Steve Sailer: What's in it for the Jews?

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
This is a fairly interesting article written by a dude about a book written by a guy married to a jew. both taylor and sailer have been accused of avoiding the jewish question and keeping a foot in the door of white nationalism for jews.

Jared Taylor's White Identity: What's In It For Jews?

By Steve Sailer

Link to VDARE


Nevertheless, an explicit white identity movement is unlikely to be tolerated. It's not so much that blacks, Asians, and Hispanics don't want this to happen. None of these groups are really all that powerful. Blacks tend to be colorful but not too competent; East Asians competent but colorless; Latinos culturally lethargic and unenterprising.

No, the much more serious roadblock to the emergence of white identity politics: more Jews don't want it to happen than do want it to happen.

Many Jews have strong reasons for their aversion to white identity politics, either irrational (the Cossacks are coming!) or rational (what's in it for me?).

Perhaps Taylor can persuade enough Jews to get onboard to make white identity respectable in the MSM and thus with the media's consumers, the public. He's striven manfully and graciously over the years to make Jews feel welcome in his movement and many Jews have written for American Renaissance.

Recall that neoconservatism emerged in the late 1960s, largely due to Jewish shopkeepers' fear of black crime and Jewish civil servants' fear of being fired by black politicians. Brilliant Jewish intellectuals like Nathan Glazer and Norman Podhoretz took their relatives' complaints seriously.

Still, over time, Jews mostly figured out it was simply easier to move away from blacks and get better jobs where they didn't have to deal with many blacks. Let other whites deal with them.

Thus Commentary lost interest in complaining about quotas, and neoconservatism morphed into mostly being an Israel Fan Club.

The fundamental question for 21st Century white identity politics is the same as for Armenians, just two or three orders of magnitude greater in media influence: What's in it for Jews?

Taylor has worked out strong justifications for why a white identity movement would be good for average, and particularly good for below-average, whites. But not many Jews are below the white average.

Jews are generally praised in the press for engaging in Jewish identity politics. So why would they instead want to engage in disreputable white identity politics? What's in it for them?

My alternative philosophy of "citizenism" proposed attacking identity politics at its most vulnerable points: Affirmative Action quota preferences for Hispanics and Asians. (See the debate between me and Jared Taylor on

Nobody can come up with a good justification for these privileges for immigrant groups. They just free-ride off the anti-white glamour of the 1960s black civil rights movement.

Indeed, there's no good reason for the "Hispanic"Â￾ category even to exist in government data. It's not a race, it's not an ethnicity, it's not a linguistic group, it's just a rent-seeking special privilege. Abolish the category! Once the data isn't collected anymore, nobody can use government it in lawsuits alleging "disparate impact"Â￾.

I did propose conceding permanent quotas for the descendants of American slaves. That's a high cost, but one we're likely to pay anyway.

Is my philosophy extolling solidarity among American citizens rather than among whites likely to prove more acceptable to the media gatekeepers that Taylor's white advocacy?

Sureâ€"in the sense that a two percent probability is twice a one percent probability. You'll note that, after all these years, I'm still using quotes around "citizenism" because nobody knows what the word is. It hasn't exactly swept the intellectual world.

This is a pretty depressing way to wrap up. But I do think it's safe to say that the conventional wisdom will change when it has to change. It probably won't change until it has to, but it will have to when it has to.

In other words, what historian Hugh Davis Graham called attention to in the title of his 2002 book, Collision Course: The Strange Convergence of Affirmative Action and Immigration Policy in America, can't go on forever. The mounting "racial ratio" of nonwhite beneficiaries to white benefactors means the system will inevitably break down under the weight of numbers. At that point, white consciousness could be forced into existence.

In the meantime, we can all be thankful that Jared Taylor has been thinking ahead.

Edited by: C Darwin


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Is Sailer jewish? I thought he wasn't. Anyway it's a good article about an excellent book by a great man. Jared Taylor has done more for white people then all of the politicians in the country combined. If white awareness is ever to mean anything it will be thanks in part to him. And I will add I have my differences with him but none the less what he stands for and continues to stand for in the face of everything aligned against him is impressive.

I would urge everyone to buy Jared Taylors book so as to stick up a big middle finger to all of those publishing companies that turned him down due to their anti-white bigotry. Nothing pisses off a jew like missing out on making a bunch of money from the goyim and this is a chance to make them hurt.

I also think a quote from Sailors article is true for the existance of the caste system in sports:

It doesn't fit The Narrative.

The Narrative? As Pulitzer Prize-winner Stephen Hunter explained in a recent novel:

"The narrative is the set of assumptions the press believes in, possibly without even knowing that it believes in them. It's so powerful because it's unconscious. It's not like they get together every morning and decide 'These are the lies we tell today.' No, that would be too crude and honest. Rather, it's a set of casual, nonrigorous assumptions about a reality they've never really experienced that's arranged in such a way as to reinforce their best and most ideal presumptions about themselves and their importance to the system and the way they have chosen to live their lives."[I, Sniper: A Bob Lee Swagger Novel, 2009Page 183]

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
My research was inaccurate. I can find no evidence that steve sailer is jewish. wikipedia has him as a swiss-german.Edited by: C Darwin


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I thought I read somewhere on one of his blogs a few years ago tht he was adopted and is 1/2 jewish.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bart said:
I thought I read somewhere on one of his blogs a few years ago tht he was adopted and is 1/2 jewish.



Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I like to shatter the myth of Jewishness only being people who follow Judaism by telling students that Jewishness is passed on from generation to generation. It is a race-religion. It is almost as if the light bulb comes on for some of them.