sports, movies, etc. when
the whole world is about to be enslaved and we will all lose our freedom overnight if the powers that be succeed.


Sep 11, 2021
The biggest problem is that the majority of brain dead(do whatever they are told)zombies will just go along with anything that they are
told to do. If they get the numbers to agree with this we are all doomed. We need to wake up as many people as possible to reject this
digital id like our lives depend on it. It's total enslavement. I'm glad you know but it's hard to be as excited for sports, movies, etc. when
the whole world is about to be enslaved and we will all lose our freedom overnight if the powers that be succeed.
Couple things to consider.

One, the Fed has been busy debasing the currency for over 100 years already, and they can absolutely do it at will even now. No big change there.

Two, the powers that be, will continue in their current form until an elite with a different opinion of things displaces them. Revolutions are sold as being grassroots affairs but if we look at history we know differently.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Artificial Intelligence wants to help the United Nations to rule the World as a One World Government. You know it's coming in the future.
They may not say it in this video but the U.N. has stated in many speech's that all nations must give up control to them.



Sep 11, 2021
Artificial Intelligence wants to help the United Nations to rule the World as a One World Government. You know it's coming in the future.
They may not say it in this video but the U.N. has stated in many speech's that all nations must give up control to them.

Dude, do you really think the UN needs a chat bot to tell them they should rule the world???

Their whole reason for being is to subvert National concerns to supranational ones.

No one needs AI or even old fashioned HI to tell them that.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Dude, do you really think the UN needs a chat bot to tell them they should rule the world???

Their whole reason for being is to subvert National concerns to supranational ones.

No one needs AI or even old fashioned HI to tell them that.

Well duh of course they don't but it will make the worldwide fact checkers to see who can have the fake digital currency to survive and who can't. Artificial Intelligence can be programmed for a good or evil. Well let's just say with the psycho's in charge of programming it, humanity is in big trouble. Time is not on our side. This must be stopped. Be a good comrade or go straight o the gulag.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
This is a great way to spread the message of Freedom. Whom ever did this knows how bad the Central Backed Digital Currencies will be.



Sep 11, 2021
They want to put the cbdc under your skin straight from the Central Bankers mouths. This is the Mark of the Beast. Humanity must say no
but it won't be easy for humanity to pass up free money. Nothing is free. This is slavery and it's an abomonation to God.

How will humanity say no to CBDC when they have no say in the fact that the Fed is a private money monopoly as it is, and that manipulates the currency already? It’s been like that for 100 + years and you don’t see any great uproar except for a handful of libertarian sites that want to audit the fed.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
How will humanity say no to CBDC when they have no say in the fact that the Fed is a private money monopoly as it is, and that manipulates the currency already? It’s been like that for 100 + years and you don’t see any great uproar except for a handful of libertarian sites that want to audit the fed.

To audit the Fed is a joke. Abolish the Federal Reserve and every Central Bank around the world along with the IMF, World Bank, etc,. etc.

It's a little late though for humanity. We have been brain dead for too long, The rulers smell blood and they will not stop. It's not looking
good but we have barter for some things but they know people can't pay their bills normally without them. However if humanity just
stood together it could be stopped. That being said I don't see humanity ever coming together in a big enough percentage to stop this.

Creating our own banks and our own monetary system separate from them should have been done decades ago. Only any country or place that trys ends up being destroyed from the face of the earth. Look at Lybia and Iraq just for an example. It's their way and no other choice.