"Study" Claims Hitler Had Jew & African Roots


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Let's see now...I wonder who's behind this "research/study"?

Hitler 'had Jewish and African roots', DNA tests show

Adolf Hitler is likely to have had Jewish and African roots, DNA tests have shown.

By Heidi Blake
Published: 6:25AM BST 24 Aug 2010

Saliva samples taken from 39 relatives of the Nazi leader show he may have had biological links to the "subhuman"Â￾ races that he tried to exterminate during the Holocaust.

Jean-Paul Mulders, a Belgian journalist, and Marc Vermeeren, a historian, tracked down the Fuhrer's relatives, including an Austrian farmer who was his cousin, earlier this year.

A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1 which showed up in their samples is rare in Western Europe and is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.

"One can from this postulate that Hitler was related to people whom he despised," Mr Mulders wrote in the Belgian magazine, Knack.

Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.

Knack, which published the findings, says the DNA was tested under stringent laboratory conditions.

"This is a surprising result," said Ronny Decorte, a genetic specialist at the Catholic University of Leuven.

"The affair is fascinating if one compares it with the conception of the world of the Nazis, in which race and blood was central.

"Hitler's concern over his descent was not unjustified. He was apparently not "pure" or ‘Ayran'."Â￾

It is not the first time that historians have suggested Hitler had Jewish ancestry.

His father, Alois, is thought to have been the illegitimate offspring of a maid called Maria Schickelgruber and a 19-year-old Jewish man called Frankenberger.



Jul 12, 2007
I wish the Scientarians would get their story straight.
Just a few years ago, they have "proved conclusively" that Hitler was mostly Chinese.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
The bizarre, 80-year obsession continues unabated"¦

I've never heard any posthumous "ethnic studies"Â￾ performed on the Jewish leadership who perpetrated the Bolshevik Revolution in which tens of millions of white Russian citizens were ethnically cleansed (in ways that make the HoloHoax appear kindhearted)"¦how peculiar. Perhaps no study was necessary, as they were undoubtedly pure blood Hebrew?Edited by: Thrashen


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
I never understand people that think thier haplogroup tells a lot about ancestry.You have millions of male ancestors , the y haplogroup that you have is just from 1 indivudal of them.

I think the haplogroup that the most of your ethncity have says more about your ancestry than the haplogroup you personally have by coincidence.

if for example 52% of white dutch have haplogroup R1b and i have E3b which 3% have, i wouldn't think i was very much of berber descent no i would think im probably around 3% too, but the farther of my farther etc. was berber and probaly about half of my male ancestors would have the west european haplogroup R1b it's just not my farther of farther etc.Y chromosome is given from farther to sun but your farther is half of ancestry, frather of farther 1/4 and every generation lessso what does it mather what your farther of farther like 20 generations back was which is only 0.0001 or so of you ancestry is.
I understand the people that find it intresting to know what the % of the haplogroups are but not why they spent a lot of money to know what thier haplogroup is which is very little of your ancestry.

Also a lot of haplogroups are older the the white race exist like it is today.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America

for the people that like to know the % of haplogroups in europe.You see that europeans are mixed differnt white tribes but R1b is tipically of west euroepeans in which north west have more R1b- s21 germanic and south west europeans more iberian R1b, but in this study they just take R1b as a whole.the slavic R1a is mostly east europe.You see that haplogroup J2 which is the highest in saoudi arabia and surrounding areas , is in europe in Greece is 25% and E 27% there and is 0% in iceland.The viking haplogroup I, I2b is the highest in Sweden 44% and the lowest in Sicily 4%.the arab genes from maternal ancestors is close to none and very pure old european mostly but this is about male ancestors.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I like how the usual suspects in cases like this fail to think through the consequences of their assumptions. Okay say Hitler has jewish and african ancestery, then doesn't this mean that those type of peoples should hold some responsibility for what he did? I mean it's not like he was aryan or anything, so there is no point in blaming aryan's cause Hitler wasn't aryan (according to this).

I also guess we can throw out that "race is a social construct" thinking. Clearly it's easy to determine what a race of a person is with a DNA test.

And I thought "jewish" was a religion, not a race. If so, how can one have jewish genes?

I guess there is no point in mentioning that these "tests" were done on "relatives". Who knows for sure who fathered who? It's not his actual DNA. Good enough for the state-run media though.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Hey, it's a slow news cycle. Gotta focus on something other than the Obama economy......

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
German Neo-Nazis don't regard Austrians as pure Germanics. Hitler was always worried about Magayar blood in Austrians. German racists also have worries about Bavarians having Italian and Arab blood as this area was conquered by the Roman Empire. Even non Neo Nazis make jokes about this.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Well, as it turns out, Kanye West is really Hitler. So I guess Hitler did have African roots! :biggrin: Here is a story detailing out-of-control negro Kanye's rant, and an excerpt below:

....he ranted in the middle of his set about being misunderstood and underappreciated. "I walk through the hotel and I walk down the street, and people look at me like I'm (expletive) insane, like I'm Hitler,"...


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Well, as it turns out, Kanye West is really Hitler. So I guess Hitler did have African roots! :biggrin: Here is a story detailing out-of-control negro Kanye's rant, and an excerpt below:

....he ranted in the middle of his set about being misunderstood and underappreciated. "I walk through the hotel and I walk down the street, and people look at me like I'm (expletive) insane, like I'm Hitler,"...

That under-talented, overexposed Rap = Crapster is an egomaniacal d0uchebag. He dares compares himself to the man who dang near conquered all of Europe?!

More like people compare (juden pushed) thug "Kangay" to a c0ckroach or dung beetle. :dodgy: