The beginning of a Kenyan tidal wave?


Jul 19, 2008

at last ,at last ......the truth is a comin !!!!!! longer can the kenyans hide .....:icon_wink::icon_wink::icon_wink:

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
at last ,at last ......the truth is a comin !!!!!! longer can the kenyans hide .....:icon_wink::icon_wink::icon_wink:
Like Al Capone it seems like the enabling coaches and doctors were hiding in plain sight. Now WADA wants Kenya to set up a national doping agency. Recently they had a scandal with the Kenyan rugby team....

Update could this be the first of many to come?
Last edited:
Dec 7, 2014
L.A. California, in the Former US of A
The Kenyans and Ethiopians have talented runners. The problem is that anti-white crooks like Dr. Gabe Rosa and Jos Hermens led the way in introducing EPO to those countries. There is no such thing as out of season testing in Africa, never mind spot tests. Look at Galen Rupp of the US. He was the fastest 10k runner in the world last year, ranked number one in the world, and he was tested literally every other week - he was tested well over 20 times. His African counterparts averaged one or two tests the entire year, none of them during their out of season build up when it's most beneficial to use the drugs.

Rosa was working with cyclists in the Tour de France but when officials went after him for administering drugs, he disappeared from the sport and turned up in Kenya. It will be interesting to see if the Usual Suspects can protect the Africans from having to endure the same level of testing that Whites in the US and Europe go through. Athletes in Japan are also heavily tested.

It has already been proven in track that black athletes given a pass whenever possible. Carl Lewis got away with murder.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
10,132 News Dr. Rosa was busted today with his corrupt sons.

If the Kenyan justice system had any teeth we could have a investigation into how far back the cheating goes. Since the Kenyans started truly dominating about 25 years ago and Rosa and his stooge sons set up shop in Kenya around then we could use that as a starting reference point....
Dec 7, 2014
L.A. California, in the Former US of A
What they will likely do is let the top E. Africans get away with the drug use. They'll state full investigations reveal no wrong doing, blah blah. I hope I'm wrong.

The fact is that Rosa, Hermens and others were given free reign to dope athletes for almost three decades. They killed distance running in Europe for the most part, which was the intent in the first place. Similar to the unsurprising revelations about US officials allowing (black) sprinters to get away with doping for decades. Basically whenever a US sprinter of color gets nabbed it's because someone from another camp ran to the press and let info leak.

Jama Aden was arrested a little over a week ago. Between he, Rosa, Hermens etc. finally coming under scrutiny, it's obvious the numbers of talented world beaters from E. Africa were a bit inflated, to say the least. I would hope the sport can be saved, but I doubt it. For example, while blacks have a higher percentage of 'sprinter types' in their population, what we see these days is artificial, due to rampant drug use that is protected behind the scenes. The politics are much bigger than the sport of track and field. Look at the UFC. It was obvious that for years the organization looked the other way when it came to drug use by their melanin enriched fighters from Brazil, the US, anywhere really.