Study Applauds MLB for "Racial Diversity" Among Employees, but Says Not Enough Gender Diversity

Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages
The cultural Marxists give their grades:

NEW YORK -- Major League Baseball received a high grade for racial diversity among its employees but a middling mark when it comes to hiring women.
Baseball received its fourth straight A for race hiring in the annual report by Richard Lapchick's Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sports at the University of Central Florida.

MLB's grade for gender hiring fell to C+ from B- last year and a B in 2010. Baseball got an F among team vice presidents and a D among senior administration.

"It was primarily at the team level," Lapchick said Wednesday. "There was a significant drop in the percentage of women in professional positions at the team level."

Lapchick, who has been conducting his study since 1988, recommends that MLB commissioner Bud Selig direct teams to consider minorities and women of color for all front-office jobs, following the example set when he told them they must look at minorities when filling openings for manager and general manager. Baseball's central office was given an A+ for race and a B+/A- for gender

You heard it here folks. It's not about finding the right person for the job, it's all about finding the right TYPE of person for the job. and White is NOT right according to the hateful, racist, cultural Marxist, anti-whites.