Suns pro-illegal immigration uniforms


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Also, a very, very disappoiting statement made by Nash, and an even worse one made by Ginobili further down in the article. Here's Nash's quote:
"We're all proud to wear our Los Suns uniforms tomorrow night for Cinco de Mayo," Suns guard Steve Nash said. "Obviously the passing of the recent bill and what that means to our state, to civil liberties, and the quality and precedent it's setting, and message it sends to our youngsters in the community, we have a problem with that. It's great that our owner took the initiative and our players are behind him."


Nov 23, 2008
All in the name of conformity. Imagine if Nash said he supports the law, he'd lose All-Star votes and league wide credibility. The same would be true for Dirk, Gasol and for any NBA player.

In fact, other than from sensible bloggers, I don't see any prominent figure supporting the bill. Many are simply afraid to be called racists, which is what many of these diversity loving mongrels dare them to do otherwise. Really sad sight to see.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Disappointing words from two great White basketball players, er...Drunk White Athletes. Pathetic that they couldn't just keep their mouths shut about it or have no comment. At least we now know where they stand.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Colonel_Reb said:
Disappointing words from two great White basketball players, er...Drunk White Athletes. Pathetic that they couldn't just keep their mouths shut about it or have no comment. At least we now know where they stand. 

This is very disturbing. I too wish they would just keep their traps shut. Well, Nash is Canadian isn't he?


Oct 26, 2008
Bart said:
Colonel_Reb said:
Disappointing words from two great White basketball players, er...Drunk White Athletes. Pathetic that they couldn't just keep their mouths shut about it or have no comment. At least we now know where they stand. 

This is very disturbing. I too wish they would just keep their traps shut. Well, Nash is Canadian isn't he?

It's good they are white, but all 3 of those guys are foreigners. Enough. Why can't white Americans play is own leagues. I can't support any on these leagues. I want white Americans, not white foreigners.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
White folks need to wake up to the fact that cultural Marxist "elites" own and control most of these NBA, NFL & MLB teams.

They certainly aren't hiding their agenda any longer.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
You know the more Nash runs his misguided liberal Canadian mouth the more I don't want him to win an NBA ring. This guy protrays himself as a offspring of the Mamas and Papas. Totally lost in the MC forest. He is protraying himself as a big F'ing DUMMY!!!


Apr 30, 2010
Resistance is futile, gentlemen.

One has to eventually realize that the political and demographic situation of this country is irreversible. The Marxists/Socialist things you good CF folks (yes, GOOD!) keep mentioning like the surging Anti-white, Anti-male, Anti-Religious, Global Warming, Pro-abortion, and Pro-immigration agendas..... are quite irreversible.

Those who support them have the political, social and media might. They are well led and well funded. They also have history on their side. Years of Marxist/Socialist educational brainwashing have all but numbed the minds of most white folks, especially the Baby Boom generation and that of their descendants. Major events of the last 50 years (starting with JFK's rise) have set many Socialist things in motion that would lead to the pitiful state this once (may still be) great nation is in now.

Who or Where are the people who can oppose this Socialist/Marxist tide???

The Tea Party movement was great while it began, but it has now been badly diluted thanks to idiotic bunches of Palin, Beck, Limbaugh etc... Even a once honorable man like O'Reilly has been taking too much Kool Aid in secret. Ron Paul seems nice, but who in world would vote a 75 year old man to the White House?? Let's face it, probably 90-95% of the country wants a young, dynamic, and disturbing political figure like Obama, not an old, honorable, and rigid man (Ron Paul).

I don't like it, YOU don't like it. But, what is one supposed to do aside from making meaningful but unheard off message posts like this??? The Anti-Socialist/Marxist movement is at best an underground movement that will NEVER see the day of light. It may as well be even a myth. It doesn't have any political, social, and media might. It doesn't have any form of TRUE LEADERSHIP. The country has reached a point in it's history where the idiotic and radical Socialist/Marxist forces of the 60's and 70's are now holding center stage, and have stirred this great nation towards an unavoidable and unprecedented doom.

While stalwart sites like Caste Football, ANU, Northwestern, and The Vanguard are good counterattacks, they pale in comparison to the juggernaut might of the Marxist mainstream media and educational system which on a daily basis brain washes more and more young followers. Until a true voice, leader emerges for the Anti-Socialist/Marxists movements, nothing will ever be done to stop the Anti-white, Anti-male, Anti-Religious, Global Warming, Pro-abortion, and
Pro-immigration agenda that's gradually destroying the entire Western World.

In the end... the situation is seems irreversible, resistance is futile.

My best wishes to your futile, but noble goals, Caste Footballers!


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Sonnyboy go F yourself!!!!!!


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Its official, Nash is a turd"¦not unlike every other person who is permitted to be involved in the MassExistence "mainstream"Â￾ leviathan that is this cultural desert. He's only useful to us because of his skin color"¦which I'm sure he'd prefer to change. Nash, the wigger supreme, talks about the violation of "civil liberties"Â￾ and "the precedence it sets"Â￾"¦he sounds like the future front-runner of the Republican Party.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
SonnyBoy, the fact that you say resistance is futile may say you're somewhat of a realist, but it also shows you have no spine. The ones who fought in the American Revolution didn't think like you, neither did every great preacher and evangelist and the even of course God in the flesh, who knew He would be crucified, but looked ahead to what glory He would have afterward. If you are resolved to be a dead fish floating downstream, go ahead and float until you sleezily drip off into the Lake of Fire with your fatalistic-minded counterparts. Go have a bad day on someone else's time...


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
BeyondFedUp said:
SonnyBoy, the fact that you say resistance is futile may say you're somewhat of a realist, but it also shows you have no spine. The ones who fought in the American Revolution didn't think like you, neither did every great preacher and evangelist and the even of course God in the flesh, who knew He would be crucified, but looked ahead to what glory He would have afterward. If you are resolved to be a dead fish floating downstream, go ahead and float until you sleezily drip off into the Lake of Fire with your fatalistic-minded counterparts. Go have a bad day on someone else's time...


Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Nash has always been a loopy liberal. Would be nice if the Suns' season ticket holders were up in arms over this but I haven't read or heard anything to that effect. Then again, it would probably be blacked out anyway as the hysterical reaction to SB 1070 is being carefully orchestrated by the corporate media; but it's hard to imagine DWFs getting riled up about anything to the point that they'll cut back on their time and money that goes tosupporting affletes.


Nov 23, 2008
I wish Nash just kept his liberal pie-hole to himself. It's actually damaged his reputation from both sides of the spectrum.

He's a foreigner who has no business meddling with an age old American dilemma, not to mention seems ungrateful for enjoying the "American Dream," while REAL Americans are suffering!

Your gonna love this piece of work!

Los Suns: Steve Nash, overrated Canadian point guard, slams Arizona immigration law</font>
May 5, 5:07 PM
Post-Partisan Examiner
D.K. Jamaal

The past decade marked the end of the NBA's Jordan era. Winners of the NBA MVP award over the past decade, in order?

Shaq, AI, Tim Duncan (twice consecutively), Kevin Garnett, Steve Nash (twice consecutively), Dirk Nowitzki, Kobe, LeBron (twice consecutively)"¦

Wait"¦Steve Nash? Twice? Consecutively?

At some point in the next decade, the sportswriters are going to have explain why Shaq retired with five rings and only one MVP award, Kobe retired with four* rings and only one MVP award, and Steve Nash has two consecutive MVP awards -- and almost won a third -- and never even played in the NBA finals.

(They'll also need to explain the inexplicable Notwitzki award, and the also suspect Garnett award, but that's another article for another day...)

Nash is already most overrated thing to come out of Canada since they invented daylight savings time. Widely read white columnist Bill Simmons swears it's due to race â€" that if Nash was not white his inflated statistics and lackluster-to-nonexistent defense would have regulated him, appropriately, to the dustbin of also-ran history.

But His Overratedness just got an eensy bit more unlikable. Nash took to the airwaves yesterday to complain on ESPNs's Pardon the Interruption about the Arizona law requiring law enforcement officers to check the resident status of suspected illegals after lawful stops:

"I'm against it"¦I think that this is a bill that really damages our civil liberties, I think that it opens the potential for racial profiling, racism. I think it's a bad precedent to set for our young people. I think it represents our state poorly in the eyes of the nation and the world"¦I think it's something that we can do without, and I think it hopefully will change a lot in the coming weeks. This league is very multicultural. We have players from all over the world. Obviously myself, being a foreigner, and my teammates, players on the other teams. Our communities are very multicultural, so I think we have to find a different way to combat the issues that we face in our society. And I think this is the wrong way to go about it."Â

Oh brother. There are several key lines here, let's take them one by one.

First, Nash's assertion that the Arizona immigration law damages civil liberties. This is a somewhat legitimate concern by the bill's critics -- as any potential threat to civil liberties must be examined and taken seirously. A quick examination shows those fears are overblown. The concern is that the law will prompt harassment of legitimate American citizens and circumvention of due process by authorities.

Good red meat campaign fodder, but unfortunately for the bill's hyperventilating critics this likely will not happen (no doubt, another disappointment for MSNBC's Contessa Brewer). This is not a surveillance law, nor does it mean officers can simply stop anyone on the street and demand papers.

What it means that once police officers make lawful contact as they already do â€" stopping you for speeding, responding to a call, investigating a crime â€" they can ask for proof of citizenship.

For most Americans this is moot: officers already ask for official identification during routine stops and investigations. This law simply empowers still reticent officers to enforce federal immigration laws, with the knowledge that the full official support of the state is behind them.

Unlike in Mexico â€" where illegals are assumed guilty of felony crime against the state, thrown in jail, and deported without hearing â€" those without ID will be charged with a misdemeanor and asked to either prove citizenship or go through legal immigration procedures.

Second, Nash's assertion that the law invites racial profiling and racism. Nice pro-illegal immigration talking point, but both the law and the accompanying executive order explicitly outlaw racial profiling. Racial profiling is still illegal in Arizona.

Again, the law does not invite officers to invent racist reasons to stop random people on the street. The law does not make suspicion of illegal residency a new crime worthy of a new standard for stopping people on the street. This suspicion alone is not enough for a lawful detainment.

It merely allows officers to ask for proof of citizenship in the course of their already established routine â€" making lawful stops and investigating crimes as they already do.

Third, Nash's suggestion that the Arizona immigration law pits Arizonans against public opinion. Maybe within the privileged enclaves of multimillion dollar homes, private airplans, and fancy high tech training facilities available to Los Suns and their rarified world, but not true of everybody else.

70% of Arizonans support the law. 60% of all Americans support the law. I don't know how the law has been greeted internationally, nor do I care. Their governments are not being bankrupted in part by the cost of raising anchor babies on the dole.

Four, Nash's reminder that he is foreign. That's right. Until he starts playing for USA basketball during the Olympics, we'll thank him kindly to let Americans manage American borders.

Five, Nash's declaration that the Arizona immigration law is the wrong way to go. That could very well be. It's a sticky issue with no easy answers, deserving of both a national conversation and quick action by border states who suffer the consequences of unchecked illegal immigration.

But if Nash is so sure this is the wrong way, pray tell, what is the right way?

It is easy to criticize. It is harder to come up with viable solutions for a real problem. Predictably, uniformed and overrated Canadian point guard Steve Nash offers only the former and none of the latter.

Gov. Jan Brewer's mandate includes protecting the borders of Arizona and dealing with the fiscal consequences of illegal immigration, not just shooting hoops and endorsing cola products, and making so much in the process that the negative effects of illegal immigration are moot.

The smug few who stand in judgment of working class, struggling Arizonans would do well to keep that in mind. Edited by: j41181


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Nash is a stud on the court (1 of the best basketball players in the NBA & world), but a complete @$$clown when it comes to pride in his race.


Sep 9, 2005
Well, Steve Nash is married to a woman from South America,
so what do you expect.

linkEdited by: Deacon


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
His wife isn't even that good looking. I would have thought she was going to be some kind of South American supermodel like an Adrianna Lima type.

Well true love is blind anyway, so kudos to him, but "baddos" to him for not realizing that this immigration reform law is the right thing for Arizona and any border state with all these drug wars going on. Also, illegals are getting free health care and school education for minors for their kin- without paying any taxes and putting the U.S further into debt! It's no taxes with representation.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Nov 26, 2004
Since Sarver and the Suns have decided to make a political statement it is only fair other teams and players be allowed the same opportunity.

Are there no black NBA players willing to take a stand for their communities? Immigration has a negative effect on black Americans. And not just illegal aliens who work for less without complaint, thereby taking jobs from blacks. It is also the Arab and Asian immigrants, those 'wonderfully' entrepreneurial people, who will not hire blacks.

It's good NBA players hold basketball clinics in their old neighborhoods. But handing out shoes and autographs is nothing compared to what good could be done by speaking out about immigration.

It would take courage though. Just consider the treatment of former NFL player Reggie White when he said the 'wrong' things. He lost a $6 million dollar sports broadcasting contract with CBS because he called homosexuality a sin.


Dec 11, 2004
Nash isn't very bright. He should shut the sewer between his nose and his chin. I almost fainted when the biggest white ass kisser of all time in the NBA Phil Jackson actually said the Suns shouldn't have changed their uniforms to read "Los Suns" because maybe most Americans want our immigration laws enforced. It never ceases to amaze me non-white criminals who enter our country illegally are treated like victims. It's logic turned on it's head. The corrupt drug dealing gangster President of Mexico had the nerve to open his mouth about an internal US matter. As mentioned in other posts , there is one organization that really is effective in fighting the changing of our country into a non-white majority s--thole: NumbersUSA. If there are enough white Americans who would be willing to fight to keep our country majority white, it can be done. Edited by: jwhite96


Dec 11, 2004
Charlie said:
Since Sarver and the Suns have decided to make a political statement it is only fair other teams and players be allowed the same opportunity.

Are there no black NBA players willing to take a stand for their communities? Immigration has a negative effect on black Americans. And not just illegal aliens who work for less without complaint, thereby taking jobs from blacks. It is also the Arab and Asian immigrants, those 'wonderfully' entrepreneurial people, who will not hire blacks.

It's good NBA players hold basketball clinics in their old neighborhoods. But handing out shoes and autographs is nothing compared to what good could be done by speaking out about immigration.

It would take courage though. Just consider the treatment of former NFL player Reggie White when he said the 'wrong' things. He lost a $6 million dollar sports broadcasting contract with CBS because he called homosexuality a sin.

But blacks in the NBA have low IQs. They aren't bright enough to produce an original thought. Their minds are too cluttered with hatred of whites.

I have a theory about why almost all the remaining white NBA stars are non-American. It's partly because blacks don't have the intense hatred of foreign whites that they have of American whites. I even believe some of the more intellectually challenged blacks in the NBA think white foreigners aren't really white. I remember when I last followed the NBA about 20 years ago, there were more white Americans. There were definitely many more assaults of white players by black players. There doesn't seem to be many black on white assaults in the NBA compared with 20 years ago. Who could forget Rudy Tomjanovich was sucker punched by Kermit Washington requiring multiple surgeries to reconstruct his face. Kent Benson a white center who was the first overall draft choice was assaulted by Kareem Jabbar not even 5 minutes into the season opener. Edited by: jwhite96


Nov 23, 2008

Tim Hardaway's negative opinion on gays, John Rocker's negative opinion on the NY subway, and the fact that the most hated NBA player ever was... BILL LAIMBEER (the Real Bad Boy) was of course a white American.

Larry Bird had his fair share of fist fighting his black counterparts, namely Dr. J, Moses Malone, and even Barkley.
Oct 24, 2005
To Sunnyboy: It ain't over until its over. Immigration is a problem with legs. They can just leave.
To Steve Nash: If you don't like our immigration laws, stay in Canada.


Nov 26, 2004
"...Phil Jackson actually said the Suns shouldn't have changed their uniforms to read "Los Suns" because maybe most Americans want our immigration laws enforced..."

Jackson is smart. I don't think there's a lot of love for Mexicans in the NBA. Dan Issel lost his coaching job for the Denver Nuggets because he responded to a Mexican's heckling by saying, 'Have another beer you drunk Mexican.' (Is that a redundancy, 'drunk Mexican'?) I bet Jackson remembers that.

Other than San Antonio there is little Mexican-American paid attendance. Maybe 5% of the attendance at Suns games is Mexican-American based on my unofficial head count. Mexican television loves the Hispanic players and will feature a lot of their game highlights and interviews in Spanish (especially Pau Gasol). They do the same thing for Hispanic baseball players. In both sports virtually all of the highlights are of non-Mexican Hispanics.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Charlie, I recall Issel getting railroaded for daring to break PC code. What a crock that was. FYI, Spainiards considered being called a "Mexican" an insult. My buddy ran track (in college) with a fella from Toledo, Spain. One time they were riding in the car (after practice) & some other dude called the Spainiard a "damn'd Mexican"...the Spainiard responded with several punches (over the car seat...whilst they were driving down the road).

Edited by: DixieDestroyer