Tebow signs with Eagles


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
And so on and so fourth. Does anybody besides us think he stands a chance what so ever?
I'm realistic about his chances. I figure that if he can't stick in Philly, then he's permanently ESPN. We'll have to see if his "repaired" throwing motion really works.

Let's be honest, with the Jets and the Patriots, his accuracy was not good. I figure that all of this focus on his mechanics got him away from what worked for him. At Florida, he was incredibly accurate with all of his throws. But then he comes to the NFL and listens to his critics. Nobody ever tried to fix Byron Leftwich's super-slow elongated throwing motion, and Tebow's motion was much quicker than his.

So, if he can throw without "thinking", we might have something here.


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
Hello FootballDad,

"Why should he have to keep his faith under wraps?"

"He's a confident WHITE man and he's encroaching on a blacks-only position. He's the perfect lightning rod for everything that Cultural Marxists hate."

You posted the main question and effectively answered it yourself.

Tim just needs to do what we here know he can do when he gets the chance.

I just want him to play the game like he did with the Broncos and show DWF's and the Cultural Marxists that he is the new breed, duel-threat quarterback they have been erroneously looking for in the wrong ethnicity.

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
Im curious if anyone has read, or heard ANYTHING half way good said, or written about Tebow signing with PHI??

I did a google search, and its ALL stuff like....

"Tebow destined for failure, again"

"Chip Kelly has lost his mind"

"Tebow proved with NE that he sucks"

"Tebow has no chance of success"

"Tebow still not an NFL QB"

"Eagles will still draft a QB"

And so on and so fourth. Does anybody besides us think he stands a chance what so ever?

Yes, it's ridiculous. The leftist political agenda is obvious.

What's wrong with giving a former first round draft pick a look in training camp? Nothing of course.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Hello FootballDad,

"Why should he have to keep his faith under wraps?"

"He's a confident WHITE man and he's encroaching on a blacks-only position. He's the perfect lightning rod for everything that Cultural Marxists hate."

You posted the main question and effectively answered it yourself.

Tim just needs to do what we here know he can do when he gets the chance.

I just want him to play the game like he did with the Broncos and show DWF's and the Cultural Marxists that he is the new breed, duel-threat quarterback they have been erroneously looking for in the wrong ethnicity.
That's okay, we can agree to disagree. I don't think that we (or Tebow) should be "shamed" into shutting up. Even if he took your advice, he would still be run out of the league. See Dan LeFevour, Eric Crouch, and any other white dual-threat that you can think of. The only one who got a chance was Steve Young.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
That's okay, we can agree to disagree. I don't think that we (or Tebow) should be "shamed" into shutting up. Even if he took your advice, he would still be run out of the league. See Dan LeFevour, Eric Crouch, and any other white dual-threat that you can think of. The only one who got a chance was Steve Young.

I dont think he should be shamed into shutting up either. Lets say he DOES (by some miracle) get a shot to play, and does well. If he gets up to the post game microphone and does NOT say "thank my Lord and savior Jesus Christ" thats a HUGE victory for evil. No matter how well he plays if they can break him of his public displays of Christianity then they win. I hope he rubs it in their evil eyes myself.


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
Didn't the Lord Jesus Christ say something about praying in private? I believe he also said to not be like the Hippocrates (Jews) that made an open spectacle by praying in front of everyone.

Maybe, just maybe Tebow would be better off saving his prayers and thank to the Lord for after the game and interviews. Maybe he should save his prayers and thanks for when he gets home.

"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret." Luke 11: 1-4

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
Didn't the Lord Jesus Christ say something about praying in private? I believe he also said to not be like the Hippocrates (Jews) that made an open spectacle by praying in front of everyone.

Maybe, just maybe Tebow would be better off saving his prayers and thank to the Lord for after the game and interviews. Maybe he should save his prayers and thanks for when he gets home.

"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret." Luke 11: 1-4

Those scriptures dont apply at all to Tebow, who as far as we know, is not a hypocrite. Furthermore he isnt "praying". Just giving thanks. THe way he sees it is that as long as he has a platform he will give genuine thanks to his God. The idea is to show kids that thats ok. Its ok to publicly profess belief in your God. EVEN if that God is Christ.

Now perverts, sodomites, criminals, degenerates, and cowards will ALWAYS take issue with that, but its a good thing for the world. Its a great example. No descent person should have any issue with it whatsoever.

Your right though that its hurting his chances of actually having success. If Tebow proclaimed to be an atheist the media would love him instantly.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Did Tebow preach that much? I don't remember it. Sure the media brought it up 24-7 because they are waging a war on Christianity but I don't remember Tebow doing much publicly besides his TD celebration and the post game thanks to God--something, as others have pointed out, is done on a regular basis by many black athletes. Alot of white QB's are very religious and it is hardly every brought up. I don't think Tim has to change a thing other then play very well.


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
I guess that his "Tebowing" must not have been open praying after all. Oh, well I give-up, you have all made valid points.

I understand that Tim is hated because of his European ethnicity and his Christianity. Also because he dominates (on the field and off) in a position that was supposed to be inevitably manned by superior athletes with more melanin.

Ultimately, if he prays, thanks Christ, or beats his girlfriend, he will still be in the sights of the wretched Cultural Marxist thugs and their media hit-men, waiting to excoriate him for one thing or the other.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I want to be optimistic about this development, but past experience has taught me not to be so. It is a testament to the existence of the caste system that he hasn't been in the NFL the past 2 years, and his is one of the most blatant examples of anti-White discrimination in recent years. I hope he makes the most of his opportunity, but that won't stop the caste masters from dropping him from the roster and making his NFL career history.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I want to be optimistic about this development, but past experience has taught me not to be so. It is a testament to the existence of the caste system that he hasn't been in the NFL the past 2 years, and his is one of the most blatant examples of anti-White discrimination in recent years. I hope he makes the most of his opportunity, but that won't stop the caste masters from dropping him from the roster and making his NFL career history.

It almost makes you wonder if the people who run the NFL are trolling guys like us. This is another chance to mock and demean him. Another chance to take shots at his religion. More chances to bait him into saying something un-PC so that they can level some thought police punishment on him. Just like the NFL to bring him back to generate some buzz and then get their kicks by beating him down. I hope he's up for it.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
It almost makes you wonder if the people who run the NFL are trolling guys like us. This is another chance to mock and demean him. Another chance to take shots at his religion. More chances to bait him into saying something un-PC so that they can level some thought police punishment on him. Just like the NFL to bring him back to generate some buzz and then get their kicks by beating him down. I hope he's up for it.

Yeah I think you and the Col hit the nail on the head.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Didn't the Lord Jesus Christ say something about praying in private? I believe he also said to not be like the Hippocrates (Jews) that made an open spectacle by praying in front of everyone.

Maybe, just maybe Tebow would be better off saving his prayers and thank to the Lord for after the game and interviews. Maybe he should save his prayers and thanks for when he gets home.

"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret." Luke 11: 1-4

That verse is not from Luke 11:1-4, it is in Matthew 6: 5-8.

It has nothing to do with praying in public or not. It's related to the reason we are praying. The Jewish religious leaders were praying for prideful reasons, to be seen as "RELIGIOUS." Christianity is not a "RELIGION." It's admitting your a sinner, repenting of your sins, asking Jesus to save you from your sins and trusting in Jesus as Lord and Savior. "That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be SAVED." Romans 10:9.

Like all Religions the Religious Jews were trying to impress others with their good works, such as, praying in public to be seen. No amount of GOOD WORKS will get you into Heaven. Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me." John 14:6.

Nothing wrong with praying in public for the right reasons.

"I desire that men pray everywhere... I Timothy 2:8.

I agree with WW. I believe Tebow was giving thanks and worshipping his Lord and Savior, Jesus, which is praying!


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
That verse is not from Luke 11:1-4, it is in Matthew 6: 5-8.

It has nothing to do with praying in public or not. It's related to the reason we are praying. The Jewish religious leaders were praying for prideful reasons, to be seen as "RELIGIOUS." Christianity is not a "RELIGION." It's admitting your a sinner, repenting of your sins, asking Jesus to save you from your sins and trusting in Jesus as Lord and Savior. "That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be SAVED." Romans 10:9.

Like all Religions the Religious Jews were trying to impress others with their good works, such as, praying in public to be seen. No amount of GOOD WORKS will get you into Heaven. Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me." John 14:6.

Nothing wrong with praying in public for the right reasons.

"I desire that men pray everywhere... I Timothy 2:8.

I agree with WW. I believe Tebow was giving thanks and worshipping his Lord and Savior, Jesus, which is praying!

I appreciate your giving the Gospel, while explaining that Jesus Christ is the only way we can be saved (through faith). I also agree, that the Pharisees were (and still are in the Talmudic religion) practicing a false religion in which a multitude of works were part of a salvation process that didn't get anyone into heaven.

My apologies for siting the wrong passage.